Sentences with phrase «per year die»

More than 1.6 million people per year die in China from breathing toxic air... Air pollution... dings China's GDP about 6.5 percent annually, according to RAND Corp. estimates.
CJD in Canada, about 1 per million people per year die from it.
About 40 people (children) per year die by drowning in 5 - gallon water pails.
Some 150,000 people per year are diagnosed with colon cancer and 55,000 per year die of it.
Because that's when Kofi Annan's Global Humanitarian Forum launched its much - publicised report (pdf) revealing that it's actually 300,000 people per year dying as a result of climate change.
Let us know which insurers can't handle the cost of fewer than 1,000 people per year dying from heat waves.

Not exact matches

The CDC estimates that 200,000 people per year are hospitalized for the flu in the United States each year, with up to 49,000 people dying.
The study found that adults who sat for 11 hours or more per day had a 40 % increased risk of dying in the next three years than those who sat for less than four hours a day.
The company came under fire in 2015 after a Washington Post investigation found that, on average, one person per week died in incidents in which police used Tasers that year.
Based on the usual rate that rent controlled areas can raise rent by (3 % per year), rent will be $ 8441 a month when you retire, and if you die at 80, your last month of rent will be $ 13,151.72.
Add the average Social Security payment per person of $ 18,000 a year to a 4 % withdrawal rate on $ 230,000 and you get $ 27,200 a year to live happily until you die at 85.
In the cost - effectiveness analysis (GiveWell estimate of Living Goods cost effectiveness (November 2014)-RRB-, in all Sheets except for «U5MR (Jake's assumptions),» we use 5q0, or the probability of a child dying before his or her 5th birthday expressed in deaths per 1,000 live births assuming constant mortality rates throughout childhood, instead of the under - 5 mortality rate (under 5 deaths per person per year), because the original report on the RCT we received from Living Goods reported outcomes in terms of 5q0.
(IOW, if that 2,000 average in the congregation church has less than 100 converts per year, it is dying.
He averaged 36.7 points per game but died of cardiac arrest in a pickup game a few years after high school.
I believe the numbers are in the neighbourhood of 3000 babies dying in cribs per year, and 50 dying in parents» beds.
During 2010, a total of 1418 children under 10 died in transportation accidents, for a death rate of roughly 2.2 per 100,000 per year, or 22 per 100,000 total by age 10.
Sadly, the fact is that, while they are one of the most - if not, the most - preventable of all catastrophic sports injuries, heat - related deaths among high school and college football players in the United States nearly tripled between 1994 and 2009, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Georgia, with an average of nearly three players dying each year during that time period versus about one death per year during the previous 15 years.
Now, before I outright say this isn't true, it can be — but the chances of a baby having the only true allergy to human breastmilk or lactose in any form, called galactosemia, affects only 47 babies in the US per year... however, 150 people die annually from a falling coconut hitting them on the head.
Every year at least 100 US mothers die from cesareans (1/10, 000 among the million cesareans per year) and would be alive if they had had planned attended homebirths.
Landon (3) found that 1 woman dies among every 3000 cesareans (0.3 %), but estimating that only 1 in 5000 or (0.2 %) of women die from cesareans, 0.2 % of 1,386,000 = 277 women die per year in the US who would be alive had they chosen attended homebirth.
Right now, the human, social and political cost of not having acted decisively on the migrant crisis is huge: the Schengen Agreement lies in tatters, thousands of migrants have died, millions are on the move (on average, two thousand per day are arriving in Europe this year so far), and anti-immigration feelings have been inflamed across the continent.
It would seem that fewer than a hundred cases of assisted dying occur per year.
But with 10 to 20 per cent of people worldwide getting flu every year, that still adds up to a huge burden of illness — and even in a good year some half a million die.
«This year we predict that 41,300 men and 41,000 women will die from pancreatic cancer — an age standardised rate of 8.0 and 5.6 deaths respectively per 100,000 of the population.
Although the actual absolute numbers have increased when compared with 2009 (the year for which there are World Health Organization mortality data for most EU countries) due to the growing numbers of elderly people, the rate (age - standardised per 100,000 of the population) of people who die from the disease has declined from 148.3 male and 89.1 female deaths per 100,000 in 2009 to 138.1 deaths and 84.7 per 100,000 predicted for 2014.
