Sentences with phrase «perfect work at»

We've all done less than perfect work at some point in our lives.

Not exact matches

Our schedules are consistently packed, and all of us are looking for that perfect work - life balance because we understand its relevance to our effectiveness and efficiency at work.
Everything looked sparkling clean despite the thousands of people walking around, and surely there's tons of work happening when the park is closed at night to make the park perfect for the next day.
In 2013, I always worked hard to make sure that everything was 100 % perfect, but I know that if I keep growing at a 90 % rate that is 90 % perfect, I will get a lot farther than I did last year.
It's easy to want something to be perfect, but most of the time that's not going to happen, no matter how hard or how long you work at something.
Personal stylists will be doing most of the work at Nordstrom Local, curating outfits for shoppers and trying to ease the stress many face of finding the perfect look.
After all, it's impossible to do a good job at everything — to be a rock star at work, to be a great mom, and to keep the perfect home.
«Now is the perfect time to take a shot» at self - driving cars, says Vogt, who's worked on such projects since he was a teen.
Beijing had worked hard to cultivate «Javanka,» who had seemed at first to be the perfect conduit to the president.
In a perfect world, employees would refrain from conducting their holiday shopping at work, but when your employees see «80 percent Off Everything» promotions advertised across the Internet and in their inbox, it will be nearly impossible to stop the online shopping mayhem unless you address the challenges for your network and employees in advance.
Perfect example: The second time I was looking for a place to live, I told my editor at work that I was apartment hunting.
No one's work is perfect, especially at the beginning.
Eric Abrahamson, a professor of management at Columbia Business School and author of The Perfect Mess, adds that order comes with a cost: «If you stop to tidy up every time something becomes disordered you'll continually interrupt yourself and never get any work done,» he says.
The opposite is true at Maple, a New York restaurant startup that has spent nearly two years working to perfect food delivery.
At three minutes in length, this ad might run a little long, but it beams with slick editing and some hallmark features of web - ready videos: handheld camera work, shallow focus and an emphasis on pitch - perfect music.
I'd then make it my life's mission to get a meeting with an executive at that company to let them know that I'm the perfect person to work for them — even if a position doesn't exist — and I'd work for free until a position opened up.»
While those apps work great for me at first, I've never found the perfect one.
Covering topics like: presenting to the C - Suite, perfecting your pitch, leading with authenticity, these are the trainings you need to excel at work.
In that respect Foxconn is probably the perfect partner to help Google achieve its vision given its history of poor working conditions and suicidal workers at its plants.
This is the perfect complement to the structural policies that governments at all levels in Canada are working to strengthen.
Erica also realized she felt pressure to be perfect at managing money and losing none, since her mother had worked so hard to prove women could do this well.
This is a perfect lifestyle business for stay - at - home parents, college students, or people looking to work from home and cut back on stress.
But the laws are not a perfect solution for professionals, as Emma Plumb writes at 1 Million for Work Flexibility: «In all cases, employers have the right to refuse requests for flexibility on business grounds, and small employers are exempted from the laws in some countries.»
I am not perfect but I never stood at the front of a cult's clubhouse or anywhere else and claimed I was having conversations with and doing the work of some unfounded god.
How it all works and just makes perfect sense when I look around the world and at my life.
The important principle at work here, enunciated best by St. Thomas Aquinas, is that grace does not cancel out nature, but presupposes and perfects it.
John Musick also works at Doug Pagitt Radio, so it makes perfect sense he would try and discredit me.
Consider further that the Book of Life, as it applies to unbelievers, is a record of those who have offered perfect obedience before God and are thus worthy of eternal life when they are judged by God on the basis of their works at the White Throne Judgment (Romans 2:6 - 16, Romans 10:4, Galatians 3:10 - 12, Revelations 20:11 - 15), none of whose names will actually be found in the Book of Life and will therefore be condemned (Matthew 19:16 - 22).
