Sentences with phrase «peoples beliefs as»

Truth is Judeo - Christianity EVOLVED to incorporate other peoples beliefs as it saw fit.
I am an atheist who feels that I should respect other peoples beliefs as long as they respect mine not to believe in the myth that they fell for.
Not to be too picky, but Deist only defines a persons beliefs as much a «atheist» does.

Not exact matches

As person 2, you expect to know what environments, beliefs, and behaviors will bring you reward so you expect to know how to enjoy life.
We point to business and policy uncertainty, people are still unsure as to who has their hands on the steering wheel... People have got to start believing in the real economy and I don't think we have that belief yet.&people are still unsure as to who has their hands on the steering wheel... People have got to start believing in the real economy and I don't think we have that belief yet.&People have got to start believing in the real economy and I don't think we have that belief yet.»
«My own belief is that as things settle down it's not going to be as bad as people think.»
The Republican - led Mississippi Senate voted 31 - 17 to pass House Bill 1523, otherwise known as the «religious liberty» bill, states that public employees, businesses, religious organizations and social workers will not face repercussions for denying services to people based on «sincerely held» religious beliefs.
«As an Egyptian immigrant who was taken under the wing of a great business leader like Bill Campbell, I have an abiding belief that we all should pay it forward by ensuring that our workplace represents all types of people,» Michael wrote.
Psychographic characteristics represent the emotional and intangible characteristics of a person such as their beliefs and values.
As people who care deeply about their country, we are taught implicitly to vote for the party that most closely resembles our set of beliefs and convictions.
The core belief was that if you had fun, if you were relaxed, if you really connected with people, they would love it as customers.
«Most people are buying Bitcoin, not because of a belief in its future as a global currency, but because they expect it to rise in value,» a note from economists at Capital Economics said on Wednesday.
Deb started at GE 30 years ago as an intern, and during her career climb, her core belief has been that if you put a group of 10 people in one room who think and look alike, and a diverse group of 10 people in another room, the diverse room will come up with better solutions to a problem.
Authentic leaders start with a strong sense of values, and some deep beliefs in their mission and purpose, but just as importantly, they are able to personally inspire and build trusting relationships with the people around them who can make things happen in the business.
Smart leaders understand that executing a change in direction — even a small one --(picture of basketball players) requires their own thinking, expectations, and beliefs to shift, as well as those of the people on their team.
Surveys are used to collect factual data, such as employment and salary information, or to ask questions in order to understand people's opinions, preferences, beliefs, or desires.
It describes the popular belief that some powerful group of people such as the Treasury Department in 1873 or a banking consortium in 1929 can direct financial markets and the economy at will.
As a woman who got married in the late 1960's I can tell you a lot of things about limiting your beliefs including how people around you can set up limits and barriers.
I may have my own beliefs as to which types of news and opinion are most reliable, but if lots of other people who trade decide the news is important, it will be an important day.»
As for cramming beliefs down peoples» throats, where have you been for the past 2000 years.
Can't be too intelligent, as you seem to misunderstand that atheism, like any form of theism, is strictly a belief, and what a person believes has ZERO BEARING on how intelligent they can BECOME.
If you look up blogs for people who were Democrats as youths and in their middle - age switched to Republican (neo-neocon is an excellent example), you'll see that they too were shunned for choosing the «wrong» belief.
I find it interesting that people who adhere to orthodox / fundamentalist streams of Christianity feel the need to make everyone live as they do (regardless of their beliefs)-- it's as though the only way these people can come close to living in accordance with their views is to make sure everyone else pretends to be like them in order to remove the temptation for them.
As people increase their level of education they reach a point where they can not reconcile belief with reality and leave belief behind.
As a Christian it is my belief that in order to show Christ risen we must embrace everyone and in order to do that we must be able to reach people where they are, and to not have a crisis of Faith in your walk with God is a lie.
In order for our witness to mean anything to ourselves, our kids, or anyone who might darken our doors, we have to think about the culture we live in and what makes it particularly hostile to orthodox beliefas well as ways in which people around us might be uniquely susceptible to aspects of our faith that are true.
So perhaps you should come to terms with the one fact that is truly undeniable, infallible and that links all together as one people: regardless of what any of us believes, the thing that gives us the certainty to argue for our beliefs is simply faith.
Nye wasn't there to debate whether or not people should be allowed to believe in Creationism... he was simply there to challenge, as has always had to be done, the idea that beliefs should be taught right alongside science as though the two were not mutually exclusive.
For a clear definition of «perfectly fine,» go over to the article about the London Cleric resigning and see haw many perfectly fine people are posting in all caps, touting their personal beliefs as facts, and making fun of us for believing something we believe is factual.
I hope that people who miss one or more of the questions take it as an indication that they need to rediscover their beliefs and the reasoning behind those beliefs.
But even if some people do, who could be so foolish as to think that such beliefs are likely to be true?»
The smarter people are, the more likely they are to reject religious beliefs as necessary or healthy for themselves and the world.
Following you for all these years and watching the changes in your cartoons, watching the comments, reading your posts, and some person e-mails between us, I know you as a changing person with fluxing beliefs.
One person said he would see but might well choose to stay with his existing beliefs, but could not be defined as either religious or atheist.
Non-belief is in the same place as belief is... standing on the sidelines while bad things happen to some good people.
I also know people who hold to the same beliefs regarding homosexuals as fishon but who have gone out of their way to educate themselves on both sides of the debate... and even though they still think homosexuality is a sin, they don't resort to the language and comparasions that fishon does... because they know that homosexuality isn't anything comparable to pedophilia or alcoholism.
It's just a shame that we haven't come to the point in society where it should be required that those who make decisions must meet certain, more highly regulated, fool proof, corruption resistant criteria proving their intellect and open mindedness as well as weeding out individuals with preconceived notions, racist, sexist or religiously or other discriminative views (even if they themselves don't believe they are discriminative in their beliefs... this happens more than many people realize) and overall ignorant minds.
You will notice that you won't see these same level of oppositions against any other belief system, where people who hold the worldly opinion would be so motivated and compelled as to try and convince believers that their faith is wrong.
This person is obviously suffering from mental illness and yet this irrational respect that is given to «religious faith» blinds CNN to the point where they post this as «Belief» instead of on the medical page where it belongs.
And to try to frighten people into belief just identifies your god as a petty punk.
In the end each person as the Bible states will be judged on whether he or she believes in Jesus as God's Son and Savior — if a person refuses to believe, he or she will spend eternity in Hell, while the person who does believe, even if their belief comes in the final moment of their life, will be saved.
If a group of people choose to live by a certain set of rules and actually don't mind, then their beliefs should be respected as we would want our beliefs to be accepted and respected as well.
I'm just tired of people who say there is no God saying I am stupid for my beliefs when they act in moronic things and do things just as bad as Christians do in the name of what they believe.
belief: 1: acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty 2: confidence that somebody or something is good or will be effective 3: something that somebody believes in: a statement, principle, or doctrine that a person or group accepts as true
They could, but you would get as many answers as there are people, because belief is a very personal thing and we all craft our gods in our own image... or in the image of what we fear most.
But Bob, you're equally distatsteful to me as any Jehovah's Witness or Mormon who rings my doorbell — why is it your job to ruin people's beliefs?
Without a belief in humanity it's highly doubtful they as poor people would have shield them.
Religious people may believe people are «better» with god, but as the statistics clearly demonstrate, that belief is as unsupportable as their belief in their imaginary gods.
The catholic church is set up as an organization of people with like - minded beliefs.
Do you want that the people you know and love who do not share the same belief as you be tortured forever?
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