Mixed - lineage leukaemia (MLL) accounts for 70 per cent of leukaemia in infants under two, half of whom will die within two years.
A six - year study of nearly half a million people in the UK has found that those who are night owls were 10 per cent more likely to die during that time period.
Thomas Malthus died in 1834, worried about the survival of the world population, which then numbered 1 billion people and was growing by 5 million per year.
Of the 7000 people bitten every year in Brazil by brown recluse spiders, also known as reapers, 1.5 per cent die.
Over the course of about 20 years, women who drank three or more glasses of milk per day were almost twice as likely to die as those who drank less than one, other things being equal.
Around two per cent of horses die from grass sickness each year in the UK.
Although rates of child deaths reduced dramatically — from 77 · 4 to 45 · 6 per 1000 livebirths — between 2000 and 2013, the authors» projections show that, if current trends continue, in 2030 4 · 4 million children under five years will still die, and 60 % of these deaths will occur in sub-Saharan Africa.
Around 250 million years ago, the so - called «Great Dying» saw 70 per cent of species wiped out on land and 95 per cent in the oceans.
In the 25 countries for which there were data, there was an average annual reduction in people dying after being admitted to hospital with a heart attack of five per cent in the past five years.
Roads near Lake Jackson, Florida, are dangerous for turtles: More than 2,000 die per mile there each year.
Although the risk of life - threatening complications from knee replacement surgery is very small, people who undergo total knee replacement are four times more likely to die in the first month after surgery compared to those who have partial knee replacement, and 15 per cent more likely to die in the first eight years.
The South proved deadliest: 1,550 children died in fatal wrecks; a mortality rate of 1.34 per 100,000 children per year.
During a span of 27 years, an average of 65 percent of chicks died per year, with some 40 percent starving.
Mental ill health accounts for some 15 per cent of the disease burden in developed countries — and people who are seriously mentally ill typically die 20 years earlier than would otherwise be expected.
The shale, named for the town of Eagle Ford, TX, is a geologic remnant of the ancient ocean that covered present day Texas millions of years ago, when the remains of sea life (especially ancient plankton) died and deposited onto the seafloor, were buried by several hundred feet of sediment, eventually turning into the rich source of hydrocarbons we have today.The shale was first tapped in 2008 and now has around 20 active fields good producing over 900 million cubic feet per day of natural gas.
In a further analysis of all 4,000 cases, αB - crystallin was also linked with a significantly higher risk of death — with 36 per cent of women with αB - crystallin positive cancer, compared to 25 per cent with αB - crystallin negative, dying within ten years of diagnosis.
Compared to times of peace, the analysis showed, HIV incidence increased by 2.1 infections per 1000 people a year in the five years before a conflict where at least 25 people died as a result of fighting.
Every day, more than 90 Americans die after overdosing on opioids, and the economic burden of prescription opioid misuse in the United States totals $ 78.5 billion per year, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
More than 1.8 million people die of HIV - related causes each year — approximately 5,000 deaths per day.
death rates The share of people in a particular, defined group that die per year.
Currently one in eight women in Australia will develop breast cancer and more than 2700 per year will die due to the spread of the cancer to other parts of the body.
Nearly 88,000 people also die from alcohol - related causes per year, which makes alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States.
Over a million children per year have died of preventable mosquito - borne illnesses like malaria ever since.
According to a BBC article, over 100,000 people die each year due to ineffective malaria medicines, and overall, Interpol puts the number of deaths due to counterfeit pharmaceuticals at up to a million per year.
I talked about NSAIDs and the number is over 10,000 people per year that are dying of regular use of NSAIDs that they're taking probably that were prescribed from whoever, doctor or physical therapist or whatever, for the inflammation or the pain or the other symptoms they're having.
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