Sentences with phrase «people see house»

Were we supposed to say no to the full - priced offer and wait until more people saw the house, so that it could be exposed to a larger market?
this is big for all of us... the house was clean... but totally empty... no staging at all... we don't have to do everything that we are told... when people saw our house furnished they loved it and wanted it... but it sold with the vision of the home the lady wanted... not mine... be kind to yourself melissa... you know Who is in charge... and He will not let you down... blessings

Not exact matches

Watch House of Cards (speaking of creeps...) or any old episode of Behind the Music, and the story about power you'll see is simple: a nice, ambitious person, once they can do whatever they want, is quickly transformed into a monster of appetite, running over anyone necessary to satisfy their newly created desires.
Licensed insolvency trustees regularly see people who manage to meet their mortgage payments for months, even years, while the rest of their fiscal house falls down around them.
Poloz was at his sunniest when he testified recently to the finance committee in Ottawa — «We don't believe we're in a bubble,» he told the assembled MPs, saying he sees no signs of the speculative activity that typically characterizes a bubble, like people buying multiple houses to flip them.
«The reality of online retailing is that it is a good place to shop for people who have seen or experienced a product at a friend's house or at an actual retail store,» Soberman said.
Describing the bill to conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Nov. 7, House Speaker Paul Ryan called it «a tax cut for everybody» and said «every single person» would see a reduction in tax rates.
You can still go back and you can look on the Zillow blog and see posts that I wrote, and Stan, who by this point had become our chief economist, wrote about how it was obvious, in our opinion, that housing was going to crash and that it was built on the foundation of sand and there was too much easy credit that had allowed people to buy homes who really couldn't afford them.
Fellow trainer and Row House instructor Spencer Hattendorf agrees, saying that he regularly sees people get exercises wrong both in and out of class.
If you're remodeling your house, you really do need to see this stuff in person,» Cramer said.
Hard - hit areas are seeing a strong comeback in their housing markets — some people are even starting to utter the «B» word — bubble.
Lanchester describes owning a house on the rapidly gentrifying Pepys Road as being like being part of an oil rush, except instead of drilling, «all people had to do was sit there and imagine the cash value of their homes rattling upwards so fast that they couldn't see the figures go round.»
But I think as people see order come into the White House, they should have the opportunity to see part of the reason why.»
In that case, I can easily see the appeal of filling one's house with conservation - savvy gadgets, if that's what appeals to a person.
Although most people wouldn't get a mortgage just for the tax deduction, if you're buying a house anyway it makes sense to see if itemizing any of the above will work in your favor.
«I think one of the really interesting things that people are going to see today — and I think it's something that should be celebrated — is that the president has brought a lot of people into this administration, and this White House in particular, who have been very blessed and very successful,» said Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary.
For comparison, a single - income person moving from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Portland, Oregon earning $ 80,000 a year would see a 10 % decrease in cost of living on average, due to cheaper housing and food.
Just last week, House Speaker Paul Ryan said lawmakers were putting the «finishing touches» on a new health care bill — one that reportedly might scrap protections for people with preexisting conditions — while Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin reassured Americans they can soon expect to see proposals for «the most significant change to the tax code since Reagan.»
«Equity has substantially increased and people are seeing that they may want to improve or upgrade,» says Pava Leyrer, chief operating officer of Northern Mortgage, «as opposed to trying to find a house [in a market with] limited supply right now, even if they could sell theirs quickly for more.»
Priebus, who is a friend of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, an erstwhile Trump critic, was seen as a necessary evil by the «movement» people.
People have been using electric cars or heating their houses on gas for quite some time now and have seen the profits of the shift.
«I'd argue it's more on the psychological side of things, whereby people see a new major policy pointed at the housing market and take a bit of a step back, temporarily reassess where they are in the marketplace before perhaps moving back into the market.»
We wanted people to see that Realtors are productive members of the community who help with charities and are not just selling houses
Some people choose to rent a small house first to see whether they feel comfortable and then buy a small - size condo or house.
Given the consistently good news we've seen from the housing market, it can be easy to forget just how much damage the bursting of the real estate bubble has wrought on the economy and the lives of average people across the country.
«We saw young people coming to faith and starting small house churches.
But, when I went back to check on the house, I saw right in front of my eyes, that many people had been killed.»
