Sentences with phrase «people organize their lives»

People organize their lives in all sorts of fascinating and complicated ways — sharing is only one of many possibilities.
My satisfaction comes from helping people organize their lives.

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Conscientious people have a tendency to organize their lives well.
A large team of people helps him and his bandmates stay organized and keep their creative lives on track.
People that are co-parenting don't need to be reminded every day that they're divorced, they just need a place to organize their hectic lives that is friendly and useful,» Whitney says.
And black people, unfortunately, continue to be criminalized for our moments of courage, for our moments of mourning and grieving,» Black Lives Matter Network co-founder Patrisse Cullors said when asked about the differing reactions to Parkland and black racial justice organizing during a HuffPost Black History Month panel earlier this week.
I think a person who lives by the examples that Christ did, is far more important than organized religions demand that you «accept» him.
I have known many LDS people in my life and what I've seen is people who are there to serve others — to listen, to prepare meals, organize events etc..
Yes, citizens have a right to know «about the people who poisoned their lives» without being mired in a near - industrialized settling of old scores in «games organized by the Great Lustrator.»
This image must include the notion of humanity living in symbiotic harmony with the natural environment, and organized technologically and politically in such a way as to provide equal access to the means of human fulfillment to all of the earth's people.
«I think in people's lives who grew up in some sort of organized religion, there really comes a time when you start to question things more,» he said.
I've found my people without the striving and organizing, without the Official Sanctioned Church Programs, nope, we just all came into each other's lives, right at the time when we were meant to be there, we stayed open to finding each other, a part of me was always watching for the hints of my people, and so when I found them, I recognised them, I did.
OR, might God choose to reveal truth through the experiences of a people who tried to be true to him, certain moral principles, failing again and trying again, people looking for universal truths and communicating them to their children generation after generation, orally and through writing things down, organizing themselves into communities and societies, aiming for justice, teaching each other, defending their families, lives, cities, and governments.
a set of values, beliefs, and structure in a person's life in order to give them direction and a sense of right and wrong is fine, but organized religions are no more than large corporations, and like any large corporation are only focused on their bottom line... trying to control the public and extract as much money as they can from them by any means necessary... promoting fear, uncertainty, hate and a sense that they alone can offer salvation... for a price (although they are very cleaver about getting to this hidden and unspoken cost... after all these hundreds of years they have perfected their craft well!)
Industrial development has brought workers into the great urban organizing centers and in the process has driven a wedge between a person's work life and his or her home life.
He organized fundraisers for slain journalists, taught convicts in Chicago to read, and risked his life to tell the stories of people living under the brutal rule of dictators.
The leaders within organized religions have made people believe in images of angry gods demanding all sorts of sacrifices «as no one can live up to what that image wants of us».
Home, school, and community life should be organized democratically, with respect for every person and with a grant of freedom in proportion to social maturity.
The people need the land and freedom to organize their own life in order to realize the goal of community.
Its a huge organized con game run by people who don't want to work for a living.
'» The pastor must not only convert lost souls; he must organize the church to assist all persons who respond to the gospel in building «their faith and life and applying their faith to society.»
The reason that more people, especially younger people, drift from organized religion but retain a faith in a god is because we finally live in a world where it is okay to question religious «authority».
According to Alan Miller, there seem to be three types of people: organized religionists whose deep quest for spiritual fulfillment is satisfied by mindlessly memorizing their creed's dogma and putting all doubts aside; athiests who completely reject any spiritual aspect to life whatsoever; and a gaggle of wishy - washy slackers who have copped out by not defining themselves by either of these rigid and self - certain camps.
Interestingly enough, that exists in almost every religion and since God's people encompass the planet, that makes far more sense than relying on a 2,000 year old book written by uneducated men and a corrupt machine that is organized religion to rule my life:
I refer to the notion of a planetary society living at peace with nature and with God organized in such a way as to provide all persons with equal access to the available means of human fulfillment.
