Sentences with phrase «people than god»

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However the Wildrose gets everyone fired up thinking «that damn Rachel Notley wants to destroy the family farm» and rather than try to find the facts out people just believe what comes out of the WR as the god given truth.
Those put into question your belief in the characteristics of the god, perhaps even the existence of the god itself, but it is still more comforting to assume something more powerful than yourself has your best interests in mind vs. the idea that we are left to our own devices — especially when you are surrounded by people that agree with and reinforce that idea and shun you when you do not agree with it.
John, it is your option to believe «god did it» rather than wait for the true answers, but don't expect people to respect you for choosing ignorance.
Most people get locked up in a padded room for less than what passes as «ok» when it gets the «god» label attached.
«God to me is a lot more of a metaphysical reality than to many people who take the concept quite literally.
It doens» t have a consistent theme or message or mission statement... the musical catalogue of Bob Marley holds together better than that mishmash of contradictions and highly unlikely scenarios written by people who although they were ignorant on ALL other subjects were somehow experts on this god... what a laugh
Yeah that's definitely crazier than thinking a God who loves us just sits back and watches people die in the street.If I lost a loved one in that shooting and someone told me it was par tof God's plan?
These days, for some people, the book has been turned into an icon for worship as the literal representation of God and rather than use it as intended it is now used as both a bludgeon upon intelligence itself and a blindfold upon those who hold it up as their worldly deity.
Please, are the gods so stupid that just because an alive person claims a dead one is now a different religion said god would have to throw them out of their old religion heaven and send them to the other heaven??? Really, some of you are more obsessed with dead people than the ones living.
As for the way we hear God other than reading the bible, it is in our mind with a clarity not matched by any human person on earth.
For me as a Calvinist, that suggests that rather than spending a lot of time defending the doctrine of total depravity or of election I would do best to share my deeply felt sense of my own unworthiness, and to point people to the way in which I have experienced God's gracious workings in my life.
Now men who know more than God [sarcasm] decide they don't like that saying, and it doesn't fit in their thinking, so off they go and write books and develope a following of other people who don't like the truth of what Jesus said.
What if my goal wasn't to win the game, but to leave people better than I found them — better loved, better experiencing their identity as a child of God, better equipped to love others?
But what it means for people claiming they knew more than God... they didn't.
Friendship, and that includes friendship with God, comes from a deeper level in the human person, deeper than feelings, deeper than logic, from the very essence of what it means to be a person.
Faith is a dangerous road to walk if you believe in people more than God.
It shouldn't take a clever person more than a few minutes to research these things, and i would do it except you seem to ignore anything that does not fit your god view, so I will not waste more of my time.
We can debate the number or percentage of violent passages that were given by God to his people in the Torah (Bible — Old Testament)(More than 800) or in the Qur» an (a little over 300) during times of War.
Many contemporary people of faith define hell as a psychological state — separation from God, self and others, rather than a space - time place.
In fact I thought that now more than ever the basic themes in the story are still the same: If we put all our trust in people, if we expect them to be God for us, then they will always disappoint us in some way.
I think supposed smart people are like rich people...... it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than for them to enter the kingdom of God (Mat 19:24).
This is one of the problems that often hinders dialogue with radical atheists (not sure you are one, but you did answer a question I posed to people who believe God is a fantasy)-- rather than offer a defense they will attack in such a way as to obfuscate the purpose of the original discussion.
Given that there are more people enslaved than ever before... if the Church is not somehow engaged in the fight to rescue the poor and oppressed, can we really say that we know God at all?»
Why is it that if someone hears voices other than» from god» he or she is a candidate for psychoanalysis or psychotropic drugs, but religious people are given a pass?
The problem is that very few people what to have this rational discussion — they want to have an emotional arguement and play a game of «my god is better / kinder / bigger / badder than your god.
If you say neither than it is satan cuz he loves people who deny God.
Besides the fact, that more people have been killed in the name of God than anything else.
God is more like the communion of persons than He is like anything else we know of.
So when someone says «I believe in God,» they are really saying «I think God exists» and «I believe in religion,» but churches need to get people thinking and saying a phrase much strong than those in order to get them to do stuff like give the church money, so they snagged «believe in.»
«Religious people think Atheists are people who have been subtly convinced by the devil to believe in themselves more than believing in God...»
I am happy that the writer had the choices that she did... She is also free to decide whether or not she is a Catholic... She however, took an available medication for a health problem... most Catholic facilities recognize such health problems and allow for that treatment... I am completly puzzled, though, that she would not want other Catholics to be able to choose differently than she did... for those people who wish to use contraceptive services and medication, options are open to them... I am not Catholic, did not grow up in a faith based family, and don't know whether a God exists or not... However, to leave a relgious group with no option but to contradict its own tenets is an attempt by those who don't believe in those tenents to mock them, certainly, but more to erode them... this seems the aim of many and when those folks operate from inside the government... that intrusion is an overreach of the govenrment...
Part of it has to do with our psychology as «followers» and our need to follow something rather than become self - sufficient and independent from other people, (not God.)
Friend of Brian's I'm sorry to burst your bubble here, but every major heresy that has inflicted God's people for the last 2,000 years has come from organized groups with «leaders» who thought they knew God's mind better than anyone around them.
People who's theory is literally «god did it», have contributed more to science than you, though.
It was heartening to learn that in the end, that most people chose to talk about what was was truly important to them... family, rather than wasting the last minutes of their lives discussing the comforting fantasies, but fantasies nonetheless, of god, jesus, heaven, etc..
The video and song start off harmless enough, until the 1:19 mark when Duncan gets into a rap battle with a TSA agent and transforms into a potentially offensive hip - hop stereotype to unleash rhymes like On a mission from God; I like to call Him a Friend / I think that people are sick, and He's the med - o - cine, and this mind - expanding verse: Think I'm just a white man with a sheltered life / Nice home, two cars, two kids and a wife / Just look a little closer while you're starin» at me / «Cause sometimes what you get is more than what you see.
Here is my answer to «who areth you to question... «A stupid comment by a stupid person can not be solved by a hundred geniuses»... old Chinese proverb... older than god.
Your god does seem to like people doing the bloody stuff more than the Greek ones did.
In the presence of a holy people they could learn of God rather than continue in the ways of the world (symbolized by Egypt and the heathens)
The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.
I care for the elderly and have also seen this when people die... the people I have taken care of cared more about the people they were leaving and seeing those who had died before them, than any need to be told God was there... people with faith KNOW He is
Their goal is the establishment of God's kingdom on earth, and they hold that Jesus who is believed to be God's first creation rather than one person in a trinity is God's agent in this plan.
You began talking about the essential nature of God, how God's relationship to us is mirrored more in (any) man than (any) woman, regardless of the gender of the person in question.
So more than anything, the chaplain should be a person who is sensitive to the voice of God.
If that professor is still around, I'd love to know what he must be thinking about that student who seemed to know more about how to get people to talk about «God» than he ever did.
I remember the US being higher in the World's academic ratings back when * more * people believed in God than do currently.
But I envision a group of people coming together who want nothing more than to seek God.
Many people do not marry in a church, even more (billions) do not celebrate the birth of Jesus, probably even more do not cry out to any gods, or may to other gods other than (yours), and many people consider life elsewhere in the universe because science and reason points to that possibility.
Because of the sinfulness of the world at that time, and because the pagan religions did much more harm than good, it was necessary for some tribes of peoples to be destroyed by the Israelites at the command of God.
Despite that being completely false (atheists generally have a better understanding of theology than most god people), how does a «better understanding» of theology do anything other than convince one that it is a load of delusional crap?
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