Sentences with phrase «perceived discrimination»

She is particularly interested in how the psychological and physical consequences of perceived discrimination may be moderated by how strongly one identifies with the group that is the target of discrimination.
Further research in this area should include exploration of other potential mechanisms for the association between perceived discrimination and health service utilization.
The new research focused on how motherhood affects perceived discrimination among women physicians.
Race - based stress can be caused by perceived discrimination, or feeling like you've been treated unfairly based on your race.
Maternal perceived discrimination accounted for variability in reported child behaviors.
First, in contrast to the rejection — identification model, perceived discrimination at early adolescence negatively related to ethnic affect at middle adolescence.
In African - Americans, however, the negative effects of perceived discrimination on cortisol are stronger than in whites, according to the study, one of the first to look at the biological response to the cumulative impact of prejudicial treatment.
In the course of his 139 - page decision, Campbell made the important legal finding that a symbolic gesture against perceived discrimination is not a sufficient justification for the infringement of fundamental freedoms.
We are talking about adoption agencies being required to assign children to gay couples, colleges and universities being required to offer same - sex couples access to married housing, and any number of similar scenarios revolving around perceived discrimination against gays and lesbians.»
Forms of perceived discrimination ranged from disrespect and reduced pay to being overlooked for promotions or being held to higher performance standards.
Race - based stressors, including perceived discrimination and the fear of fulfilling negative stereotypes, have psychological effects and physiological effects on the body, which may contribute to the racial - ethnic achievement gap, new Northwestern University research suggests.
Perceived discrimination in health care is associated with a greater burden of pain in sickle cell disease.
This case confirms that the definition of direct discrimination under the Act is wide enough to cover perceived discrimination.
The Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS) is a validated screen widely used to measure perceived discrimination.
Evidence that perceived discrimination harms romantic relationship quality through impaired self - image.
[24] Almeida, J., et al. «Emotional distress among LGBT youth: The influence of perceived discrimination based on sexual orientation.»
The relationship between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms among young Turkish - Dutch and Moroccan - Dutch
Decomposing identity: Differential relationships between several aspects of ethnic identity and the negative effects of perceived discrimination among First Nations adults in Canada.
Burgess D, Lee R, Tran A, van Ryn M. Effects of Perceived Discrimination on Mental Health and Mental Health Services Utilization Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Persons.
The researchers said that patients with chronic conditions require more routine follow - up care than those with acute medical problems, and were therefore more vulnerable to the negative effects of perceived discrimination, which could dissuade them from seeking needed care.
Most users criticized United (ual) for its perceived discrimination of all Asians, and Chinese celebrities joined in, too.
A Jewish woman spoke against the perceived discrimination: «If this discussion was happening 100 years ago, there's a good chance it would be happening to my people.
Stress — particularly related to perceived discrimination, social isolation and urban living — is believed to increase this risk.
Perceived discrimination and substance use in African American parents and their children: a panel study.
Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness scale is a 29 item questionnaire grouped into five basically theory driven subscales; Alienation, Stereotype endorsement, Perceived discrimination, Social withdrawal and Stigma resistance.
The power calculation for detecting the association between perceived discrimination and psychotic symptoms (delusional hallucination) was based on Janssen et al. 21 This study differs from our study because it has a longitudinal design and it also includes Dutch inhabitants, not only migrants.
Laura's research interests include the influence of psychosocial factors on health outcomes and health behaviors, with particular attention to identity, emotion, and perceived discrimination.
Middle Class African American Mothers» Depressive Symptoms Mediate Perceived Discrimination and Reported Child Externalizing Behaviors McNeil, Harris - McKoy, Brantley, Fincham, & Beach (2014) Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23 (8) View Abstract Presents results of a study that explored the effects of perceived discrimination on youth outcomes and examined the potential mediating role of maternal depression.
Research Design: Sources of data in this study consist of teacher (N = 16) questionnaires reflecting CRT dimensions and student (N = 244) questionnaires for ethnic identity, perceived discrimination, and scholastic competence, as well as reading achievement.
This study sought to determine levels of healthy development of Puerto Rican children living in the U.S. mainland, and took into account family variables, perceived discrimination, and geographic location.
Discrimination hurts, but mindfulness may help: Trait mindfulness moderates the relationship between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms.
We investigated ethnic group differences in the association between social support, perceived discrimination and mental health in one adolescent and one preadolescent sample of immigrant children in Norway.
Abstract: We investigated ethnic group differences in the association between social support, perceived discrimination and mental health in one adolescent and one preadolescent sample of immigrant children in Norway.
Perceived discrimination and the adjustment of African American youths: A five - year longitudinal analysis with contextual moderation effects
Perceived discrimination and substance use in African American parents and their children: A panel study
Multiple regression analyses revealed two risk factors — perceived discrimination and parent — adolescent conflict — as highly significant predictors of adolescent internalizing problems and low self - esteem.
This study examined the size of the differential associations between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms among immigrant youth in the US — a rapidly growing and potentially vulnerable demographic group.
Perceived discrimination, serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region status, and the development of conduct problems
These findings highlight the bidirectional relationship between perceived discrimination and adolescent outcomes; they also demonstrate the value of studying the discrimination experiences of Chinese Americans.
Second, perceived discrimination positively related to depressive symptoms across the studied developmental periods, and depressive symptoms positively related to perceived discrimination from middle adolescence to emerging adulthood.
Among Latino adolescents, perceived discrimination is associated cross-sectionally with more depressive symptoms (Behnke et al. 2011; Huynh and Fuligni 2010; Lorenzo - Blanco et al. 2011) and somatic symptoms (Huynh and Fuligni 2010).
Structural equation modeling was used to examine the effects of cultural factors (ethnic identity, perceived discrimination), family relations, and child problem type on mental health service utilization in a community sample of 1,480 adolescent girls (860 African American, 620 European American) between ages 15 and 17 years enrolled in the Pittsburgh Girls Study.
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