Sentences with phrase «people yearn»

I would even go so far as to say that people yearn to feel a connection to these things.
Some people yearn for a by gone era when workers got more of the profits but that cat is out of the bag.
Working for myself is something that many people yearn for.
Some people yearn for a deterministic or thoroughly predictable device that does one or two things well, and a vintage BlackBerry does that.
The implication, to this atheist, is that people yearn to be assured that they're following a set of rigid rules better than non-believers.
Immortality is one of those elusive concepts that ranks up there with money, power and fame; people yearn for it, spending their whole lives trying to achieve the impossible dream of living forever.
It's just that most people yearn for that and that's why «dying alone (figuratively)» feels scary and sad.
In the midst of mass society people yearn to identify with something larger than themselves, something that will redeem their lives from insignificance.
People yearn to be part of something real and life - giving, and I believe that they can rediscover and help create this in a church.
Yet, the stories of the Bible are timeless, and Hollywood seems to recognize that people yearn to experience them.
With the price soaring above $ 8000 as of this writing, many people yearn for a taste of the digital currency.
Or the in coming coach will just start winning trophies without spending 86mill on pogba like or 150 on cotinho, I head ppl yearning for aceloti who was sack by Bayern.
Cake - cutting is a metaphor for a wide range of real - world problems that involve dividing some continuous object, whether it's cake or, say, a tract of land, among people who value its features differently — one person yearning for chocolate frosting, for example, while another has his eye on the buttercream flowers.
Sexy fashion regardless of how short the skirt blowing a woman's love for the dress has not cooled down, then walking with the wind flowing skirt, elegant posture always people yearning.
It's in San Francisco that we meet other fiery, passionate young people yearning to find some sense of community, including Roma Guy (Emily Skeggs as a youth and Mary - Louise Parker as an adult) who becomes a women's activist and is married to Diane (Fiona Dourif and Rachel Griffith), a nurse who stepped to the forefront to take care of AIDS patients when the epidemic hit.
When I work on big projects, such as a fountain, I like to include people who haven't yet developed their creative side — people yearning to let their creativity out.
People yearning for home ownership and parenthood can face an uphill battle in cities where soaring housing prices and costly daycare fees can be formidable.
There are hundreds of people yearning to find the work that you do — they just don't know it yet.
Of course, this will be a big fall to Earth for the Leftist - libs who in their delusions of grandeur enjoyed so much seeing themselves totally invested in saving the Earth from the evil business of capitalism; and, in particular, saving nature from Western civilization; and, in particular, saving humanity America — the keeper of the torch of individual liberty and the only active participant on the globe supporting people yearning for freedom from tyranny, despotism, neo-atheism and liberal fascism.
It is the first real taste of freedom for many an ambitious young person yearning to spread their wings and fly beyond the horizons of their -LSB-...]

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At the center of all these questions is an inner yearning to be a whole person — head and heart, yin and yang, doing and being.
Positive group dynamics are important, but people actually yearn for affirmation and praise on social media.
As long as people have lived in close quarters, they've been complaining about the noises other people make and yearning for quiet.
If you're old enough to remember a time before mobile devices existed, you may wistfully yearn for the days when people were head - up, paid better attention to conversations and read books or the newspaper instead of scrolling through a Facebook feed on their phones.
They're run by people who yearn for creative challenges and fulfilling opportunities, and who need the guidance of good human managers — not hard drives — to get them there.
Rather than avoid speculation or pray it doesn't turn one group against another, some people actually appear to thirst for a specific motive — to yearn for the revelation that the accused in question does in fact belong to a particular group, Emma Teitel writes.
«The success of his open and principled approach to a scandal touched the yearning for nobility in many people's hearts: the dream that honest is rewarded; that the besmirched can be redeemed through honor.»
People tend to dispute and become riled up and write sarcasms of ill will towards one and others who write their yearning's desires to be so heard in hoping's way.
That yearning to measure up, to be The Perfect Mother, masquerades as selflessness but really, it's approval addiction, it's people pleasing and you won't be the only victim of its poison and its bitter need for control.
We're called to be open not dismissive, people of confession not people who justify our yearnings of either physical or vocational victories.
People in the pews yearn for theological depth and authenticity.
This is extremely challenging because my mind yearns to flee from the harsh realities that are presented to it, including those harsh realities that come in the form of other people.
In sharp contrast to the Old Testament testimonies to the wrath of God and the yearning of God for the covenant people to mend their ways, Clement wrote, «God is impassible, free of anger, destitute of desire» (4.23).
While I have tried to describe rather carefully the pastoral role of a clergyman working in a mental health center as contrasted to that of a parish pastor, I think it is important that some aspects of his pastoral role be maintained diligently — his openness to all levels of pastoral conversation, his availability at all times, his understanding of and empathy with the deep yearnings of people for a sense of purpose and meaning in life, forgiveness, moral clarity, the sense of the holy, and the importance of confidentiality and continuity in relationships.
If certain people are posting images that are triggers or communicating with them causes you to yearn for the crack, remove them.
If people want to connect their lives with a living God, why condemn them for digging deep to buy gifts for their children or yearning for lost love?
They are the persons who, in simplicity of spirit, in comforted sorrow, in humility, in yearning aspiration after goodness, in compassion for others, in purity of heart, in peace - making, and in faithful devotion even to the point of persecution, seek after God and his kingdom.
They could articulate the deepest yearnings of a people and galvanize the emotional resources of a nation.
However, do not confuse that or lump in those of us who are spiritual people that yearn for a relationship with who we perceive to be our creators.
On the one hand, the people of God are filled with the yearning for God; on the other, they are part of God's garden, active and growing toward the ultimate harvest.
So... Krehator, you mean that a religion that is not responsive to the feelings and yearnings of the people is somehow more likely to be «true?»
I understand grief, I understand fear, I understand love, I understand justice, I understand the yearning for freedom, I understand courage, I understand the human spirit, and I see those beautiful and tragic truths in your people.
It pains me to see how many people - in this day and age of scientific enlightenment and understanding - still cling stubbornly to outdated beliefs that originated through * lack * of understanding; through appeal to the pack nature of humankind, in yearning for kinship and to «belong» to something greater; and through efforts to control, suppress, and subjugate the masses.
Love your ownliness as you seek that which you yearn toward, Another Life after death is all people's greatest reward!
It has moreover taught Jews to treat Judaism as an all - embracing civilization which can elicit from them «a sense of spiritual rootedness in Eretz Yisrael, a feeling of oneness with the forty - century - old People of Israel, a desire to understand its language and literature, a yearning to cherish its aspirations, and an eagerness to live its way of life, with its mores, laws, and arts» (GIM 394, 451).
We must help people respond to their yearning and questions by providing concrete teaching and encounters with God.
Paul writes with yearning and compassion (and a little drama, «I could wish myself accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my own people, my kindred»).
Your government has become the center of domination and subjugation of poor peoples of the world such as ours: peoples with an unsatisfied hunger for justice, a deep thirst for a better and more humane future, and an unquenchable yearning for life.
The parables which best illustrate the divine initiative that stems from the yearning love of God for every person, whatever one's moral status or station in life, are the trilogy of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost boy, ordinarily called the prodigal son.
The older my children get, the more I yearn to honour not just the people they are becoming but also the people that they already are.
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