I believe that its important to see inner wisdom and the council of friends and wise and knowledgeable people... but God, if he / she exists created us — right... oh yes w / brains... we should be honoring that by using them... I can imagine if God exists every day he is saying to himself / herself «why do people keep asking me for things I have not control over, or really could care less about (people are asking for a new shinny house to replace their perfectly fine house while millions are homeless around the world, hungry, sick, etc.)... why are they not using the gifts and skills they have».
but if your parents told you, from the day you were brought home from the hospital, that the Bible was the literal truth, and everyone — EVERYONE around you continually reinforced that belief — in school, at home, at your friends» houses, and you were in that 24/7/365 from the day you were born, you can start to see — and have sympathy — for these people when other people appear to be attacking their core conditional belief system.
Can you really not see the flaws in your logic when you say: «Saying that those fetuses are the womens because they are in her is like saying we are our houses people because we live in it.»
I saw a show where some lady was dressing up a chimpanzee or some kind of monkey and it was living in the house like a person.
And he must have felt just as elated when he saw masses of people stream out of homes and houses of worship onto the streets and bridges of Cairo, chanting «Peacefully, peacefully» as they faced riot police and tear gas on their way to Tahrir Square.
But hopefully this will maybe spread the word of god in a good way to have more peoples eyes opened to the Bible, but it also could go down hill I hate to see what happens if things don't happen as planned for those whom gave up their jobs and houses for this cause.
Father Tom Gagie, parish priest of St Mary's Lowe House and St Thomas of Canterbury, Windleshaw, was the only person to see the man, who fell 40 feet into the River Mersey at six in the morning.
The messages that Pope Francis is delivering in Brazil are very, very powerful and at the same time simple... just back to basics... I'm amazed at his sensibility and kindness to the people... somebody said:» Nobody cares about us, or visit us and see how we survive here..., but the Pope came to my house and talked like a longtime friend... I cant» believe it»
Simon is understandably appalled: the alleged prophet is blind to what even the dimmest person in the house can plainly see.
If you were trying to cram as many people as possible into the house in order to hear and see Jesus, would you have them stand, or have them sit?
«It was incredibly freeing to know when we saw beautiful things happen, when people were coming to the house with casseroles and gifts — we could say, «This is from God.
It's one of the habits of my heart: I light the candle in the middle of the house and every time I see it, I breathe out the names and their places, the people I'm carrying for the day.
Hard questions arise when people of faith exercise religion in ways that may be seen to conflict with the new right to same - sex marriage — when, for example, a religious college provides married student housing only to opposite - sex married couples, or a religious adoption agency declines to place children with same - sex married couples.
This delusional idea that the world was to end yesterday reminds exactly of the stupidity that I see everyday when I step out of my house and have to deal with the hypocrisy of America and that silly white man who thinks he's above everyone else just like Harold Camping believed in this ridiculous idea that the world would end and only the good would go to heaven, trust me, all white people think the same way this guy did!
What we see in this earliest explanation of the flood account, is that God did nothing but woo people to Himself by filling their houses with good things (Job 22:18 a).
I think jesus woudl be upset (given his Jewish roots and beliefs) that would be seen as anything other than a human, born to the house of David in the Jewish tradition of King David come to lead his people spiritually and or politically.
While the White House's broad vision to «protect and vigorously promote religious liberty» holds promise for people of faith, it lacks some of the specific conscience safeguards that many conservative Christians wanted to see.
From what I've seen in the comments, a bunch of people living in glass houses have been throwing a heck of a lot of stones.
This government Was founded on Christian principles... but people have moved it by the wayside... There are other solutions to this problem... not just adding another tax on the people... I do nt even consider my self republican or a democrat... but a concerned citizen that is seeing our country being trashed by idiots in the white house..
How should they speak kindly and graciously but communicating basically: we don't want to see your parade or your genitals in our towns for all to witness; we don't want people with penises in our girls» locker rooms; we don't want our houses of worship spray - painted pink; we don't want to associate the fight against racism or slavery with the fight for «insert LBGT issue of the day».
See what happens when we leave certain people alone in the house!
And Christmas is fun too, but I'm not one of those people that listens to Christmas music the whole month long and decorates the house with enough lights to see from space.
Wednesday was the day to wrap up all business, clean the house (because it sucks to come back home to a dirty house), deliver cookies, pack for Crested Butte, and meet up with people I don't get to see very often.
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