Sentences with phrase «perform less repetitions»

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Weight lifted x maximum repetitions performed x 0.0333 + weight lifted = estimated 1RM For accuracy, try to max out using 10 reps or less.
As a general rule, limit your repetitions to less than 20 and perform two to three sets of two to three exercises twice a week.
With all the exercises in the book you want to use weight that allows you to perform those repetitions and no more or less.
As you get stronger, you will use less weight to perform your repetitions.
Unless your goal is specifically to build up muscular endurance, you should be performing sets of eight repetitions or less when training the compound lifts.
Leaving aside the last paragraph about the difficulty of performing higher repetitions in a set of Front Squats and working around that dilemma by doing more sets of lesser repetitions, there is no magical formula or special consideration about the number of sets to choose for a Front Squat as to any other exercise.
A possible solution we use for this dilemma is to do more sets with lesser repetitions or performing cluster sets.
Therefore, the data indicates that maintaining power output can be achieved by utilizing longer rest periods, or performing less work (fewer repetitions) per set.
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