Sentences with phrase «perceived biggest threats»

Plus, unlike two of Thrones» perceived biggest threats, House of Cards and Better Call Saul, The Americans has one of the two all - important writing and directing nominations.
«I don't perceive a big threat [to the Wii] until late 2008, with the impact felt in late 2009.

Not exact matches

How big a threat do you perceive to the country from the political moment that we're in right now?
At the beginning of the year, possible far - right election victories in the Netherlands, France and Germany were perceived as the biggest threat to European politics.
If they perceive you as a threat, one big thing they typically do is attempt to throw you off the ballot.
On the heels of the debate over how to categorize the biggest state land acquisition in a generation, the Adirondack Council pooh - poohed state government over what they perceived as a lack of commitment to expanding Wilderness, protecting forests and wildlife, addressing threats from off - road vehicles and strengthening state agencies.
The real threat perceived by the big Arctic states may not be each other but the chance that other countries will press for claims, say experts.
The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from various foreign viruses and bacteria, but an asthmatics» immune system perceives certain substances and allergens as big threats and activates an exaggerated response, thus triggering an asthma attack.
Fear of the piracy that ravaged the industry — from Napster to Bittorrent — has, for instance, led to an insistence on copy - protection which has in turn served to lock customers into a relationship with what some perceive as an even bigger threat: Amazon.
«During Hurricane Irene, for example, the word «threat» was used much more often within climate tweets,» the authors write, «suggesting that climate change may be perceived as a bigger threat than the hurricane itself.»
According to the report, external threats such as hackers have replaced malware as the biggest perceived security threat.
No matter how questionable the industry is perceived, not even negative comments from big bank leaders like Jamie Dimon or threats from the Chinese government to close exchanges can stop the momentum that crypto has right now.
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