Sentences with phrase «perceived effectiveness»

This 2015 report renews our understanding about how teachers currently use digital instructional tools, teachers» attitudes toward digital technology, and teachers» perceived effectiveness of digital tools.
A new study last week provided more evidence of the unintended consequences of another gaming behavior — reassigning teachers based on perceived effectiveness.
In addition, the present study examined parental views of the COPE program with regard to satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of the different strategies using a 4 - point scale.
Overall, these findings are consistent with those of other surveys, in revealing the perceived effectiveness of cannabis for the relief of symptoms associated with several medical conditions.
New research explores how Australian schools are addressing issues of bullying and cyber bullying and the perceived effectiveness of the strategies used.
Students describe and evaluate the perceived effectiveness of students» contributions to the collaborative process of developing improvised and scripted scenes
Students use articulated criteria to describe, analyze, and constructively evaluate the perceived effectiveness of artistic choices found in dramatic performances
Principal Time Management Skills: Explaining Patterns in Principals» Time Use, Job Stress, and Perceived Effectiveness
In terms of the perceived effectiveness of computer games for improving student learning, mathematics ranked highest, with 71 % of game - using teachers reporting that computer games have been effective in improving their students» math learning.
The survey asked for information about the characteristics and roles of principal supervisors, the professional development provided to them, and the perceived effectiveness of their principal evaluation systems.
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