Sentences with phrase «perfectly valid ways»

Both are perfectly valid ways to send music to your Amazon Music cloud storage.
These are both perfectly valid ways to run a design business.
There are many perfectly valid ways to meditate with (and for!)
All of these and more are perfectly valid ways to use it, but each requires a different approach if it's to succeed.
I mean, it's a perfectly valid way to save money and help the environment, but what would our parents and friends say?
While this is a perfectly valid way to potentially access these cards, we still don't recommend it because those cards also offer poor value.
What gets my goat is that this is a perfectly valid way of reducing the uncertainty in outcomes, which I thought was the purpose of this blog!

Not exact matches

Admitting that other cultures and religions have their own perfectly valid set of ethics in no way diminishes your own.
So, a perfectly valid human vow of dedication can be used in an irresponsible way which breaks a far more basic commandment of God.
Breast - feeding is a perfectly valid choice, and I would never stand in the way of any woman who wanted to nurse.
In this way, having no position is having a position, which is a perfectly valid and often overlooked stance to have as a trader.
Both ways are perfectly valid, as long as they are executed properly.
I think this is a perfectly valid reason to recommend the game, too, especially as it comes at a budget price and isn't actually bad in any other way.
For instance, I think current GCMs are perfectly valid for scientific uses (basic knowledge creation), but have a ways to go before they can provide useful support to many of the currently popular policy prescriptions.
We're going to have a great podcast about what to do with those feelings, which may be perfectly valid, but I think there's the additional option that you've alluded to which is maybe you just need to change the way that you practice law so that it's better for you, better for clients.
There's lots of ways a family can look, and a loving home created by one parent is a perfectly valid one.
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