Sentences with phrase «people on a single flight»

Not exact matches

Yesterday evening, my husband and I had quite a scare as out littlest one tumbled down our steep flight of city steps (hard hard wood that's not the most gentle on teeny tiny noggins), thankfully only leaving a few loose teeth, a bunch of bruises and a little blood, but it left every single person in our house shaken up.
Data from the sensors have also highlighted that even a single flight of stairs is a powerful psychological barrier: People who work on different floors of a building almost never talk to each other, even if doing so would mean a walk of less than a minute.
A single return flight from London to New York — including the complicated effects on the high atmosphere — contributes to almost a quarter of the average person's annual emissions.
A single person may well be able to get by on minimum wage (if their rent isn't too high and they don't buy good quality groceries or eat out a lot... — If you don't count tuition, I spent less than $ 20k last year and that includes a flight across Canada).
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