Sentences with phrase «people reading my post»

Because young people read these posts and the more minds we can help elevate out of the nonsense of religion, the better the country will be.
If just one person reads a post on here and thinks, «He may be right» and then goes and actually researches his religion and sees the ignorance behind it then my work is done.
@jimtanker «If just one person reads a post on here and thinks, «He may be right» and then goes and actually researches his religion and sees the ignorance behind it then my work is done.»
Heck, it may only be «some» of the people reading this post, but it is the vast majority of Christianity that would consider this heresy.
Just as a matter of interest Bernardo, to what extent do you think people read your posT's and reflect on their content, and to what degree skip over them without much thought about them?
I hope and pray that some biblical truth seeps into the hearts of people reading the posts here looking to justify themselves and their opinions.
Most people reading his post really don't care that Dudley lied about what the bible says.
If the people reading the post were really concerned about sex slavery and human trafficking, wouldn't some of them leave a comment?
I'm astounded that people read your posts, obviously for the only reason of being able to write judgmental comments.
This meant that not only had people read my posts about being pregnant with BB but they'd enjoyed them enough to nominate me for an award.
I can imagine, hope, that people reading this post might also have a little fun with nostalgia!
Obviously, that isn't anything new or exciting and I'm pretty sure 85 % of the people reading this post also wear off the shoulder tops and ripped jeans.
Thousands of business people read our posts daily to keep up to date on compliance changes, developing trends and best practices in HR management.
I hope plenty of people read your post because it can help quite a few if they read it with a receiving frame of mind.
It's true that people reading a post / article will skip through to find key messages.
If they expired on or after December 2002 (which applies to most people reading this post), then they are eligible for reactivation.
Id be happy if even one person read this post and booked a ticket to somewhere in Central America Nicole Connolly recently posted... Six Experts Answer Your House Sitting Questions (Part 3)
It is a bit off topic, because I imagine people reading this post aren't looking for house sitters, but are wanting TO house sit.
People read my post with a whole host of preconceived notions, and filter out some things and amplify others.
I think perhaps 12 people read my post Agenda 21: The United Nations Threat To Control Our Lightbulbs, Our Lifestyles and Our Lives, where I describe the right wing threat to smart growth, transit, sustainable development, historic preservation and just about anything that TreeHugger types might believe in.
Most people read their posts only by chance.
It is likely every person reading this post will be involved in a car accident in his or her lifetime and most likely need an Arkansas Car Accident Attorney.
Thousands of business people read our posts daily to keep up to date on compliance changes, developing trends and best practices in HR management.
I think people reading this post should give some of these symbols a try.
Many people read this post and then wonder, «what if I have nothing to put in my portfolio?»
Corn on the Job Wisdom for Job Seekers Blog About Archives COTJ Blog Roll Corn Heads Contact Subscribe That time I got a typewritten resume... by Rich DeMatteo on August 17, 2010 How many people reading this post know how to use a typewriter?
Thousands of business people read our posts daily to keep up to date on compliance changes, developing trends and best practices in HR management.
A lot more people read posts than you can tell by «like» or «comments.»

Not exact matches

«If you look at our app for one hour — without touching it, just reading it — you could look at your city, your country, the whole world, and see people minute by minute posting their specific needs — for a developer, a co-founder, whatever,» says Neumann, 36.
If people can watch a 3 - minute video instead of reading a 500 - word blog post, they will.
(Read Dan's post; it's a great look at why so few people follow a routine of daily, intensive practice... and why, for those that do, it's transformative.)
You can read Manson's full post — «1,500 people give all the relationship advice you'll ever need» — on his blog.
Once I've been successful with one piece of content, I go to every content publisher I can find and tell them that I can write a guest post on their blog on a topic that I've previously written about, that more than 50,000 people have read and loved.
Most Twitter users don't look at tweets that are more than a couple of hours old, so if you want people to actually read your posts, you should time them for when you have the largest live audience.
All the other white ppl are wondering why it's never happened to us when we do the same thing,» the caption of the video posted to Twitter read.
Once you've determined that the person is engaged (they're opening emails, visiting your site, reading your blog posts, etc.) then you can begin to send them content that is more product - related.
It's no surprise, then, that some of the best advice I ever read about copywriting actually came from a blog post about how to maintain your self - confidence in dating: People don't reject you; they reject your approach.
Solution and a better strategy: Start reading that person's posts.
In a fascinating post on The Conversation blog, Maynard makes an argument that won't surprise anyone who has read any fictional account of human's interplanetary future — colonizing other planets probably won't bring out the better angels of our nature, and any attempt to put people on Mars will require overcoming serious social and political problems, such as:
He's a social media influencer with more than 275,000 followers and his blog posts have been read by 4 million people.
When you think Huffington Post you realize that many people will create content for the masses to see or read for free.
People love to read list posts because their inherent structure telegraphs to readers that they'll be able to consume larger amounts of information with less effort.
Users can't post comments on Altman's blog, but many people who read his thoughts on political correctness were eager to respond.
Publishing content that will keep people at the edge of their seat waiting to read the next post.
Other people retweet articles or posts seemingly without reading the full content.
This post is for the literally hundreds of people I've had this conversation with and the countless others who will read it.
I read all these posts about high salaries / contributions to 401ks and it makes me wonder if I'm really that bad or if all you people are really that good?
It is important to wright effective titles that contain a couple of your keywords as well as making it sound interesting so people will read your post.
But so that you finish reading my post first; — RRB - I'll give you the summary version — when approaching somebody at a show be polite / respectful of time, try to be introduced if possible and never assume the person remembers who you are.
«A small number of people who logged into «This Is Your Digital Life» also shared their own News Feed, timeline, posts and messages which may have included posts and messages from you,» reads the warning.
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