Sentences with phrase «people with asthma»

Look for this mark to find products proven more suitable for people with asthma and allergies.
While our air is getting cleaner overall, the number of people with asthma keeps growing.
It consists of shallow breathing exercises designed to help people with asthma breathe easier.
Yoga has a lot of positive effects on people with asthma.
These bad air days make people with asthma more vulnerable to breathing problems and asthma attacks.
But people with asthma do nt have to be exercising to notice the effect of cold air.
Usually people with asthma have several triggers for the disease.
Those most at risk are probably people with asthma, the elderly and others with weak lungs.
People with asthma cough frequently — especially at night, during exercise, or when laughing.
People with asthma often find it helpful in reducing their symptoms.
He put 10 overweight people with asthma on an alternate - day incomplete fast and found that their asthma symptoms improved after just a few weeks.
I found that a plant - based diet was very beneficial for people with asthma.
Ten to 15 percent of people with asthma have severe asthma, a form of the disease that is not controlled by current medications.
The ADA helps people with asthma and allergies create safer, healthier environments where they work, shop and eat.
When it comes down to it, people with asthma don't have a significantly lower life expectancy than people without it.
«The study reports asthma related emergency room visits are estimated to be 55 percent lower in people with asthma who use dose counting inhalers than in those who use inhalers without dose counters,» said allergist Allen Meadows, MD, ACAAI fellow and chair of the Public Education Committee.
This plant, which is found in the greatest quantities in the East and Midwest, is a nightmare for people with asthma who are sensitized to this allergen.
When people with asthma have trouble breathing, they may reach for an inhaler containing salbutamol, a drug that expands the airways.
Professor Chris Brightling, NIHR Senior Investigator and Honorary Consultant from the University of Leicester's Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation and Leicester's Hospitals added: «In spite of good treatments for asthma many people with asthma still have ongoing symptoms and frequent attacks.
Shortness of breath, wheezing and tightness of the chest are some of the symptoms among people with asthma.
Because people with asthma have inflamed airways, they experience a range of symptoms, including shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and chest tightness.
As with cold, dry air in the wintertime, exercising outdoors can make people with asthma especially vulnerable to asthma attacks.
State Honor Roll from Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) This is an annual report by AAFA to help identify states with the most comprehensive public policies supporting people with asthma, food allergies, anaphylaxis and related allergic diseases in grade schools.
The health department reminds everyone that those most at risk for complications from influenza include people with asthma, emphysema or other chronic diseases; those over 65 years, under 5 years, and pregnant women.
People with asthma appear to be at an increased risk of having asthma symptoms following exposure to sulfites.»
We're urging researchers and innovators to work together to develop ways to help people with asthma through digital means, whether that is through video, SMART inhalers that can monitor the effectiveness of treatment, or apps to help patients manage their symptoms.»
Dr Samantha Walker, Director of Research & Policy at the charity Asthma UK, says: «Excitingly, this study shows that video can be just as effective as face - to - face support in communicating with people with asthma and encouraging them to better manage their symptoms.
People with asthma already have lower lung function, so if they have high gamma - tocopherol levels, they would have even more difficulty breathing, Cook - Mills said.
Rao's team is now using this data to develop a new approach to forecasting patients» seizure risk, which could allow patients to avoid potentially dangerous activities such as swimming or driving when their seizure risk is highest, and to potentially take steps (such as additional medication doses) to reduce their seizure risk, similar to how people with asthma know to take extra care to bring their inhalers when pollen levels are high.
People with asthma persistently suffer from airway inflammation and constriction due to various irritants.
People with asthma arent more likely to catch a virus than people without asthma, but when they do, their illness tends to be longer and more severe.
But knowing the triggers that can vary by season — such as pollen, temperature, humidity, pollution, and viruses — can help people with asthma figure out if they should be stepping up their medication.
With time and experience, however, most people with asthma become pros at predicting when they are most likely to experience problems (and at avoiding those situations).
The Mayo Clinic has warned about the dangers of soy for severely peanut - allergic people with asthma, yet most allergists and allergy information websites fail to warn parents of this danger.
Swimming is a sport that is very well tolerated by people with asthma, mainly because it's practiced either when the weather is warm or in indoor pools, which means that the air is warm and moist.
Whether fasting would benefit normal - weight people with asthma or other conditions associated with an overactive immune response remains to be seen.
A study involving 60 people with asthma compared the effects of the Buteyko Breathing Technique, a device that mimics pranayama (a yoga breathing technique), and a placebo.
Youngstown has one of the highest shares of low - income housing in the U.S., which can expose people with asthma to common triggers like mold, dust mites and cockroaches.
And while people with asthma, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases can wear a face mask to decrease their exposure to air irritants, good luck trying to get your cat to wear one.
Here is what I learned from a ninety - second internet search: «The majority of people with asthma notice that cold, dry air causes more symptoms than mild - temperature or hot, humid air.»
Asthma can not be cured, but with good management people with asthma can lead normal, active lives...
People with asthma frequently have inflamed bronchial tubes.
For people with asthma who have a certain gene variant, living in a home with mold may increase the risk of a severe attack, according to a 2010 Harvard Medical School Study.
«These findings are also important because they identify modifiable risk factors in people with asthma,» added co-author Prof. Mark Hew.
The suit alleged the housing agency violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by failing to provide reasonable accommodations to persons with asthma who experienced mold or excessive moisture in their apartments.
«This study is important because many people with asthma may be able to safely reduce their asthma medicines with the appropriate guidance from their healthcare teams,» Dr. Rank added.
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