Sentences with phrase «people opportunities»

PS + is so under appreciated for giving people opportunities to try games they normally wouldn't.
The governor said the committee would set up social media platforms in order to give young people the opportunity to participate in the discussion.
They have offered people opportunities based on their complete financial picture.
Mediation provides people an opportunity to be in control of working through their disputes and differences in a mutually beneficial manner.
It is aimed at allowing people an opportunity to purchase and either repair or renovate the property before moving in.
That gives more people the opportunity to join a start - up, cash out — and try again.
Speed dating is a process that allows single people the opportunity to meet many prospective romantic matches in one place at scheduled speed dating events.
However, free dating website give such people an opportunity to take their time, get comfortable, and then open up with the people they are interested in.
For many people the opportunity to do their shopping from the comfort of their home is a convenient and affordable option.
What he had not done was to present this concept as a workable one which avoids mere pleasant dreaming and affords people an opportunity to get in and help.
What makes us different is finding an active «lead» investor for every deal and giving experienced business people the opportunity to really get involved.
The project will give Indigenous people the opportunity to tell their own stories through an online resource.
In your hiring process, strive to give multiple people an opportunity to provide input on whether or not a candidate is the right fit.
Our church has refused people opportunities they volunteered for because they were already volunteering for a couple of other things.
If you have in - person opportunities with your community, please help parents walk through the site and access this important information about their child's learning and progress each year.
Selling The Big Issue gives homeless people the opportunity to earn a legitimate income.
Give the passive - aggressive person an opportunity to contribute positive options.
Past programs all too often assumed answers and did not allow young people the opportunity to practice making their own decisions within a safe climate.
Mediation offers people the opportunity to resolve their disputes with the help of a neutral person trained in mediation skills, domestic violence issues, financial issues, and other relevant topics.
Mediation provides people an opportunity to be in control of working through their disputes and differences in a mutually beneficial manner.
«It gives more people an opportunity to get into the game and get more playing time and more plate appearances,» she said of playing both positions.
In addition, a concept evaluation allows people an opportunity to provide helpful suggestions and advice.
It would be a terrible shame not to provide to such people an opportunity to trade cryptocurrencies and be a part of the exponentially growing market where anything is possible.
The advancements in medical science have afforded people an opportunity to live longer.
It also gives people the opportunity to see the quality of your items first hand.
Another benefit of providing local indigenous people the opportunity to complete a teaching degree is that they are more likely to work within their communities for the long - term.
Dating apps offer people the opportunity of knowing that there are still so many people out there that they have not met or interacted with.
This will allow you or your family to bring in income on the side will giving other people an opportunity experience the beauty of Belize.
«The whole idea of IDNYC was to give people the opportunity in this city to live a better life for themselves in this city.»
Local authorities stand accused of denying people the opportunity to drive electric vehicles after it emerged that just five councils have come forward for Government funding to introduce charging points
And substantial numbers of current Conservative voters are also concerned that delaying retirement would mean fewer jobs for younger people (35 %) and deny working people the opportunity to enjoy a well - earned retirement.
Those earlier tariff cases gave US importers and other interested persons an opportunity to argue whether such added duties are justified and an opportunity to seek judicial review of agency decisions.
We grant people the opportunity to obtain financial freedom.
(18) The Commissioner shall give the person who made the complaint, the person about whom the complaint is made and any other affected person an opportunity to make representations to the Commissioner.
Generally our philosophy is to collaborate with talented young professionals on a freelance or project by project basis giving a variety of different people the opportunity to gain hands on experience.
Unanswered questions provoke wonder and fascination, and at least offer the informed lay person the opportunity to develop an opinion every bit as valid as the scientist's.
«And I've always believed that if you give people an opportunity through business, they have the ability to change the world.»
Oliver made a decision to spend his money somewhere else and presumably offer the average person the opportunity of getting a flavor of the high - class lifestyle.
They believe that they are giving deceased persons an opportunity to choose: «Mormons believe that baptism provides the deceased with the opportunity to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints, but not the obligation.
This unique position provides the human person the opportunity to express the two great dimensions of reality, matter and spirit, as complementary elements which enrich each other and form a single whole.
-- I wasn't being open and transparent; — I couldn't be confronted in areas I was wrong; — I wasn't giving judgmental people the opportunity to learn to be good neighbors; and — I was enabling my own dishonesty.
Time and time again God gave his chosen people opportunities to change, God is holding His Son back from coming so that more will be saved.
it is not the right of any agency to apply their own personal hatred towards religious people at the expense of doing good and deprioving religious people the opportunity to help.
Just # 1 can pay for a «Ability Counts» Football session which gives disabled people the opportunity to get involved in the beautiful game.
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