Sentences with phrase «perfect test»

* As such, he is a near - perfect test case for the different paths the two companies have chosen in their adaptations from page to screen.
In an education system that places so much emphasis on perfect test scores and behavior, it's refreshing that the performing arts typically don't involve set rules.
Sure enough, when I felt the soreness set in later that evening, I knew it would be intense the next day — perfect testing grounds for the magnesium spray.
Most cats are very tolerant to the small lancet that is used to collect the blood sample and, though you may be intimidated initially, most owners indicate that once perfected testing of blood glucose and administration of insulin is much easier than administering oral medications.
Tour de France officials have experience handling doping scandals, but like other agencies, they haven't perfected a test for detecting gene doping — yet.
Erich Battistin, Professor of Economics at QMUL and lead author of the study says the period provides a «perfect test environment» to interrogate an important policy question: can grade inflation change the composition of neighbourhoods?
I've probably missed lots of others but I'm ironically hangover at this very moment, I have been for the past 2 days, perfect testing conditions.
Then he worked for a year perfecting the test on wild sea lions being treated at the Marine Mammal Center for red tide exposure or other problems.
Also I didn't have a perfectly straight pan and they still turned out wonderfully, if anything the caramel closer to the edge was a little more shallow and made for perfect testing pieces...;) * Trolley, Did you ensure your cider was reduced to 1/2 -1 / 3 C?
The stars in a cluster like NGC 3590 are born at around the same time from the same cloud of gas, making these clusters perfect test sites for theories on how stars form and evolve.
We're developing and perfecting a test at Roswell Park that can zero in on those genes.
The Avengers: Infinity War preview arrives on the same day that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 achieved a rare perfect test screening score, the Hollywood Reporter wrote.
The identical twins who earned perfect test scores College entrance exams, the SAT and the ACT, are dreaded but necessary evils for high school students trying to get ahead.
King said schools won't see any results from the field tests because they are intended to help test designers perfect the tests before next year.
Everyone remembers their class valedictorian: perfect grades, perfect test scores and in some cases, perfect hair.
For alcohol conglomerates, Canada is a perfect testing ground for recreational marijuana.
That makes Toronto the perfect test case for Bionym's undertaking, because the Nymi will use the same near - field communications (NFC) technology in currently - available contactless payment options.
Twitter Canada's new managing director on Twitter's place in the media landscape now — and why Canada is the perfect test market
(My three kids — who are consistently loud — contribute to the perfect test environment.)
«Our province is the perfect testing ground for technical apparel — you don't have to go far to find inspiration.»
Because Facebook gives you such specialized information about who your audience is, and what they interact with, it's a perfect testing ground for new ideas, products, services, or other innovations.
Just think, you have the perfect test audience to try your masterpiece out on — your own children!
Because my younger brother is not necessarily «young» anymore, having our friends over who have a 15 month old baby was the perfect test.
Games at Arizona, Utah and Kansas — just part of the Longhorns» torturous schedule — will serve as the perfect testing ground.
Alabama's speed and length was the perfect test.
The beginning of the third quarter offers the perfect test case.
I don't think our team is good enough and this is a perfect test.
The perfect test to see where we are at will be against Liverpool.
But, if you're Wenger and gunning for the Premier League title, this would be a perfect test to kick start the campaign.
Atletico Madrid will face Arsenal, Paris Saint - Germain and Inter Milan in the International Champions Cup this summer and believe it will be the «perfect test» ahead of their 2018 - 19 campaign.
ESPN's Simon Curtis believes the Blues» trip to the Hawthorns provides the perfect test for an out - of - form City.
This will be the ninth edition of the International Champions Cup and it'll be a perfect test for our team during the 2018 - 19 preseason.»
A loan to a lower level top flight club next season would be a perfect test for Capradossi.
With our culture and our nation's emphasis on high academic achievement, the perception that in order to get into college kids need straight As and perfect test scores, increased course work and more complex curricula, teachers are feeling the pressure to cover more material, and to prepare kids for the next grade.
«What I tell my patients is that the mammogram is not a perfect test,» said Nancy Keating, co-author of the report, associate professor of Health Care Policy at HMS and associate professor of medicine at Brigham and Women's.
Mark Stolorow, executive director of one of the largest and oldest genetic testing companies, Orchid Cellmark, says that years of experimentation have perfected testing.
The crying baby dilemma, a frightening wartime drama, was the perfect test.
Because they grew up in relative isolation, the lonely galaxies within voids are a perfect test case for astronomers curious about how galaxies change over time, and what the earliest, primordial galaxies were like.
An object the size of a speck of dust would provide the perfect test.
It was a perfect test case: The «foamy» texture of space - time was expected to slightly alter the speed of light waves as they traveled across such a vast distance.
If you sailed through school with high grades and perfect test scores, you probably did it with traits beyond sheer smarts.
Because H. M.'s damage was surgically precise and his deficit so specific, he was a perfect test case for the emerging science of memory.
«Mercury is the perfect test object for these experiments because it is so sensitive to the gravitational effect and activity of the Sun,» said Antonio Genova, the lead author of the study published in Nature Communications and a Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher working at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
It isn't a perfect test, but if taking 1 tsp of ACV in water helps alleviate heartburn, it may be a sign of inadequate HCL production.
I perfected the test on various athletes and began more intense dietary changes in athletes and after years of collecting quantitative test data, qualitative feedback from athletes, body composition / weight and performance data, I was comfortable enough to begin to introduce the Metabolic Efficiency concept to the world.
Once you cross into self - testing territory, there's no perfect test and much confusion.
This will test all three kinds of testosterone, which means that it is not a perfect test because it does not tell you how much of the testosterone in your blood is readily available for your body to use.
If you take two daily for a 300 mg dosage, you have a 90 day supply, which is the perfect testing period for magnesium.

Phrases with «perfect test»

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