«Therefore the Church gives thanks for each and every woman: for mothers, for sisters, for wives; for women consecrated to God in virginity; for women dedicated to the many human beings who await the gratuitous love of another person; for women who watch over the human persons in the family, which is the fundamental sign of the human community; for women who work professionally, and who at times are burdened by a great social responsibility; for «perfect» women and for «weak» women - for all women as they have come forth from the heart of God in all the beauty and richness of their femininity; as they have been embraced by his eternal love; as, together with men, they are pilgrims on this earth, which is the temporal «homeland» of all people and is transformed sometimesinto a «valley of tears»; as they assume, together with men, a common responsibility for the destiny of humanity according to daily necessities and according to that definitive destiny which the human family has in God himself, in the bosom of the ineffable Trinity.»
We can know that whether we are right or wrong, whether we are living with pure motives or impure, God is at work through even our most imperfect decisions and actions to fulfill his perfect purposes.
But if in the world of reality a man were to infer that it followed by itself and followed at once, that a work he had not completed (the imperfect) became complete (the perfect)-- he surely would be crazy.
She is the Mystical Body of Christ; at the same time a visible society instituted with hierarchical organs, and a spiritual community; the Church on earth, the pilgrim People of God here below, and the Church filled with heavenly blessings; the germ and the first fruits of the Kingdom of God, through which the work and the sufferings of Redemption are continued throughout human history, and which looks for its perfect accomplishment beyond time in glory.
An event occurs that could not have been performed by any of the natural agents at work in the world: for example, a man at the point of death is restored in a moment to perfect health.
You see, within this relationship, I wasn't relating so much as I was performing, working so hard at presenting the perfect, most ideal version of myself.
At this point a number of traditionalists reacted to the new demands for freedom, characterizing them as the work of the devil, and in some cases urging withdrawal into communities of the perfected saints to preserve a «saving remnant» from God «s wrath as the world came to an end.
Fr.Holloway's was a mind constantly at work, and he was continually revising and perfecting his arguments.
Whether something is proposed for belief, for hope or for action, the love of Our Lord must always be made accessible, so that anyone can see that all the works of perfect Christian virtue spring from love and have no other objective and to arrive at love.
And I've seen some women with a career feel like they don't measure up to the standard of the «perfect moms» whose parties look like a Pinterest post, even while they're earning a bonus at work.
Similarly, the minister who elicits trust in healing prayer isn't the one promising perfect results, but the one who acts as a guide through the thicket of the spiritual world — urging and helping others to accept their responsibility to work as partners with Jesus Christ, who respectfully and lovingly stands at the door and knocks, but waits for us to open.
Jesus died in order to save us from perishing when this material world perishes at the coming of the fullness of the church, but His death did not make us spiritually perfect, only working out our own salvation as Paul says, will do that.)
I love how tasty these balls / bars are and how they are the perfect energy boost, whether for a workout or during an afternoon slump at work.
Experimenting with my cocktails came at the perfect time, as the past 6 weeks have been ridiculously stressful both at home and at work.
It works well with a regular mixing bowl and a wooden spoon too We cooked them at 180 °C and it was perfect.
I've found that 25 - 30 minutes at 375 ° for a small - medium squash works just about perfect for me.
* currently he's working on perfecting the rice they serve at the Mexican restaurant, if you've got any tips for him send them my way *
I've made this recipe 3X now for product demos at my work for a new braising pan I designed and it's PERFECT for showing off the benefits of a braiser.
When the microbes have done their work at the bio-refinery, Perfect Day's dairy proteins - which have the same organoleptic properties as their animal - based counterparts - are harvested via a mechanical process and can be used in everything from ice cream to fluid milk, protein powders and shakes, yogurt, pizza and any other product containing dairy proteins, said Pandya.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and the countless attempts at getting the recipe's perfect.
Perfect way to impress vegan - style at family gatherings and work potlucks.
It's the perfect easy snack to keep at my desk while working, on road trips and to share with friends.
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