Sentences with phrase «people placing my name»

«I'd be foolish to say if there was a panic if I'm one of the people placing my name out there for consideration.

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GoDaddy has been around a long time, and some people think of it as only a place to buy domain names.
«The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in this country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place,» his statement read.
These include: itinerary details; the name of the person or organization paying for the trip; the names of every country the applicant has visited in the past 10 years (99 for me); the applicant's current and two previous places of work; every educational institution the applicant has attended; all the professional, civil, and charity organizations of which the applicant is a member or with which he has «cooperated»; the names of all the applicant's relatives in Russia; the details of any training in firearms, explosives, nuclear weapons, and «biological and chemical substances» (which arguably would include everything from acidophilus yogurt to Drano); and details of the applicant's military service, including rank and occupation.
Kirstine has been named to the Maclean's list of the most powerful Canadians (just two places behind Justin Trudeau), to Toronto Life's list of the most influential Torontonians and to Canadian Business's 2015 list of the top 50 most powerful business people in Canada.
A very common reason we have trouble remembering people's names - sometimes only seconds after being introduced - is that we are not paying attention in the first place.
Named one of the best «Best Places to Work in the Valley» by the Phoenix Business Journal for the last seven consecutive years, the Chandler Regional Medical Center is dedicated to its employees and credits its success on the people who care for its patients.
Ravishankar's appointment on the board of Capital Float (trade name of Zen Lefin Pvt. Ltd) took place in January, the person said.
If any other matters are properly presented for consideration at the 2018 Annual Meeting, including, among other things, consideration of a motion to adjourn the 2018 Annual Meeting to another time or place, the persons named as proxy holders, Elon Musk, Deepak Ahuja and Todd Maron, or any of them, will have discretion to vote the proxies held by them on those matters in accordance with their best judgment.
Substitution requests must be received via email from the original attendee requesting cancellation of their registration and include the name of the person (from the same company) who will be taking their place, as well as their email address.
Tuur: [00:35:40] And I think there might be a bit between a rock and a hard place to people who are you know trying to push 2x through because even though they say they have support of over 90 percent of the Bitcoin miners which is remains to be seen it's really a matter of whether the 2x token or chain is going to be supported by the exchanges and if so how it's going to be named.
Jim Rohn famously said, You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with As a young investor starting out it would serve you well if you can spent time with Warren Buffet (vicariously) by reading his fantastic letters At Tankrich - We have taken an initiative to share his learnings through our video channel This week having finished the partnership letters I thought it would be good if I could document those learnings in a single place After few weeks of editing here is the final copy for you on Learnings from Warren buffett partnership letters Below is Table of content of this ebook [l2g name = «Learnings From Warren Buffet partnership letters» id = «1148»] Download a copy by sharing any of the above social links (I do...
(Unmasking is a regular occurrence — despite Failing POTUS» many attempts to imply otherwise — and takes place when otherwise hidden names of US Persons are revealed in order to provide context to some intel reporting.
The woman's name is Grace Buscher and, without her, the Coco Palms would not have become the legendary place people fondly remember — a Hawaiiana resort on the tropical island of Kauai, steeped in Hawaiian culture and exuding aloha spirit.
If people could just follow the teachings for themselves and leave others alone to live as they believe, then the world would truely be a better place where millions were never slaughtered in the name of some one elses god.
Well, a lot of those wars that were committed in the name of religion also happened to bring considerable profit to highly placed people in the aggressor nations.
For now, venture capitalist Peter Thiel has put his name and money behind Instapray, a social network offering «a safe place that connects people around the world through prayers.»
However I find it invaluable as a place to take my pagan unchurched friends and have them taught the word by people more knowledgeable and grace - filled than I. Also as a place to be encouraged to hold the course and not revert to the old me which prefers kicking a ** and taking names over compassion, concern and giving my time / resources to the benefit of other.
One stops to think of actual countries of sand, which include more than a few particularly violent locales, places where people are not as willing as Mary Oliver to concede the comfy and common received idea of liberal Christianity that we all worship the same deity by «whatever name
Confession time here: although I don't usually end up at places such as drunken parties, stripper bars and porn shops while hanging out with friends, since those activities and places hold little appeal for me, I know I need to stay away from certain «religious» people, those who seem to love only themselves and who seem hell - bent on being nasty to people they describe as «sinners», supposedly in the name of truth - telling.
While I am all in favor of a person who believes in (place name of favorite diety here) as President, there is no way I would trust this guy.
I haven't placed my faith in people, who do many terrible things in the name of God.
I wandered through other church traditions, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, meditative, mystic, seeker - sensitive, emerging, ancient - future, denominational, mega-church, old church, new church, basement church, no church for a while there: you name it, I found my way there and I found the people of God in each place, I did.
