Sentences with phrase «people surveyed»

About 60 percent of people surveyed said they feel the daily - deal industry is too crowded.
Forty - eight percent of people surveyed said that using a health tracker prompted them to ask their doctor more questions or even seek a second option.
Some 62 % of people surveyed by the charity prefer to have a will written by a solicitor.
Only one in five people surveyed thought the level of corruption had decreased, while half of people polled said their government was doing a bad job fighting corruption.
In contrast, nearly one - third (29 percent) of people surveyed believed one month before purchasing a home was a good timeframe to check credit scores.
62 % of the young people surveyed said they liked to hear from a partner every few hours or more.
42 % of people surveyed stated that they formed or changed their opinion of someone based on information that they found online.
People we surveyed reported highly interactive and engaging classroom climates with a high percentage of time on task and consistent, positive student behavior.
Of the approximately 11,000 people surveyed about a year ago, 20 percent were in a committed relationship with someone they met through an online dating or social networking site.
Your pictures are important too, with 45 % of people surveyed claiming pictures are most important to them.
Five per cent of people surveyed actually admitted they have broken up with a partner as a direct result of a holiday together.
Here's what the married people we surveyed told us about what they fought about with their spouses.
When it comes to sex, there wasn't a single person surveyed who said they would like to have less of it.
Forty - eight percent of the white people surveyed say all of their five closest friends are white.
Fifty - three percent of American people surveyed said they lied in their online dating profiles.
A further 40 per cent of young people surveyed maintained that having a teacher trained to deal with bullying would have made a significant difference to their experience.
The research also showed that 32 % of British people surveyed had not bought a book in the past year, with the main reason being that they were not interested in reading.
The survey shows that 4 % of people surveyed already own a dedicated reading device and another 11 % intend to buy one within the next 12 months.
Nearly 4 in 10 people surveyed expressed a need to save cash to act as a «security blanket» for any emergencies.
Forty - eight percent (48 %) of people surveyed however do have savings accounts that could cover 3 - 6 months of expenses if an emergency came up.
12.5 % of people surveyed visit gaming websites for information compared to 17 % who prefer talking to friends and family.
However, people surveyed after the purchase said that experiences were both a better use of their money and made them happier.
When asked how much a $ 250,000 term policy would be for a healthy 30 - year - old, people surveyed estimated about $ 500 — more than three times the actual cost.
For example, 89 percent of people surveyed realize that insurance companies generally offer a price break if you have more than one car insured with the same company.
But only 40 % of people surveyed admitted they would know how to approach someone in a bar or restaurant and ask if they'd like a drink.
Despite this positive trend, one in three young people surveyed did not have a mentor while they were growing up.
Despite this positive trend, one in three young people surveyed did not have a mentor while they were growing up.
What's more, 93 percent of people surveyed said they had experienced at least one health benefit from pet parenthood.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of people surveyed (94 percent) agreed with the statement that pets are essential for people to maintain good mental and physical health.
Most people surveyed in the study shopped at a supermarket, but most also shopped at other stores close to their home regularly.
Most people surveyed buy organic because of its benefit to the environment (53 per cent).
In a recent Victorian study, Mental health impacts of racial discrimination in Victorian Aboriginal communities: the Localities Embracing and Accepting Diversity (LEAD) Experiences of Racism Survey, by The Lowitja Institute, an overwhelming majority (97 per cent) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people surveyed experienced racism multiple times.
«This Tarpon styling exercise got an enthusiastic yes vote from people surveyed at the exhibit,» Teague claimed in his MT piece.
Many people surveyed by Pew felt that those with the greatest needs should have access to any therapeutic technologies available, but objected to their use in healthy people.
That research found that racism has a compounding effect on mental health, with 97 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people surveyed experiencing incidents of racism multiple times.
Just a quarter of Canadian business people surveyed as part of our Business without Borders initiative last year felt there was a distinct brand surrounding Canadian companies and products abroad.
In February 2009, Sport England's Active People Survey states: «There has been no statistically signifi cant change in tennis participation between 2005/2006 and 2007/2008.»
Interestingly, between 19 and 23 percent of people surveyed agreed with the statement, «I think foster caregivers should be given complete control over the adoption process from start to finish, with organization support,» suggesting policy and belief are not currently well - aligned on this issue.
Consistent with other studies, VoiceLabs found that about 45 percent of people surveyed use their smart speaker to play music or books more than for any other purpose.
C.T. Jasper and Joanna Malinowska represented Poland at the 56th Venice Biennale with the project Halka / Haiti: 18 ° 48» 05 ″ N 72 ° 23» 01 ″ W. Concurrently they developed Relations Disrelations, a two - person survey show at The Museum Sztuki in Lodz, Poland and began work on the project Bureau of Masks Inventory.
The study by online bookseller Book People surveyed 1,100 parents with children under the age of 12, asking them how highly they place educational value when choosing gifts for their children, as well as which items they believe aid child development in a number of areas.
Though he's better known for his innovations in political polling, which showed that a relatively small sample of respondents could reflect public opinion just as well as the million - person surveys conducted at the time, he also developed methods to reliably measure the size and makeup of radio audiences.
The American Press Institute's recent Media Insight Project found that only 2 of 10 people surveyed on Facebook could remember the source of the news they saw — and far more trust was placed in the person who shared a story than who produced it.
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