Sentences with phrase «perfect schedule»

No matter how perfect your schedule is when it's released, it will require frequent tweaking to accommodate last minute changes.
For Team Mazurek they are locked into the top of the Standings currently and in what seems to be perfect scheduling they will go toe to toe with the 2012 Defending Champions Team Bartlett in Softball next week!
Rather than focusing on addressing every behavior issue or adhering to a perfect schedule each day, try to hit the important targets and realize that you might have to let some smaller things go each day.
He was eating about every three hours and we had a perfect schedule.
Their babies have perfect schedules and they think I'm nuts because I let my babies set their own schedule.
He wasnt in a perfect schedule until 6.5 months old, but I think a lot of that had to do with inexperience on our part.
With that said, however, there are many tips you can keep in mind to help you figure out the perfect schedule for your needs as well as your child's.
Don't stress about maintaining a perfect schedule.
Perfect kids, perfect schedule, everyone learning and helping and doing.
The perfect schedule, an elimination diet, the right kind of bouncy chair, medication... the possibilities are endless right?!
Anyone who attends film fests knows that, even with a perfect schedule, squeezing in 4 or 5 films in one day is the limit.
We can help you find the perfect schedule to meet your vehicle's needs.
I advise you work with your Vet to find the perfect schedule for feeding your senior, as well as the perfect diet.
Don't strive for the perfect schedule; strive for a realistic one.
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