Sentences with phrase «people someone 're talking to»

You need to minimize the number of people you're talking to at once.
People power only works, after all, if people are talking to each other, and working to a common goal.
Why would they say «you know its a myth» when the very people they are talking to do not believe its a myth?
When people are talking to farm folk, I think it's important to recognize that and respect that.
During this time, you want to be wary of what information you tell someone, just in case you don't like the vibe the other person you're talking to gives off.
The same person you are talking to is also taking with five, six, or even ten other people.
First, it means you are probably the only person they are talking to.
Since, you know, it just means people are talking to themselves.
Also just because there is a picture it doesn't mean that is the real person you are talking to.
«I love the parts where people are talking to each other,» another explained.
People are talking to people they thought they didn't like.
I think when heterosexual people are talking to their peers and they're like, «This is an equal rights thing,» it's a little bit easier.
While dating online it's common that you have a few people you are talking to and possibly going out on dates with at the same time.
The movie wasn't at the forefront of my mind anymore yet suddenly people were talking to me about it almost every day.
I'll convince every executive and game designer I speak to at one of these things to ask a question for the next person I'm talking to.
This suggested to them that most people — not just those with autism — could use some help sensing the mood of people they are talking to.
Another benefit of phone dating is that it allows you to date as many people as you wish without worrying that the other people you are talking to could find out.
Apparently, they are not talking to the same people I am talking to.
Perhaps because I never forget these are real people I am talking to and never just a handle and avatar.
But in their Messenger history, Zuckerberg's messages had mysteriously disappeared, making it look like people were talking to themselves.
«I was so deep in thought people were talking to me and I didn't even know it.»
If the credit person you're talking to tells you what will or should be easy, what will be more difficult or certain things they can guide you on but you have to do yourself that is the making of what sounds to be a good honest credit company who understands the credit bureau frustration tactics and demonstrates what sounds like the ability to help you.
«With Blue Ruin, we tried traditional methods of financing with a lot of the same people I'm talking to now, and the answer was just, «There's just not enough there.
Despite some rumors that the Bond people were talking to Christopher Nolan about helming the next Bond movie (and Nolan's apparent willingness to do so), the reigns for the franchise's...
Despite some rumors that the Bond people were talking to Christopher Nolan about helming the next Bond movie (and Nolan's apparent willingness to do so), the reigns for the franchise's twenty - fourth (24th!)
«I feel like my opinion always matters — not that action is always taken as a result of my opinion, but no matter what level person I'm talking to, my thoughts are valued and always considered.
The most loving thing that you can do to a dying person is talk to them about forgiveness through Jesus and seeing him on the other side, and then trusting the Holy Spirit to do his work while you speak.
These are gullible people you are talking to — they already believe what other people tell them and swallow it whole.
«The emails felt like a nice person was talking to me.
«Although people are talking to me for interviews, I didn't really take the lead on this one.
«You could have any governor of New York now keep a record of who's talking to whom, which communications people are talking to which reporters,» said O'Reilly.
«I'm hearing that people are talking to McCain about his position,» said Carrie Gordon Earll, spokeswoman for Colorado Springs - based Focus on the Family Action, a conservative social - values advocacy group.
I know that there are some people who vaccinate their own dogs and I do understand the premise behind it, but I hope that those same people are talking to vets about what kind of vaccinations their dogs need.
-LSB-...] concept of social objects, Hugh McLeod wrote a great introductory post on this concept entitled social objects for beginners which is excerpted below The Social Object, in a nutshell, is the reason two people are talking to -LSB-...]
«I don't want to go through life wondering if people are talking to me because I have a big rack.
«It's easy to think when people are talking to each other they're collaborating, but collaborating is thinking about something deeply and pitching ideas back and forth,» says Fried.
I tried not to think about it but my family, friends and a lot of people were talking to me about it.For a striker, it's always good to find the net again.
I think you can get a little bit of a glimpse of the future of TV more from looking at community - type things like Xbox Live, where people are talking to each other, finding friends, you know, watching things together, talking about those things.
Say the person you're talking to is long - winded or veering off course.
According to the book, The Silent Language of Leaders by Carol Kinsey Gorman, Ph.D., the higher you hold your coffee, the more of a physical barrier you put up between yourself and the person you're talking to.
According to Merriam - Webster, mansplaining is defined as the moment when «a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he's talking to does.»
And the person you're talking to can find counterexamples of people who say, «No, it has not gotten better.»
Observe how often the person you are talking to cuts you off before you have finished your thought,» suggests the post, adding that «you will be surprised to discover that most of the time, people reply to your comments either right before you finish talking, or immediately after.»
People naturally (and unconsciously) mirror the body language of the person they're talking to.
A handshake like that shows that you're paying respect to the person you're talking to, and as science has confirmed, giving respect gets respect.
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