Sentences with phrase «percent property tax hike»

«Hi, this is Rudy Giuliani reminding you that unless you want a 39 percent property tax hike in Nassau County, it is imperative for you to go to the polls on Tuesday and vote to re-elect Howard Kopel county legislator.»
Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano's budget scraps the 4 percent property tax hike imposed by his predecessor, Tom Suozzi.
By that reasoning, the increase in Safety Net costs alone could force the city over the state - imposed 2 percent property tax hike cap without deep cuts in municipal services.
Later that afternoon, I and five of my colleagues in the Erie County Legislature did exactly that when we voted to eliminate the 3.4 percent property tax hike proposed by County Executive Mark Poloncarz.
Despite almost $ 1 million in relief from the county's takeover of a formerly city - funded welfare program, Kingston residents are facing a nearly 4 percent property tax hike in Gallo's proposed 2016 budget.
The city of Oswego continues to deal with resident complaints about last year's 43 percent property tax hike, and struggle with balancing its budget.
Oswego County Administrator Philip Church recently presented to legislators his proposed 2015 budget, which includes a nearly seven percent property tax hike.
During the Dec. 4, 2012 budget vote, Republicans Kevin Hardwick, John Mills and Edward Rath; Democrat Tom Loughran; Conservative Joseph Lorigo and Independent Lynne Dixon proposed and confirmed a budget amendment package to reduce the $ 1.4 billion budget by approximately $ 8.5 million, the amount slated to be raised by a 3.4 percent property tax hike.
When Troy Mayor Patrick Madden released his 2017 budget proposal in early October, it came with a hefty 28.2 percent property tax hike and a 17.5 percent sewer rate increase.
The Huntington School District is considering a 2 percent property tax hike and eliminating 68 teacher positions as officials prepare its 2011 - 12 budget.
The proposed budget includes a 1.9 percent property tax hike — about $ 20 per homeowner.
Mejias says such claims are overblown, saying he sponsored the repeal of the home heating tax, supported only one 3.9 percent property tax hike and opposed efforts to raise lawmakers» salaries over objection of party leaders.
He began collecting petition signatures following last year's 43 percent property tax hike.
Poloncarz was calling for a 3.4 percent property tax hike that would have raised $ 8 million.
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