Sentences with phrase «people see it on a screen»

But people see it on a screen and all of a sudden they believe it.»
The people we see on the screen are the people we see while reading the novel — near replicas, almost.
If the audience is better able to relate to the people they see on screen, then the absorption of information will be simpler for them.

Not exact matches

What you see on screen seems effortless, almost like magic, so you can forget the scores of people, from grips and gaffers to studio heads, that make the finished product possible.
But instead of seeing digital monsters appear on the phone's screens when people look at an exhibit, people will get something a bit more educational.
«I remember watching TV as a young mixed race girl not seeing many people who looked like me, so I think being able to visually recognise yourself on screen is important.»
Cable news, no matter what channel you're watching, has devolved into putting multiple people onscreen while they see who can talk the loudest and longest without ever recognizing that the person on the other side of the split screen may have a point.
In my own team's experience, screen sharing is particularly important to avoid confusion and provide clarity when people need to see the same visuals, such as presentations or documents being worked on.
Instructors can see what the trainee sees on a separate computer screen, and help guide them while they do tasks like learn how to maneuver around people inside a virtual environment.
I'd often chuckle while watching people try to flip pages on previous Kindles by swiping the screen, only to see nothing happen.
Many people seem much more willing to express opinions when they can do so anonymously, and they are more willing to speak when they see evidence on the screen that they are not alone in their views.
I must confess that although I am currently up to my eyeballs in studying and thinking about all the violent passages in Scripture, it is quite another thing to see some of them on the screen, especially when, right in the midst of the violence, many of the people committing the violence scream something like «In the name of God!»
When Joe Average Fan sees a receiver catch a deep ball and the only person on the screen is the safety, guess who they're gonna blame?
The marriage of ability and technology is stupefying to watch on a screen, and even more so when one is able to see the focus and feel the anxiety of the pilots in - person.
People want content on their small screens and bringing live streaming to F1 (we did see a nice live stream on Facebook at the end of 2016 in Abu Dhabi) on a regular basis would be great.
Whether that is on your iPad screen or in - person, on your ride home or while you're watching, I will be the thing you will talk about after you see me wrestle.»
Our personalized baby blankets look great on a screen, but the only way to truly appreciate the soft luxurious feel of the blankets is to touch them, feel them and see them in person.
So, if they feel this way about seeing your little one on your phone's screen, imagine how bothered they will be if they had to see your baby on your hip and in person.
The experience of holding an apple, smelling it, tasting it, and listening to a real person name it is much richer for your child than seeing a picture of an apple on a screen and hearing the word come out of nowhere.
You can't see the other person or what they're showing on screen, so you can't read any visual / emotional communications cues.
The Top Race Mini SPY Drone has an LCD screen on the remote that allows you to see the first person view of the drone as it flies.
It's not uncommon in a New York City subway car, an airport terminal or just about any other public space to see a dozen or more people completely consumed by what's happening on the screen of their smartphone, to the exclusion of the world around them.
The reason, they say, is that people could write equations on boards rather than see characters hunched over their screens, but I think they also thought that science is just intrinsically more interesting, and it catches your imagination more than computer programming.
The best way to find out what a computer user is interested in, however, is to use eye tracking to see what a person looks at on screen.
As a result, cell phone makers do not offer many models that have adequate processing power to run video smoothly, and digital cameras in U.S. cell phones are on the opposite side from the display screen (which would make it impossible to see the person on the other end of the line while exchanging sign language).
This seductively simple strategy has drawbacks; in particular, people disagree on what exactly «consciously seeing» is if the face was only briefly flashed on a computer display screen.
Some people will see floaters when they're looking at a bright background, such as a computer screen or through a window on a sunny day, he adds.
Seeing a doctor in person is also a good way to make sure you're up - to - date on important screenings.
Instead, I see so many people waste so much of their time on worthless abs exercises, and falling for every gimmick product that comes onto their TV screen promising them a 6 - pack in only 2 minutes a day while sitting on their couch.
With the rise of Hollywood films and the modeling industry, people began to look towards these famous ladies they saw on the big screen for fashion and beauty inspiration.
Having seen this on you in person, I can vouch for the fact that it looks as good in the flesh as it does on screen!
How on earth did we survive long distance relationships without ever seeing (and touching the screen face of) the person we loved?!? xoxo Anett
Since my site is running and not hosted on, I don't get that normal Follow button that you usually see on blogs: / A lot of people just Like my FB page or follow me on Twitter to get updates, but I JUST installed a Follow Plugin at the bottom right of the screen so that it shows up on your reader (I believe...) Hope that helps!
As you may have seen in an earlier blog post, I also commissioned Maki's previous business partner Laura Kimsey for the matching bag, which is every bit as beautiful in person as it looks on screen.
If that user has configured their profile and permissions to allow them to be seen, FlirtAR will show that person's profile pin on the AR - powered screen.
Bonus TIP: Remember the first time you meet someone online it is NOT a date (even though it may seem like you are setting one up), you're actually just «meeting» someone for the first time to screen and see if you like the person enough to go on a «first date.»
Maybe a nag screen to get you to upload more photos, but the person next to you in the coffee shop wouldn't see the same thing, even if they were on the same site at the same time.
If a user has configured their profile and permissions to allow them to be seen, FlirtAR will show that person's profile pin on the AR - powered screen.
Expensive abodes are out of reach for most people, so seeing them on screen is bound to make an impression, especially when filmmakers weave unique aspects of a mansion into the story.
Bill Murray felt like the most real person I've ever seen on screen.
In making a movie that so lucidly allows one group of people to see themselves on screen, Coogler has created the first Marvel movie in which anyone can see themselves on screen.
Anon uses a lot of first - person points - of - view, allowing the viewer to see through the eyes of the character — shots that involve a wealth of on - screen text.
What many people who saw him as an overnight success didn't realize, however, was that he'd actually been acting — on the screen, stage, and television — for most of his young life.
Something like that - «throughout his career Tati was often quoted as saying that his Hulot was just a character he had created and he himself was a very different person to what was seen on screen.
Soldiers chase a group of adults and children in a warehouse type dwelling, shooting them with a combination sleep - drug and tracking device (please see the Substance Use category for more details); the people fall to the floor, asleep, and we see a tiny ball bearing stuck on the skin at the neck or shoulder; one woman rolls down a staircase (she is unharmed and awake), and a little girl cries and runs off screen.
A couple of years ago, I saw 35 mm screening of it with director William Lustig in person, and I asked him about his opinion on remakes and if he thought anyone could ever do a remake of Maniac.
In addition to the usual amount of detail I like to put into my work, I also tried out some new halftone patterns for the gradients and textures which I hope will make the final product that much more enjoyable to see in person opposed to just viewing a jpeg on screen
Maybe it's because I remember being glued to the screen that fateful day, amazed to see 155 people emerge from a plane ON the Hudson River.
I hope she finds her way soon because I don't think my husband is the only person who wants to see her on the big screen again.
It's important to keep pushing for the types of characters people want to see on screen, and Black Panther has done great work in giving the world a cast of crucial black women whose lives are full and whose actions define the narrative.
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