Sentences with phrase «perfect bridge»

Video conferencing also let you work from the comfort of your home and would be the perfect bridge in case you have to reach out to tier - 2 and tier - 3 regions of the India.
It's the perfect bridge between those heavier dips we usually consume in the winter, and the lighter ones that belong on a spring crudité plate.
Carrot Almond Muffins are the perfect bridge to Fall!
I'd been craving lamb, and Lisa was in a I - want - lasagna - but - we - just - had - lasagna mood, so moussaka seemed like the perfect bridge between our two wants.
The almost bitter caramel layer in the center is the perfect bridge for the crunchy, salty bottom layer and the sweet, chewy top layer.
It is the perfect bridge snack between lunch and dinner.
He's a perfect bridge QB for now until a young guy is ready to go — hes just never going to get you over the hump
It's not officially a major championship, but the depth of the field, the cash, and the familiarity with this TPC Sawgrass course make it a big - time event and a perfect bridge from the Masters to the U.S. Open.
As we discussed several weeks ago, Ljajic is a tremendous, tremendous talent who, while perhaps not 100 % perfect for Rudi Garcia's tactics, may have been the perfect bridge for the post-Totti Roma.
These cute water bottles are the perfect bridge between a little kids» sippy and an adult travel bottle.
The idea was, perhaps unsurprisingly, that natural gas will solve the supply problem of «peak oil» — when global oil production starts to decline — and dramatically cut US emissions of greenhouse gases, making it a perfect bridging fuel to a low - carbon future.
Xiang said, «In many ways, this is the perfect bridge between a technological advancement and an important biological question.
Your copper chargers are the perfect bridge to marry the harvest colors with the pink and rose shades at your table.
They were my perfect bridge between the glam and the rustic feel.
I think it illustrates the perfect bridge between architecture and fashion.
They are the perfect bridge between maternity and nonmaternity!
«She's been the perfect bridge between the film and reality,» Lelio said.
«The RTI at Work ™ framework is the perfect bridge for a school that truly wants to cross over the threshold of learning by chance to learning by design.
«EP was the perfect bridge,» said McInnis.
It is the perfect bridge between my digital and analog worlds.
The Dhandho Way: Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much The distinction between risk and uncertainty is the perfect bridge to what I consider the heart of value investing: the Dhandho - mantra.
Written by Tanya Lee Stone and illustrated by Boris Kulikov the book offered the perfect bridge to the children building their very own colorful and well - balanced mobiles!
Cheng called the Rift «the perfect bridge tool,» explaining that the device produces work that can «live very comfortably in the world of art and the world of games.»
The front and back are clad in curved glass with the metal frame being the perfect bridge between the two.
This letter builds a perfect bridge to the future when her current boss, current HR staff, and current coworkers may or may not still work at her company.
A summary of qualifications can be the perfect bridge between your work history and where you would like to take your career in the future.
They are the perfect bridge from renting to homeownership for first - time buyers.»
Your copper chargers are the perfect bridge to marry the harvest colors with the pink and rose shades at your table.
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