Sentences with phrase «people opinion then»

How can you rip other people opinion then turn around and give yours?

Not exact matches

People who lack EQ form an opinion quickly and then succumb to confirmation bias, meaning they gather evidence that supports their opinion and ignore any evidence to the contrary.
All of these hire people to call all constituents or advocates and then transfer their opinions into written letters.
I'm the sort of person who is always happy to weigh in with an opinion, but then I'm always open to having my opinion evolve depending on new information and what I've learned from others.
«People are entitled to their own opinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts,» Merrill said, then detailing some of the voter fraud claims.
Cocky and conceited people tend to take a position and then proclaim, bluster, and totally disregard differing opinions or points of view.
I mean, you're telling me they went and opinion - surveyed 5,000 people and then decided to make a gorilla advert?
For those who don't know, a round - up post is when you propose a single topic then reach out to multiple people to weigh in on their opinions, answers, thoughts or beliefs.
If a person senses they are being a pain at work by expressing opinions that their employer does not like, and / or the manner in which those beliefs are delivered, then it is good sense to lower the tone or move on to another job.
Many people over the years have had opinions about things that later on recanted when faced with contrary viewpoints, perhaps you have just not realized that if there is a God and He commisioned the Bible then whatever He said could not possibly be either ignorant or prejudiced since He would be the ultimate authority...
And no surprise, since if we believe that Jesus is God, then that means Jesus» theology would be His study, theory, and opinion of Himself, which I don't think is really what anyone meant... But anyways, maybe I'm wrong there, but it made it awfully hard to understand what people actually meant.
These public figures are well protected by «yes» people and do respond to anything unless there is a huge groundswell of opinion (and even then there are too many examples of them closing ranks and supporting each other).
The Catholic Church's position on artificial birth control has NO basis in the teachings of Christ... it was not an issue then... the teaching is solely based on the opinion of the men running the church who claim «divine inspiration»... BULL... they wanted people to have more kids so they could contribute more money to the church so that the so - called «princes of the church» could maintain their princely life - style.
Yes it may be someones opinion that a certain sect isn't christian... but if that person believes in Christ then the first person is wrong... flat out.
But just as with a doctor diagnosing a disease, the «expert opinions» of the Bible scholars are only needed about 1 % of the time, and even then, a person would be wise to get «a second opinion» or even a third or fourth.
First, when a group is defended by world opinion, by a powerful organization, by the world's strongest nations (the U.S.S.R, China), can it then be said even if they still suffer terribly — that these people are truly abandoned and forgotten?
When the opinion of the conservative Christian becomes more important than the need of the person in their community, then they can feel justified in their actions and never have to confront their fears.
If the most knowledgeable people on a subject can not agree, how then are the rest of us to make an informed opinion one way or the other?
I happen to have met Bill Nye, in person, and in my opinion he's a conceited stuck up arrogant jacka $ $ who's managed to convince himself that because he had a «science» fair gig on a local comedy tv show in Seattle (Almost Live) that then got picked up by the Disney corporation that he now has qualifications that greatly exceed his actual faculties.
If you look at the actual segment of people who slavishly follow his show, compared to not only the rest of this nation but of a global audience related to all things papal, then there is no justification for promoting his opinion as if it mattered.
It is because many people can't stand not knowing something, so, much like someone might pick a sports team, they most often just get a general sense of what the prevailing local public opinion is and then claim that as their own.
Perhaps just not the same fields of study» Second — if one can't see these questions as an exercise in thought and rationale then that person has failed the test... placing opinion in the mix as to thwart the morons is just another test to see truly how moronic people can be!
In my opinion if someone thinks that a collection of books written by many people with hundreds of witnesses can be tampered with, then certainly scientific research and data can be tampered with as well.
@PUZZLED — well see my issus lies with the fact of how women were treated in ancient times — they were property and so allowing them to go thru all the emotionals and physicals of carrying and then giving birth only to toss it off a cliff isn't what i'd call good parenting — having an abortion for many people who should NEVER have kids is (in my opinion) good parenting!
My personal opinion is that when prayer is involved in songwriting and the songwriter is submitted to God and allows the Holy Spirit to lead them, then the song will have the message that God wants His people to hear, much the same as a Pastor who writes a sermon, God Bless you.
When one has nothing but an opinion, then the person is reduced to personal attacks.
If any of you have personally met someone then you can let your opinion of that person be known.
I'm a real person and since you can not address my opinion in an adult fashion then it means that you are one without a logical mindset not me.
If you chose to «believe» the people who demand your money or tell your children they will burn in h3ll if they don't follow your own opinions, and above all, if you have no respect or hope for yourself without a skydaddy and you have that desire to shove that down other peoples throats, then you are not smarter than a fifth grader
