Sentences with phrase «people permission»

I sometimes feel like I need to give people permission to turn a light on during the day if they have a dark corner in their home.
This is an exciting interactive website dedicated to giving people the permission and the tools to discuss their choices and thoughts on end of life and End of Life Care with their friends and loved ones.
I love giving people permission to be themselves.
You do have to grant people permission to drop in, however.
Posted in NWEI Discussion Courses, Perspectives Tagged dialogue and climate change, dialogue and social change, engagement, giving people permission to care, new forms of engagement, power of conversation, why conversation is important in effecting change 2 Responses
This is about giving people permission to care.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
by Deborah McNamara on February 18, 2015 2 dialogue and climate change dialogue and social change engagement giving people permission to care new forms of engagement power of conversation why conversation is important in effecting change
Gaignard's complete occupation of the space gives people permission to enter the narrative of another and leave considering the foreign as perhaps a little more familiar.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Creating a trusting, safe space and giving people permission to step outside their comfort zone is critical in leading across boundaries and problem solving across sectors.
To authorize is to give people permission to tell their own stories, and partners want that permission.
«We're creating this myth that everything is awful, which then gives people permission to just say, «Well, let's blow the whole system up.
I have no problem openly talking about how in terms of our culture, I was the problem; I was the one that gave people permission to use excuses not to change because I was the one using the excuses.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
«I would be upset if I was watching, and I think we need to give people permission to be upset,» actor says
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As The Guardian reports:»... accounts from hundreds of people caught inside the pens for hours indicated police refused people permission to leave.»
«If Dear Abby is talking about it, it gives other people permission to talk about it.»
They themselves are to take the matter to the football authorities in months to come, having been somewhat perversely denied by the Olympic people permission to take over the Olympic hockey stadium.
I found that it gave other people permission to say, «Phew!
If a pastor is comfortable talking about all aspects of human life, this gives the people permission to discuss everything that touches their lives when they gather.
If you're Bob Dylan in the «60s, you give people permission to think differently than their parents did.
... If you're a worship leader, you give people permission to talk to the Lord, have a dialogue and express their heart.»
In fact, I have noticed that my not - drinking has given other people permission to stop, too.
And that's why giving people permission to leave church is so important (many of whom will eventually leave anyway).
Please understand that I am not trying to give people permission to sin.
It is passing strange that the same people who describe ours as a society driven by selfishness and greed are, at the same time, so insouciant about giving people permission to kill others whom they find burdensome.
Today's cartoon is an attempt to give people permission to cry.
What is powerful about someone like that opening up — and the same thing goes for Sheryl — is that it gives people permission to express vulnerability.
Yet, we give our people permission to try things, to tinker, to challenge.
Don't give the person permission to do something that they can do without you: Few things make customers angrier than a customer service representative who responds to a customer's threat to never do business with the company again by saying, «well that's certainly your choice.»
I know that is not always possible as many people don't have access to each other, and I am not saying to seek the persons permission and thereby be shut down, I am saying that when possible to give the benefit of the doubt to the person and to talk with them or correspond with them directly.
However, once that mainstream had been established, a certain underground ethic intensified and regularized rock's radical commitment, gathering cultural strength, and from 1988 - 1997 it actually grew popular, probably with the economic prosperity provided by Anglosphere conservatives and the security provided by the collapse of the USSR subconsciously giving many persons permission for indulging in greater radicalism.
We reserve the right to deny any person permission to link to this website.
To the best of my knowledge in Italy you need permission to take a picture of a person if the presence of someone materially impacts the image - for instance if you are photographing someone sleeping on the bench, and if they weren't there it is only a bench; then you need that persons permission, but if it is a crowd scene then it doesn't matter if one person is there or not - so you don't need permission.
With this policy, you will need to be listed as the owner who gives the person permission to insure your car.
You didn't give the person permission to operate your car.
Drop - in also works for any contact in your Alexa app — but only after you give that person permission to drop in on you in the individual contact listing.
A sense of calm gives a person permission to know what he or she knows, and to see what he or she sees.

Not exact matches

Plus, if you get email addresses from people who didn't give permission to have their email address given out (or sold), you'll then be spamming them.
Some raised worries that patients aren't ready to own their data — both in terms of being medically literate enough to correctly interpret it, or to fully understand the permissions and consent issues that compel people to share research - essential data.
With the new Echo that features a screen, users have the options to voice call, video call or «drop in» — which lets users instantly connect with the person they are calling if they enable «drop in» permission (kind of like an intercom).
First he would need that person's permission, and then he would have to do the dreary work of adding the new material to a central database.
To pull it off, Catullo's team had to get over 180 permits to do the shoot, create a perimeter around the Acropolis that included over 400 security people, bring in their own TV truck and all key gear from the U.K., and become the first production granted permission to film at the Parthenon in almost 60 years.
«If you address it honestly and explain why it's not good for your company, you give employees permission to tell people that they don't want to participate in gossip.»
«Don't put the person in a position of having to ask permission like a child when they need to miss a day of school and have to get a doctor's note,» he says.
From 2017 through 2018, people will need to give permission to the Edge browser to run Flash when they visit a website that use the tech.
Until then, if people visit a site that uses Flash, they will be prompted to give the web site permission to run Flash.
Never assume people who make fun of themselves give you permission to poke the same fun at them.
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