Sentences with phrase «people out of the gene pool»

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These are the very people that we should be taking OUT of the gene pool, so that future generations might be more intelligent and rational.
I think when your «disagreement» involves stripping the people of legal rights, pushing them out of the public sphere, removing them from the gene pool, or otherwise wishing to make their lives difficult..
I hope one day that weak minded deluded people are bred out of the gene pool.
Neanderthals died out some 40,000 years ago but their contributions to the gene pool is still highly evident today in how people look and what kind of state their health is in.
He does have one particular obsession, and that is the so - called Darwin Awards, which are fictional annual awards (delivered in book and internet form) given to people who die through acts of sheer stupidity (a man straps a jet engine to his car, a woman puts an RV in cruise control thinking it will drive itself, etc.), thus taking the dumbest among us out of the human gene pool.
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