Sentences with phrase «people of this great state»

Nor do I lose sleep over any Texan claims to the first Thanksgiving, with all due respect to the people of that great state.
«When I ran for governor I told the people of this great state that I would clean up Albany and get the state's economy running once again.
«But in the end I will not compromise on the important work that you elected me to do, and I will not back down from my promise to the people of this great state.
«Those are the values, the values of the New York liberal politicians that have been hammering the people of this great state,» Cruz said, tagging de Blasio as the worst offender.
Simply stated, it was to have the Empire State Plaza be the «gathering place for the people of a great state
The voters see clearly that the IDC is a strong, stabilizing, sensible force for governing in New York State whose only agenda is getting things done for the people of this great state
«When it comes down to voting for Hillary Clinton or Mr. Sanders in November I am sure that the people of this great state and this great nation will go for the leader that's going to bring this great country into the future and make us again great.»
Hopefully the people of the great state of New York will now wake up and look at a map, and see that there is a huge state across all those bridges, and look toward upstate for their next Governor.
Governor Andrew Cuomo and our elected representatives in Albany have acted to decisively protect those who protect the people of this great state.
I look forward to getting to work right away for the people of our great state
«My heart goes out to the family of Senator Adeleke, and the people of the great State of Osun,» Saraki said.
I look forward to working with public unions in the same spirit Gov. Carey did - for the welfare of all the people of this great state.
«My campaign is this simple: I represent the people of the great state of New York and we want our government back,» says Cuomo, in a video released by his campaign.
«My campaign is this simple: I represent the people of the great state of New York and we want our government back,» says New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, in a video released by his campaign.
He is a Korean War hero and a longtime friend - both to me and to the people of this great State.
«It is the time to return dignity, integrity and performance to state government and begin making real progress for the people of this great state,» Cuomo said.
«I also want to thank the brave men and women of the State Police for their professionalism and service to the people of this great state.
We need to act, and act now, for the benefit of the people of the great state we call home.»
I applaud everyone's hard work and am very impressed by the thoughtfulness and innovation of the people of this great state
With five of our 30 + offices located here in Kentucky, we are dedicated to helping the people of this great state, including the citizens of Louisville.
We have seen a continuing shift over the past several years of elected officials working for the benefit of corporations and special interests, and away from helping the people of our great state.
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