Sentences with phrase «percentage points in his favor»

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Four hikes later, with the federal funds rate rising a full percentage point, the results are not largely in the consumers» favor.
For example, suppose that voters are evenly split between two political parties, but the nine equal population single member districts are drawn so that the favored party wins by just 5 percentage points in eight districts, while the disfavored party wins by 40 percentage points in another district, you've converted a 50 - 50 division of the population vote into 8 seats for the favored party (which gets a 0.45 seat rounding error in its favor in the eight districts it wins and a 0.1 seat rounding error against it in the one district it loses), and 1 seat for the disfavored party (which gets a 0.45 seat rounding error against it in the eight district it loses but only a 0.1 seat rounding error in its favor in the one district it wins).
The gap is nearly double the 28 - percentage point difference in Akshar's favor in a poll released in late September.
How far could tens of millions of dollars go in smaller, less expensive states where Democrats have a better chance to make pickups, such as Arizona and Nevada, or the five states where incumbent Democratic senators face electorates that favored Donald Trump by at least 17 percentage points in 2016 (Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia)?
42 - percentage point gap over the issue of using animals in research — 89 % of scientists favor it, while 47 % of the public backs the idea.
The percentages favoring merit pay, an end to teacher tenure, and increases in teacher salaries are all down about 5 percentage points.
In even - numbered years, when state and national elections are held, the share of the uninformed members of the public who favor higher spending is roughly 5 percentage points higher than it is in odd - numbered years, when most states do not hold electionIn even - numbered years, when state and national elections are held, the share of the uninformed members of the public who favor higher spending is roughly 5 percentage points higher than it is in odd - numbered years, when most states do not hold electionin odd - numbered years, when most states do not hold elections.
Among the uninformed, the share in favor of an increase fell by 14 percentage points in 2009 from a high of 69 % attained in 2008.
In the summer of 2010, public support for merit pay actually decreased by 1 percentage point when respondents were told that the president favored the idea.
We found that opposition to vouchers declined by 7 percentage points between 2016 and 2017 when we asked respondents whether they favored giving «all families with children in public schools a wider choice by allowing them to enroll their children in private schools instead, with the government helping to pay the tuition.»
Our 2008 findings reveal a return to the patterns seen in the 1980s and 1990s, when voters consistently favored the Democrats on education by margins of 20 percentage points or more.
Although a small plurality still favor charters, the 12 percentage point drop in support, from 51 percent to 39 percent, marked the biggest shift in this year's survey results, released Monday (see full results with survey questions).
In effect, when compared to the end of March 2009 figures above, there was roughly a 6 percentage point total value shift in favor of stock funds and a 1 percentage point shift in favor of bond funds — all away from money market fundIn effect, when compared to the end of March 2009 figures above, there was roughly a 6 percentage point total value shift in favor of stock funds and a 1 percentage point shift in favor of bond funds — all away from money market fundin favor of stock funds and a 1 percentage point shift in favor of bond funds — all away from money market fundin favor of bond funds — all away from money market funds.
Regarding the earlier point on nuclear power - in your opinion why don't a very high percentage of those who are concerned about CO2 damaging the environment favor nuclear power?
For these disputes, the probability of a judge deciding in favor of the party alleging discrimination decreases by about 10 percentage points when the judge is a male.
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