Sentences with phrase «people with a learning disability»

For instance, MOD hires multiple - time felons, people with learning disabilities, and those recently released from drug or alcohol rehabilitation.
L'Arche (meaning «The Ark» in French) is a worldwide network of Christian communities where people with learning disabilities live as peers alongside assistants.
«Strawberry Field has the potential to bring that vision to life; changing the lives of young people with learning disabilities, who find it difficult to find gainful employment, as well as encourage more projects similar across the UK.»
Christian charity The Salvation Army now hopes to turn the site, where Lennon used to play as a child, into a training and work placement hub for young people with learning disabilities.
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (2007).
However, controlling for SES, it is clear that fathers of children with disabilities experience more depression, as well as more parenting and child - related stress and often feel their parental situation is more uncontrollable (SCIE, 2005b; Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 2007).
However, more recent research has found some fathers feeling more included (Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 2007).
Couples often have little time together (Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 2007).
Work pattern adjustments included flexible working, compressed working hours, term time working and becoming self - employed (Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 2007).
• Fathers who possess assertiveness, negotiation and organizational skills felt better able to work with professionals (Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 2007).
People with learning disabilities in basic reading have difficulty understanding the link between letters and sounds.
Reading is physically and psychologically draining for people with learning disabilities.
People with learning disabilities often know they are behind their peers, which affects their self - esteem, and consequently, motivation.
The organization supports a network of youth mentoring programs run by and for those with learning differences, and organizes advocates to support the full inclusion of people with learning disabilities and ADHD in all aspects of society.
The rights and positions of people with learning disabilities are not judged by juries of their peers but by systems where power is held by «lords» — commissioners, social workers, service providers, psychiatrists, judges and politicians.
Are people with learning disabilities our modern day villeins?
We asked the question; how can people with learning disabilities take up their power and move away from being villeins?
The organisation aims to support people with learning disabilities to have a louder voice in the media and the world of politics.
Only 16 per cent of people with learning disabilities are exercising their right to vote, it has been claimed, as a campaign is launched to make disabled people's votes count.
Monday Business - Education Legislation - European Union (approval of treaty amendment decision) bill, second reading Adjournment - Abuse of persons with learning disabilities, Tom Clarke
The support the «Stand by me» campaign has had from chief constables is extremely encouraging, but this must filter down to frontline officers if people with a learning disability are to receive the service they deserve.
To date, 40 out of the 44 police services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have signed up to the «Stand by me» police promise to improve how they serve people with a learning disability and tackle hate crime.
High profile cases make headlines, but behind those is the daily abuse so many people with a learning disability face.
Until prejudice such as this is eradicated, people with a learning disability will continue to be failed by the system and denied justice.
Outgoing chair of the Police Federation, Jan Berry, welcomed the report, saying: «The need to identify and support people with learning disabilities through the criminal justice system, and the process by which some can be diverted more appropriately into healthcare settings, are concerns that have been neglected for too long.
The report exposed a truly disturbing picture of the lives of people with a learning disability; nearly nine in ten of those surveyed had been bullied in the past year.
This was echoed in the dissatisfaction felt by people with a learning disability with the way they had been treated by police.
Some felt police ignored them and others felt officers did not know how to communicate with people with a learning disability in an appropriate way.
Every time I wait until the person has expressed their opinion before explaining that it was made by people with learning disabilities in Banwell Pottery, a sheltered workplace, as a gift for me from the charity Brandon Trust.
The hard - won rights of people with a learning disability to live independent lives are being eroded as a result of government cuts to benefits and social care services, charities have warned.
In the UK concerns about institutional discrimination raised by the charity Mencap in its Death by Indifference report, and the Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities, have highlighted the importance of tackling these issues.
«Improving the health of people with learning disabilities
An article published in Learning Disability Practice describes a UK framework to help professionals tackle the health and social care inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities.
Although asking for help can be difficult, it's incredibly important for people with learning disabilities — and it's equally important that their communities provide it.
Scotlands adult dating and friendship agency run by and for people with learning disabilities.
People Share What Dating With a Disability Is Actually Be open to learning what you don't People with learning disabilities want to People with learning disabilities want to find and dating groups for people with learning
The reason for that is because I We all want to be loved and accepted, and people with learning disabilities are no different.
People with learning disabilities want to People with learning disabilities want to find and dating groups for people with learning Explore and enjoy a global online dating website that offers real adventure.
People with learning disabilities, like everyone else LD OnLine is the leading website on learning disabilities, learning disorders and differences.
This resource was created in InPrint 3 (Please note the PDF preview shows the Times New Roman font whereas we have used the FS Me font which is designed specifically to improve legibility for people with learning disabilities).
Gabrielle Rappolt - Schlichtmann is an applied education scientist by training, but her experience as a person with a learning disability has made her keenly aware of the unique strengths and perspective disability can afford.
To help children or people with learning disabilities start to understand where apples come from.
I shared my son's educational experience not to say that people with learning disabilities have to settle for social and emotional development without math or reading skills.
School problems are embarrassing to many people with learning disabilities, and they will avoid reading whenever they can.
People with learning disabilities often know they are behind their peers, which affects their self - esteem, and consequently, motivation.
People with learning disabilities in basic reading have difficulty understanding the link between letters and sounds.
Furthermore, read - aloud would also help fully sighted people with learning disabilities but without need for aural navigational aids.
Established in 2001, Intoart are an art collective that includes people with a learning disability.
Camden learning Disabilities service works with people with learning disabilities in Camden and is based at 174 Prince of Wales Road.
This event is part of In the Frame, a project run by people with a learning disability, hosted by Tate Liverpool for DaDaFest International 2009.
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