Sentences with phrase «perceptions of others»

This fascinating research on Chinese and American perceptions of each other is long overdue.
It is our responsibility to heal our false perceptions of others and lead from a place of compassion and grace.
Well, it only takes one bad experience to alter your dog's perception of other dogs.
Despite what is known about adult attachment and its influence on trust in others, research to date on attachment in the workplace has largely ignored perceptions of others in this relationship.
In other words, couples who had incorrect perceptions of each other's true feelings were more likely to split than couples who had a finger on their partner's satisfaction levels.
He treats this as a fundamentally dynamic process, and is interested in how basic visual perception of other people may be shaped by stereotypes and biases, prior knowledge, and other aspects of social cognition.
We shall find that modernization has led to a polarization of society, but sometimes, to prevent an escalation of the conflict, we must try to understand the pain and perceptions of the other side.
Projection distorts perception of others, deprives the individual of the power and potential resources of the rejected aspects of the self.
Legal professionals tend to think of a «case» as an individual matter and would generally measure it that way, but the speakers observed that individuals interacting with the justice system tend to think of all interactions with the court system as one experience, so criminal, family law, landlord and tenant, and employment proceedings may all affect perceptions of each other.
«The deposition testimony of Dr. Batchelor indicated that she had determined that the children were affected by parental alienation syndrome («PAS»), a syndrome in which one parent engages in a campaign to break off or minimize a child's contact with the other parent and to shift the child's perception of that other parent in a negative direction.»
Alright, Newton is right for centuries, but you should not rely on perceptions of others to scare you off from adventure, exploration, and trust in people.
Evolutionary psychology attempts to explain useful mental and psychological traits, including perception of others.
I - It means perceiving others as objects, whereas I - thou refers to empathic perceptions of others as subjects.
The human perception of other actual entities is an example of the vector - character of prehensions by all actual entities (PR 177).
It forms a large part of professors» identities, determining their basic cognitive commitments, guild loyalty, career - long agendas and perceptions of other fields.
Also, its time a lot of people, especially whites honestly scrutinize there perceptions of others.
Women who are older and have not lost their virginity or dated can face many challenges, including those misguided perceptions of others.
Aya Chebbi: I think my inspiration is my commitment to change the narrative about Tunisia, Africa and the Middle East through people's stories... to challenge the misrepresentation and misinformation on the mainstream media that eventually shape the incomplete perceptions of others about these regions... to challenge that simply with real stories by offering another definition, logic, image or narrative...
Random assignment into FAST allowed us to estimate the causal effects of the family engagement intervention on parent and teacher perceptions of each other.
Not surprisingly, the young pair's perceptions of each other don't entirely reflect reality; Dash's ex asks if he is in love with the girl writing in the book or the girl he is picturing in his head.
[3] Colescott emphasizes that historical myths and images are derived from white perception of the Other, rather than a reflection of black identity.
A study from the University of British Columbia called «Meat, morals, and masculinity» set itself an interesting task — to investigate «people's perceptions of others who follows omnivorous and vegetarian diets, controlling for the perceived healthiness of the diets in question.»
Contribute to the profitability and guest satisfaction perception of other hotel departments.
The authors were able to demonstrate that perception of other women's assessment of partner's attractiveness uniquely predicted likelihood of orgasm.
The parents may directly feed them information about their evil perception of the other parent or their feelings about their ex may be experienced by their severe body language or facial expressions whenever the other parent's name comes up.
When head is tempered by heart: heart rate variability modulates perception of other - blame reducing anger.
Consequently, long - distance partners who engage in frequent, intimate communication via CMC may form idealized perceptions of each other.
An alternative explanation may be that the parents who are clinically depressed display distorted perception of others» behavior and consequently underestimate their child's abilities or behaviors, resulting in lowered scores (Ritchers, 1992).
This creates neural «ruts in the road» that influence a child's perception of the other parent,» explains Ludmer.
Adding, «[VR] connects humans to other humans in a profound way I've never before seen in any other form of media, and it can change people's perception of each other
I think this just goes to show how powerful visuals are in our perception of others.
The perception of others can help us to see where we are not making clear and honest connections.
If cooperation is to be possible there should be a radical reappraisal on both sides about their perceptions of each other.
The group succeeded in reaching a feeling level, discussing such matters as their perceptions of each other, feelings about having children as this relates to marital intimacy, and the grief experience of one member.
But despite this shared sense of religious devotion, as detailed in a new Pew Research Center report on what US Muslims believe and practice, survey data also show a huge gap in their perceptions of each other.
In light of this, healthy sexuality is allowing my personhood to be shaped by the perceptions of others.
More, Rogers suggests that human sexuality is a form of monasticism, of living in close community, exposing our bodies and personhood to the perceptions of others and allowing those perceptions to affect and shape us.
Williams suggests that this retreat into isolation, removing sex from the perceptions of others, may be the best theological definition of sexual perversion:
Most preachers, of course, are faced with the same pressure of their own perceptions of the meaning of faith, the perception of others, the situation of their hearers, and the demands of their church.
The words of one religion at the same time, have been used to skew and distort the perceptions of others into believing it's bad, or evil, or heresy of some kind.
It is a perception of other people.
Don't let your distaste for Snow color your perceptions of others.
His career had always been defined by the perceptions of others.
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