But all of this only reinforces my opinion that you should not condemn or judge a particular people group unless you are friends with someone from that people group (which then makes it nearly impossible to judge and condemn them).
Ronald... you are not doing any favors for «Romney / Ryan 2012» by saying something ignorant and then stating your support for them In fact, I think you are motivating the swing voters more than anyone else — no educated person would honestly say they agree with your statements or opinions.
If the person who wrote this article can't answer that question, then I have litte credence in their opinion.
in my opinion I believe that religion was brought on by a group of people who realized if they gave the weak a reason and answers to questions that could not be answered then they would rise above.
but if you expect people to respect you, then shouldnt you respect others who have a different opinion as well??? the truth is, not everyone thinks gay marriage is right.
I agree with Bill Maher, but then again I'm a lifelong atheist... I have never believed for one minute that the god as portrayed in the bible or koran has any possibility of being real to everyone, otherwise that god would make itself obvious and not hide behind man made lies and cultural practices that self perpetuate thanks fo fear... otherwise there would not be several thousand man made religions trying to claim that god as their own... yes, it is an opinion, only valid to the opinion holder and no one else... Bill, thanks for so strongly making that point, not that it makes any difference to god fearing people... they will hold on to their opinion as strongly as they hold on to their shotgun, thinking that each provides them with some form of security... to intelligent people, neither is secure and neither leads to true freedom of the mind...
If the religious people who feel that gay marriage is wrong understood that that opinion applies onto the themselves and not to people who believe differently then there would be little interest in what religious people of any description believed in (as an example).
However, with respect to the first of those issues, I find fascinating the British idea of «virtual representation,» which meant that so long as Parliament was a mixed deliberative body of persons that represented a variety of interests and opinions, then representation was real and valid even though citizens could not vote for members of Parliament.
I think that in the extreme case where you opinion is to absolutely reject the notion of God simply out of anger, or clinging to a simplistic and limited notion of God then this is the offense that religious people claim is a damnation on your soul.
If your faith teaches that it is okay to kill a living person for any but the most heinous of crimes (serial murder, serial rape, etc), then your faith is harmful, in my opinion.
And then to make the issue worse, people thought it was a good idea to go to the LOCAL store, which is owned by a franchise owner, who may or may not have the same opinion as the franchisor and do what...?
Every now and then, people actually ask my opinion before I've had a chance to give it to them for free, so I thought I'd respond to some questions I've received regarding John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin.
Richard drew heavily on his ever - present cigar, then agreed that some people might be justified in holding such an opinion.
I think then, suddenly, we can help people realize opinions versus spiritual prejudice that leads to spiritual abuse... and what is just stating an opinion versus invoking guilt or revenge by God.
If you can't prove your case then you should not reject another person's opinion who also can't prove his case.
This is no different than some young people going to college and leaving their brains at the door and swallowing evolutionary theory and purposely rejecting the obvious of what creation clearly shows except this is leaving your brain at the door of theology school and accepting man's opinion over what is clearly stated in the holy scriptures, and then teaching others false doctrine.
If you can force your opinion on everyone by saying that nobody knows what happens to us when we die (how do you know what other people do or do not know), then how is that any different from those that believe there is life after death preaching it to the world?
CNN does this all the time — finds a few people who happen to align with a political ideology and then in their description describes them in such a way as to generalize their opinions to millions of other people with similar political leanings.
I agree, sounds like she saw a market to make some money and randomly picked a side to go with and then misquoted and misinterperted the written facts and stamped her opinion on it to facilitate that specific group of people.
If anyone proposes to believe, i.e., imagines himself to believe, because many good and upright people living here on the hill have believed, i.e., have said that they believed (for no man can control the profession of another further than this; even if the other has endured, borne, suffered all for the Faith, an outsider can not get beyond what he says about himself, for a lie can be stretched precisely as far as the truth — in the eyes of men, but not in the sight of God), then he is a fool, and it is essentially indifferent whether he believes on account of his own and perhaps a widely held opinion about what good and upright people believe, or believes a Münchausen.
I think you should go with what makes you happy and what you feel passionate about and of course people will have their opinions and comments and that is ok because that is what makes this a free country, just consider their opinions and then do what you want, whether that be adjusting to their comments or not, it is YOUR cookbook and people will respect you for sticking to your own path.
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