Sentences with phrase «people your book wants»

Use it to connect with the type of people your book wants to attract.

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Books could indeed be the counter-point to the digital revolution — a physical experience that people want to escape to because they're tired of looking at screens all day.
I landed interviews with people like Buzz Aldrin, Michael Gerber, Erin Brockovich, Lou Holtz, and I really wanted Harvey Mackay (Swim With the Sharks) to contribute to the book.
«When people want it now and we happen to be on the chat box just hanging out — watching TV maybe, or working — and a chat comes up to book a client meeting next week, then great, we'll jump on that opportunity.»
If you want your book to establish you as a thought leader, your audience is the people who care about the issues relevant to your space or the influencers in your space.
At least one person, and probably many more, want to learn what your book can teach them.
So every time I had the opportunity, I told people I wanted to meet Harvey, that I wanted him to contribute to my book.
And while some older people may discount Mulcahy's strategy of using a chat box on her website as impersonal, she sees it as a way to communicate with customers on their time table — maybe at 11 p.m. when they happen to need a tutor or want to book an appointment.
There are many classic books about writing effective copy, and «How to win friends and influence people» should be required reading for anyone who wants to improve their marketing chops.
After spending all of 2016 meeting, befriending, and interviewing «top - performing» Millennials who've started companies worth billions of dollars collectively and influence hundreds of millions of people every month, Jared Kleinert wanted the readers of SBDIB to be the first to read his new book.
Generally speaking, people actively share books if: it makes them look smart, successful, or high status; they took a lot of value from the book; in some way they associate the book with an identity they desire and want to broadcast to the world.
«My brain ended up deciding that instead of trying to avenge my son's life, I wanted to give life as a result,» says Gawdat, who published his book Solve for Happy in January of this year and has given several talks on the subject through a campaign he launched to make 10 million people happy.
The book helps people amplify these areas of their lives in order to prepare for major transitions, become unstuck, reinvent themselves in the workplace or get the job they've always wanted.
I want to, in the next 10 years, get to this place where we can sell end - to - end trips — and have hundreds of millions of people every year booking end - to - end experiences where the home [stay] might be a minority of what we're doing.
Sometimes, people want cheap and easy; it turns out books may not fall into that category.
There is some analysis in there but I think we want people to get to the end of this book and be entertained, informed, feel like they've read a great book.
Most of the books are not what the average person might want to read, with technical and business manuals making up a good chunk (sample: The 2007 - 2012 World Outlook for Wood Toilet Seats).
Free your mind Don't be afraid to give your product away, Chris Anderson says, you'll figure out how to make money later The secret to success in the digital age is giving people what they want — literally, says Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired and author of the controversial new book Free: The Future of a Radical Price.
If you're like most people the answer is, you sit at your desk and daydream about a big change — that artisanal food business you've always wanted to start, the book you could write, that round - the - world trip haunting your bucket list, or the career - transforming master's degree you really should pursue.
Find something people want and start posting information about it on a blog and then upsell your services on the blog.Or write 1000 small books about different topics and publish them on Amazon.
The book comes alive with step - by - step instructions, interactive graphics, and recipes that automatically adjust according to how many people you want to cook for.
If you were writing a book, you would have to be able to explain what it is about in a way that makes people want to read it.
Because as much as Gossip the book is about the popularization of back - fence talk and the search for a reason why one of the world's most compelling pastimes is so pleasurable, it's also about admitting that people just can't keep secrets; they don't want to, and we might as well embrace the fact that they'll keep fewer and fewer in the future unless we collectively settle on some new etiquette.
These coloring books aren't just some passing activity for people who want to tap into their creativity — they're big business.
But then they wanted to buy the book, and I was like, «Oh yeah, right, people might actually might want to buy this.»
He was part of a New York City dinner circuit that includes people who believe the US should go back to the gold standard, rich people who don't think they should have to give back to society in the form of taxes, and anyone interested in either of those ideas who wanted to write a book about them.
It brings together small gatherings of people who want to learn the same thing in private videochat rooms — taking the best features of book clubs into the digital era.
I'm doing it because I want to give value to people first, so that if I ever need something in the future, I want to guilt all of you into buying my book.
«No matter what jobs you have or jobs you want, seek out the oldest people in your present company, or the people who have worked there the longest,» Spooner writes in the book.
This is a book for all who want to unite people and business for mutually beneficial outcomes — for the company's employees and the bottom line.
But if working with her makes people want to buy my books, then by all means.
Katsuyama: It made it harder to find those people after the book because the book added another element to why someone would want to work here, other than doing the right thing.
In my book, The Success Principles, I teach 64 lessons that help people achieve what they want out of life.
This book, Patent To Market Success, is for inventors, entrepreneurs, and everyday people who have filed for a patent and want to successfully get their invention into the market.
It is complex, but that never worried me because all the information an investor might want was out there, and there's an entire cottage industry of books, conferences, videos and websites to help people make sense of it all.
I read Animal Farm for the first time since 7th grade on my flight from Tokyo yesterday and it struck me as the «must - read» book for people who want insights into the methods by which Bitcoin Core has controlled the narrative about BTC and Bitcoin Cash.
«Whether your family business has an actual HR department or not, this book is a must - read for any family business leader — family member or not — who wants to maximize the contribution of their people.
I'd written one book about Wall Street, Liar's Poker, and pretty much assumed I'd never write another, as I further assumed that nothing would ever happen on Wall Street that was as interesting to me as what had happened to me — or, if it did, I'd be the last person anyone on Wall Street would want to tell about it.
They have all done amazing things, built amazing careers, wrote influential books or built products people want to use.
Oh, and he is also an active real estate investor, entrepreneur, traveler, third - person speaker, husband, and author of «The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down ``, and «The Book on Rental Property Investing» which you should probably read if you want to do more deals.
an excellent book for any leader or person wanting to lead!
«I wanted to write a book so that people who are considering investing, but don't know where to start, would have a guide.
so and plus I might run into a story, I am always, my eye is always looking for a story because I want to be creative everyday, I have already told all of my stories in my books and stuff, I want to be creative everyday so I want to learn other peoples news stories, so I always keep my eye out for story as well.
The book is written for people who have already decided that they want to invest and trade penny stocks.
Perhaps one of the reasons why self help books are so successful is that in the West we do largely have the luxury of being able to control our own success and future, but so many people feel they are not able to wield that control or manage to get the things out of life they want despite unparalleled levels of opportunity.
In their book, Chris and Susan share how you can reach people with the valuable information people want to consume and are eager to share — and how that will brand your organization as one worthy of doing business with.
«Read his manifesto «quran» and you will notice it says stuff like «allah wants the heads removed of all non believers»» — And if that was true, then there wouldn't be such a term as «People of the Book,» or the dhimmi taxes established in the medieval eras
Religious people the world over are great at picking and choosing what they want from their various books of magic spells.
As Eugene Peterson writes in Run With the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best: «We don't become whole persons by merely wanting to become whole, by consulting the right prophets, by reading the right book.
Martin Luther was so troubled by its calls for people to pursue righteousness through good works that he wanted the whole book to be thrown «into the stove.»
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