Sentences with phrase «people someone lead»

We do all this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthier lives.
And unlike its alternatives, comprehensive sex education curricula are proven to help young people lead healthy lives.
I will cut mine when I see more people leading by example.
A scenario is conceivable in which growing evidence of climate change and recognition of implications for young people lead to massive public support for action.
However, many people lead busy lifestyles, and if you don't have time to prepare every meal at home, start reading ingredient labels.
Because it was not a launch title I really don't think it is as good as most people lead it on to be.
It's hard to quantify this in terms of percentages, because many people lead productive lives and then get ill again, and have to start over.
For people leading busy lives it becomes one more thing that gets put on the to do list.
I am grateful for a land that lets people lead their lives without fear from harm for what they believe in.
I still see people leading lecture - style: based in authority, promoting passive acceptance, not creating teamwork, and so on.
Growing up professionally in the legal world, you are often in an environment where people lead by fear.
This successful program is based on the establishment of respectful relationships with Indigenous people leading to productive engagements.
Get the right person leading the charge and every other staffing decision will fall into place.
One of great things I love about reading blogs is different ideas, view points, how people lead their lives.
What if there were people leading school food programs that cared as much about food as the owner of the new chic, farm to table café that I was obsessed with?
While most of us are familiar with guide dogs that aide the visually impaired, there are many other types of assistance and service dogs helping people lead active and fulfilling lives.
Fear is not experienced very often because people lead by example with respect and healthy boundaries.
We combine respect for work, family and community with a commitment to the common good: sustainable politics that helps people lead meaningful lives.
It is the mainstream of most if not all religions and a leading cause in division and between religious people leading to the violence we see in situations like these.
There should have been a single process, a unified structure and a single person leading it.
There's no question that people lead stressful lives nowadays, and in most cases, it's more stressful for them than the generation that came before them.
Looking for that special one on - line is very convenient for people leading modern hectic life style.
And that's not the life that young people lead anymore.
We're building a movement of people leading efforts to tackle educational inequality in schools and beyond.
It should be noted that as benefits were cut in real terms, friends and families of the some elderly and disabled helped out, but many elderly people led lives of poverty.
People leading projects, whether project managers or team leaders, are continually faced with competing calls on their time and resources.
Just as getting nourishing food and rest to a sick person leads to health, getting nourishing relational patterns into a sick marriage leads to a healthy marriage.
We're passionate about helping people lead healthier lives.
I truly believe eating healthier it is easier than most people lead to believe.
People lead busy lives and often don't have a lot of time to devote to dating.
In both cases, the objective is to defend a «pure» people led by a charismatic leader against a corrupt and remote elite.
It means a group of people leading the way in new development or ideas.
A scenario is conceivable in which growing evidence of climate change and recognition of implications for young people lead to massive public support for action.
We do this work because we're passionate about helping people lead healthier lives.
It combines respect for family, faith and work with a commitment to the common good: sustainable politics that helps people lead meaningful lives.
It gets much wrong because people lead it and we are a historic mess.
Life Coaching: In order to help even more people lead happier, healthier lives, we have clinicians providing life coaching services by phone and over the internet.
And what's worse, these days people lead such unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyles with poor diet and limited exercise, more people are reaching these low levels as early as age 40!
With people leading ever busier and complicated life styles its no longer sustainable for course materials to only be accessible on a traditional «static» computer.
The above is a hypothetical situation — I don't know or care if a druid priestess married Barth — but I do care if people leading schools and teaching in schools are properly certified.
A Mumbaikar soul who loves to communicate with various people led her to the creation of #Mumbaibookstagrammers.
An implication of this idea is that a holistic and relativistic approach to human experience not only is a more valid theory of human nature, but has important clinical implications for helping people lead more fulfilling, energized lives.
They are indisputably delivering results and are examples of self - determination and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples leading positive change.
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