Sentences with phrase «perceived skill improvements»

Adolescents reported more perceived skill improvements than did parents.

Not exact matches

Domain 2: Continuous Improvement of Instruction The actions and behaviors in this domain help ensure that the school as a whole, as well as individual teachers, perceives teacher pedagogical skill as one of the most powerful instruments in enhancing student learning and are committed to enhancing those pedagogical skills on a continuous basis.
Music can be vital for some gamers as it somehow has the unseen effect of a self - perceived improvement in skills.
While there are many good reasons why the cost of services from a particular lawyer or firm should increase, too often a blanket approach is taken that is out of touch with perceived improvements in efficiency, skills or service.
Research found mothers were given an initial confidence boost about their parenting skills from attending group sessions, which led to a perceived improvement in their children's behaviour, but this was only temporary.
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