This change was natural enough; for when it became necessary to readjust the Christian outlook to the indefinite postponement of the second advent and judgment, the Church had to organize itself as a permanent society living the life of the redeemed people of God in an unredeemed world.
The gulf between a soul, any soul, and living occasions not organized into living persons is vast, but it must not be confused with the gulf that separates man from the rest of the world.
At other times crisis intervention is carried on by helping the person to gain cognative control of his own thought processes — by helping him to structure, to outline, to list in an organized and rational way the different elements of his life.
Westboro Baptist is not a real church, they are hiding behind the appearance of an organized church, but there are no members besides Fred Phelps family, they do not have a place of worship, their sole purpose is to protest at funerals, of gay people and members of the military, which is not protected by the first amendment, it is harassment of people on the worst day of their lives, when they have to bury a loved one.
I have had a growing suspiciion in my heart about organized church and at what cost people are try it keep it and that it becomes our God the church rather than God and the work of the Spirit in our lives and the lives we touch in our midst.
'» The report says, in essence, that people born after 1980 aren't participating in organized religious life to the same degree as previous generations, and that this is particularly true of evangelicals.
In its broader sense the word politics means human attempt to structure or organize life or society for the benefit of the people concerned.
If we pursue these eccesiological motives, the church will not be an organized closed community marked by rigid boundaries as at present, and competing with religious communities but a congregation of believers meeting for spiritual fellowship around the Word and the Sacraments, meant to equip them for Christian living, struggles of justicefor the people and evangelistic mission in religiously pluralistic or secular social economic and political institutions.
He has been bringing people into our lives that share our thoughts about organized church, some for a long period, some for a short while, and others just on a one time basis.
As Comstock and his associates note: «Television has introduced a fifth and artificial season to the four natural ones around which people have always organized their lives... It differs from the natural seasons by remaining with us in some guise throughout the year.»
On St. Thomas's view, freedom is in fact the great organizing principle of the moral life — and since the very possibility of a moral life (the capacity to think and choose) is what distinguishes the human person from the rest of the natural world, freedom is the great organizing principle of a life lived in a truly human way.
We hold these truths to be self - evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
It's a program organized by people who feel the American way of life is threatened by Islam — in particular, Sharia, or Islamic law.
Civilization is the dimension of religio - culture which, through its long process of historical cumulation and geographical expansion, constitutes the matrix of community life of the peoples; its inner, organic nexus crosses the boundaries of human communities, organizing them into a large - scale constellation.
Dudley's third group of distinctive church members are the «socializers,» the people who come to life in organizing the games, dinners, and other gatherings that enable heterogeneous people to unite in common fellowship.
Within the more traditional framework, fundamentalism has been described as a «world - view,» a rather tight (or narrow, or simplistic) view of the world — an orientation that is perhaps hierarchically organized around the ultimate value of otherworldly salvation, an orientation that supplies totally encompassing normative expectations for how people should behave, a set of beliefs and assumptions that are deeply meaningful to the people who hold them and that give meaning to these people's lives.
A major area of interest to process thinkers, for example, are the myths, images, models, paradigms, and rituals around which people organize their experiences and through which they find significance and meaning for their lives.
The Roman government, like all organized forms of human life, disliked two kinds of people outlaws, who were below the level and would not live up to it, and saviors, who were above the level and would not live down to it.
Or as a more observant person may call it: not cleaning or organizing and living like a slob until my husband comes home.
It's an awesome way to keep track of your life, especially for people who like to stay organized.
If they can be organized either Korean or English alphabetical order or a space where one can search for a dish, I think it will be very convenient.Regardless what I said, I am grateful to you having this site available, especially for the people who live abroad.
I look at some people in my life and think things would be so much better for me if I could just be more like them - more organized, in control, disciplined.
Though he had never picked up a basketball, let alone competed in organized athletics in Nigeria («I'd always been the person who cheered at events,» he says), Festus joined a low - level AAU team and scored the first points of his life at age 15.
The happiest people intentionally organize their lives so they have time to kick back and enjoy life.
Step one is to organize your entire life, home and people included.
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