Sentences with phrase «people on the street»

I don't think there will be a lot of people on the streets now because we were told to stay indoors.
Go out there and try your product or service with people on the street if you have to.
Of 10 random people on the street asked if they knew the current price of a first - class stamp, only two answered with the correct response of 46 cents.
An explosion in the population of homeless people on the street.
And get off internet dating for a while and start looking for people on the streets.
We never met one homeless person on the streets who wasn't pleased to see us.
Maybe if YOU weren't so busy screaming at g - y people on a street corner along with the rest of your kind, you'd have realized that.
«The average person on the street doesn't care if a principal is «highly qualified,»» he said.
Put that website address everywhere that you can, tell people on the street about it.
We see people in the grocery store, we see people on the street.
Find out what people on the street say are the financial challenges women face and how they can deal with them.
What they often don't like listening to are ordinary people on the street as ordinary people tend to tell them things they don't want to hear.
They believe that will result in most people on the street being moved to shelters since the majority of the population is mentally ill.
I even got a hand full of compliments from people on the street the day I wore it out.
Every other person on the street and on the planet is a woman, and a reasonably high percentage of them have the ability to make all your dreams come true.
I often stand on the desk to wave at people on the street below.
When he shoots people on the street he's attracted by an unaffected physical presence.
The average person on the street probably won't be though — it's an unknown brand (to them), with online - only sales.
My first impression is it's crowded and I see a lot of poor people on the streets.
I'm very sure if you did this before / during / after the next few games you will soon find people on the streets and in the ground who will join you.
They put people on the street, inspire them to participate and ultimately drive them to vote in large numbers.
Sometimes it leaps up to the window and scares people on the street outside.
We have seen millions of people on the street demanding to approach, politically, that issue.
The average person on the street finally «feels» the recovery.
I mean in the developing world you see religious people on the streets with the poor.
It is not that somebody somewhere will gather people on the streets and say somebody has been removed.
We do not learn anywhere else, and we hardly get to know people on the street.
If you have a hundred people on your street team, that can mean a hundred reviews just as the book launches.
There are co-workers, family members, people in line with you, people on public transportation with you, customers, people on the street etc..
This simply means that a mixture of water paint and water or raw eggs is used to paint people on the streets, the goal being to paint as many people as you can.
From a graphic perspective, this area looks great, although I must admit it has very little in the way of people on the street etc, unlike other levels in the game.
You can fight people on the street and take their money.
During the course of the game you'll come across different people on the streets who need your help.
There's a lot of discussion about the bigger corporations making money from the smaller people on the street.
It is often easier to hide in our shells and look at our feet while walking rather than exchanging smiles with random people on the street.
I enjoyed meeting and talking with people on the street.
This is why you don't randomly stop people on the street.
Too many ordinary people on the street, who are frankly worried and concerned to do the best for their children, would not support these policies if they were aware of the evidence.
But if you ask most people on the street, the answer is that you collect $ 500.
If you asked the average person on the street what a title loan was a few years ago, they probably would have responded with a head scratch and a confused look.
We had tons of hours of footage of people on the street, many more who didn't make it into the film.
Whenever he saw people on the streets, they would kindly ask him how his recovery was going and reminded him to be more careful.
When a random person on the street in the United States is asked about bitcoin, he or she will usually respond that it is some sort of internet currency used to buy drugs online — if they've heard of it at all.
Now you're an individual plugged into a device, bumping into people on the street while you have this very internal experience.
For example this article about San Francisco entrepreneur Joe Garvey said that he gets 20 percent of his business revenue from meeting people on the street and networking while wearing crazy - looking, colorful, memorable pants!
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