Sentences with phrase «people someone elect»

It is administered by an executive committee of persons elected annually by the membership.
For years we have been stuck on a electoral treadmill, desperately trying to get people elected as best we can.
Person elected by voting common shareholders at the annual meeting to direct company policies.
There is a reason why many people elect to play on consoles as opposed to PC's.
Most people elect to purchase level term coverage, but for those who expect their life situations to change drastically over the term of their policy, other option may be more suitable.
Use these resources to introduce students to how the American people elect national leaders, the laws that govern the nation, and the three branches of government.
For the most part they worked hard and got people elected who would open society up for them.
Please People elect someone with a shred of common sense and integrity!
• (also municipal corporation) a group of people elected to govern a city, town, or borough.
Since you're not insuring the structure on a renters insurance policy, many people elect to go without the coverage.
Due to the annually increasing premiums the year after your term period expires, most people elect to allow the policy to terminate once the duration period has ended.
She worked tirelessly for years to get people elected.
GA: I wouldn't know because I'm not on the front bench, I'm a parliamentarian, elected for the first time ever by all parliamentarians to be a Select Committee chair, and to chair a Select Committee of people elected in a secret ballot by their parties for the first time.
And, if successful, Healey will become the nation's first openly gay person elected as a state attorney general.
But faced with the fact that a legal opportunity to reorganize your personal debt exists that would protect 100 % of your retirement money, people elect not to consider that solution, even when it is the most logical, reasonable and rational approach.
«I think it's important when people elect people to represent them on a specific party line that those people then go up and do that, and anything less than that is disenfranchising the voter.
lol i wonder what will happen if people elect Ron Paul instead.
It's generally at least $ 100,000, and many people elect for higher limits because liability claims on renters insurance can be significant, especially those involving bodily injury or major property damage such as in an apartment fire.
If he's successful, Michaud will become the first ever openly gay person elected governor.
This is consistent with parliamentary democracy where people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
The American people elected President Donald Trump, but Twitter is keeping his tweets top of mind and newsfeeds, said COO Anthony Noto.
«This year we have a lot to celebrate here in B.C. — with a record number of Indigenous people elected to our B.C. legislature, to all three parties.
Espaillat, who has served in the state Senate for the past five years and previously in the Assembly for 13 years, could become the first Dominican - born person elected to Congress.
He became the youngest mayor in the history of the United States a year later and, at 36, he was the youngest person elected as Dutchess County executive.
The notion of Israel as a chosen people elected by Yahweh for special reasons and for a particular purpose is by no means peculiar to the classical prophets.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara has adduced reason President Muhammadu Buhari and other persons elected into executive positions like governors should...
It builds our momentum and it shows, again, that we can get the right people elected to do the right things.»
In 2003 she became the first person elected to the City Council solely on the Working Families Party line, thanks in part to allegations of domestic abuse that sank her Democratic opponent.
«This is not what most people elected Trump to do,» said David Goldston, director of government affairs at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
He goes so far as to state that a mentally normal person elected as the president of the United States — a job where crisis is almost constant — will generally turn out to be a failure.
The people of this country need to have that smart, charismatic person they elected and not the image of stagnant govt that we seem to be given now.
interestingly, all of the times i've seen people elect way «C», they are people who have some sort of «conservative» theological axe to grind and they started up their own new churches.
However, this document does also provide a template for what you need to do to take over: get control of enough local constituency associations to get your chosen people elected onto the National Conservative Convention.
Nana Konadu Agyeman - Rawlings said this can not be allowed to continue because there are rules and regulations that govern the country therefore persons elected into power can not act or take decisions in a vacuum.
«Just because a candidate like Cynthia is LGBT, that doesn't mean that's just what she's running for,» said Sean Meloy, political director for the LGBTQ Victory Fund, a Washington, D.C. - based organization that works to get LGBT people elected to government offices but has not yet jumped into this race.
«This is a state that largely white people elected a female governor of Indian descent and the first - ever African - American United States senator from the South,» he said.
«We want to tell people you elected a person who violated their pledge — a man or woman of dishonor,» the former mayor said.
«In the 21st century the only way that both Houses of Parliament can be legitimate is for them to be made up of people elected directly by the people,» he said.
People elect MEPs by PR, but they don't initiate legislation, or have the decisive say.
Out of all the members of congress, the president is the ONLY person elected to represent ALL OF THE PEOPLE.
The previous low point came in 1990, when 4.2 million people elected Mario Cuomo — the current governor's dad — to a third term over little - known Republican Pierre Rinfret and Conservative Party rival Herb London.
«There's a woman in Rome, New York who is going to be 104 in June who wants you to visit,» Tenney told Trump, at 70 the oldest person elected president.
«I heard he joined PDM the other time, so let him contest on the platform of another party and let Anambra people elect him if they wish.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who in 2015 became the first black legislator to head the chamber, said before Obama's election in 2008, he didn't know if he'd ever see a black person elected as president in his lifetime.
Sen. Tom Duane, who made history in 1998 as the first openly gay individual elected to the state Senate and the first HIV - positive person elected to office in the nation, has decided not to seek re-election.
The Sheffield City Region mayor will be the eighth person elected to head up a combination of local authorities.
Local people elected a Conservative council and they have the reasonable expectation of enjoying one and anticipating a Conservative government.»
And that is why you have people elected like Ed Day because people outside of Ramapo who have not seen the growth of the religious communities in their neighborhoods yet, they still understand what's happening in East Ramapo and they know that it's fundamentally wrong that people would take over a school district who don't send their children there and then deny minority students a fair education.
But ethicists already worry about a day when implants are so effective that even healthy people elect to upgrade, lest they fall behind like some obsolete computer.
The permanent and peaceful solution to this crisis is something that only Iran's democrats being silently murdered in the Iran's prison cells, along with the help of the free word and the new people elected by the good people of America.
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