Sentences with phrase «percent better bone»

They concluded that women who did 60 to 120 seconds of high - intensity, weight - bearing activity per day had 4 percent better bone health than those who did less than a minute.
While 4 to 6 percent better bone health might not seem wildly significant, I'd argue that any achievement that inspires an uptick in health is valuable.
In addition to finding an increase of 4 percent better bone health for the one - to - two - minute - daily exercisers, they found even better results for those who did more than two minutes of high - intensity, weight - bearing exercise a day; those women showed 6 percent better bone health.

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· Just a small serving of about one - quarter of a cup will give you close to 50 percent of the recommended daily amount of magnesium, essential to bone and heart health as well as bowel function.
In the paper, the scientists report that their method produced more than twice the yield of potential bone - makers (9 percent) compared to their best application of another method: sorting cells based on surface proteins presumed to indicate that a cell is a stem cell (4 percent).
In contrast, Stitt notes, «the best drug, right now, will increase bone density only an average of 3 percent per year.»
The Austrian researchers also found that women who took Zometa (zoledronic acid) had a 30 percent lower risk of the cancer spreading to the bone, with other benefits as well.
And while we're on the topic of using progestins for birth control, a good study from the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise showed that young women who got regular aerobic exercise and resistance training (e.g. lifting weights) increased their bone density by one to two percent per two years, and those who didn't exercise lost one to two percent per two years.
Research indicates that getting adequate amounts of vitamin K in the diet can help older adults maintain strong bones, according to the book «Wellness Foods A to Z.» Dried plums are a significant source of vitamin A as well, supplying more than 7 percent of the nutrient's daily value per serving of five fruits.
1) Less dairy = better bones 2) Milk doesn't reduce bone fractures 3) Calcium not only isn't as bone - protective as was thought, it may increase the risk of cancer 4) Dairy causes digestive problems for the 75 percent of people with lactose intolerance 5) Dairy aggravates Irritable Bowel Syndrome [73]
Many veterinarians recommend that puppies be fed adult maintenance dog foods with less than 25 percent protein and be kept slightly hungry so their bones are not pushed into rapid growth that may be detrimental to good hip formation.
Second thigh - slightly longer than the upper thigh (36 percent of the height at withers), well boned and muscled, with marked muscular groove.
Still in the lab - testing phase — on cow bones from the grocery store — the superglue performed 37 percent as well as commercial glue.
While osteoporosis may be a condition which affects many individuals over the age of 50, people who took Actos were 71 percent likelier to develop osteoporosis as well as a loss in bone density.
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