Sentences with phrase «per cup honey»

pumpkin puree - 80 calories per cup honey - 515 calories per 1/2 cup!

Not exact matches

A fiercely spiced ginger (as many fresh slices as you can manage), wildly tart lemon (one plump juiced fruit per cup; two's better), barely sweet (one tiny squeeze of honey; three for my kids) tisane is requisite around here, for any whiff of a sniffle.
Our ancestors likely indulged in around one tablespoon (60 calories) of honey per day (when available), which is stunningly low compared to today's average sugar intake of one cup (774 calories) per day!
One or two cups of coffee per day can have some great health benefits but try to opt for a plain Americano with some milk instead of adding in all the extras and if you need a sweetener, try some honey or pure cane syrup.
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