Sentences with phrase «perform lumbar extension»

You can also perform lumbar extension while seated on a lumbar machine that provides variable resistance.

Not exact matches

But even more, performing it regularly will help you correct your body positioning and fix a number of form issues, such as over-rowing and excessive range of motion, overstretching, excessive lumbar extension and excessive momentum, thereby eliminating back pain and increasing the effectiveness of your rowing and lifting performance.
The prone trunk extension (superman) exercise is an effective exercise and displays very high levels of erector spinae muscle activity when performed with maximum lumbar extension.
Moreside et al. (10) discovered that subjects did not use passive gains in hip extension when tested performing a lunge and instead tried to gain the motion with other body segments such as lumbar extension.
Assessing the effects of upper or lower body movement, Kim et al. (2015) explored erector spinae muscle activity during isometric hip extension exercises performed with either the upper or lower body moving and with either neutral or maximal lumbar and hip extension.
This short post will show you the proper and safe way to perform machine lumbar extension using perfect technique in order to get the most benefit from this rather inconvenient lower back exercise.
single - leg back extensions (performed as a hip - hinge exercise rather than as an erector / lumbar extension)
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