And, in a very strange reinterpretation of American history, Huckabee declared, «I believe America is an exceptional country created out of the providence of God because of the prayers of people who, on their knees, begged for a place where they could be free and raise their children in the freedom to worship and to speak out and to protest, and where every person was equal to every other person in intrinsic value and worth and no person was worth more or worth less because of how much land they owned, what their last name was, what their occupation was and what their bloodline was.»
In the Old Testament we see the change of the name of a person taking place in keeping with a change in that person's work and mission.
Jesus spoke of «Gehenna»... a specific place... a «name» of a place that the Jewish People He was rebuking and speaking to would understand.
In my opinion it probably served a purpose for a time, but I agree that what may have started as a sincere desire to question presuppositions now has become a place where people are about name, career, money, ego, etc. just like every other established religious structure.
The church can help people remain stable in the midst of crises by providing a place for people to simply name their thoughts, feelings and fears without having to defend them.
There is no where in any part of Quran or Sunnah where it says people or youth are to be chained... and kept in dungeons... Thisnis ignorance, arrogance and conspiracy done by ill hearted people in the name of religion when it is by no mean a part of religion... I have seen such cases only at remote poor areas when they have mentally sick youth or people who could be dangerous for others and can not afford to hospitalize are being kept chained like that but not in religious establishments, rather at places where fraud witch doctors who claim that those are possessed...!!!
If you name names in a public place such as this and allege that those people committed certain offenses, it is reasonably certain what you are doing.
You can post comments without naming people, but as soon as you make accusations like this in a public place, you (and I) can get into serious trouble.
Because the name is one with the essence of the thing named great care and ceremony were exercised in the giving of names; and we find reflected in the legends of Genesis an inordinate interest in the origin of ancient names of both places and people.
The writers accurate use of common names of the time shows they had access to reliable information about the people and places involved in the history of Jesus and that their writings took place at about the same time as the events (there would have been no way to access information regarding names of that time hundreds of years after the period, remember, no books, no libraries, etc..)
In this sense a process hermeneutic will be more fully «secular» than the new hermeneutic, since it will recognize that all beings, in all times and places, who can in the full sense be named human persons, are — simply by virtue of their humanity — capable of grasping (and being grasped by) the message of the text.
Those ministries range from helping the homeless, providing space for ministry classes, providing classes to people in the midst of job transition, place for youth to gather in a safe and supervised environment, the region's largest multi-week summer program for 1000 + children, to name just a few.
One of these dubious deterministic friends of religion is a former student of mine named Huston Smith, a pleasant, likeable person, who enjoys his complex view, in which he finds places for a number of recent writers, though he knows how little some of us agree with it.
Name one place where Christianity has stepped foot, and where the indigenous peoples were allowed to continue practicing their religion?
If being a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist (not naming a lot sorry), truly (and I mean TRULY) makes you want to make this world a better place by not judging people, then you chose the right religion.
Good Christians are interviewed by the police in their homes for daring to express Christian teaching on homosexuality, a charity worker is sacked for even discussing such views with a fellow worker, home - schoolers are placed under suspicion, a nurse is sacked for praying with a patient, and campaigners seek to force organisations in the name of equality to employ people who want to cross-dress part - time.
Likewise, the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s changes to its policy took place over a much longer time than Azumah names, involved persons holding many positions left undescribed, and came about not because the denomination chose to ignore the Scriptures but because over time, many of us became convinced that there are theologically and historically faithful ways of reading the Scriptures that find space for contemporary understandings of homosexuality.
Your name alone tells me that you have no respect for people in the first place.
The only time sides must be chosen, is when political or temporal power is being amassed in the name of a religion, which is the reason people have been moving away from religions in the first place.
It would be lovely to stop these ppl from using the Sikh name and religion yet they do have the legal right to call themselves or there place of worship anything they choose.
One of the most important functions of language is the giving of names and the assigning of value to persons, events, experiences, objects, and places.
Every student of literature goes through a phase of romanticizing the Romantics — memorizing «The Raven» even when it's not been assigned, keeping a copy of Leaves of Grass on one's person at all times, feigning interest in Moby Dick, resolving to name one's first child Pearl, writing Emerson quotes on note cards and sticking them all over the place.
Kind of makes your god seem weak when he can't do anything to stop people from using his name until after they're dead, and even thn you don't get any proof that any punishment actually takes place.
Except for the titles «First,» «Baptist,» and «Methodist,» all names of persons, organizations, and places are fictitious.
But when we see the people on the other side of the debate as the enemy (by calling them names, labeling them or demeaning their convictions), we miss the point of what «fighting for our faith» is supposed to be about in the first place.
It was about taste and sensitivity of placing a mosque two blocks from the site of an atrocity that killed 3,000 people in the name of the religion the mosque is being built under.
The very fact that the name of this Messiah means «God saves» shows that no matter what Jesus was like as a person, the correlation of these texts and language, written at different times and in different places all communicate the same message: Jesus was the Son of God, the Word made flesh and thus, one can not deny it, he had to be telling the truth.
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