Sentences with phrase «to perform other functions»

Features evolved for one reason can, by virtue of their structure, perform other functions as well.
They may be expected to receive and process invoices, make checks ready and perform other functions such as managing filing functions and even handling petty cash.
Though the basic utility of makeup foundation cream is to act as a base layer for additional cosmetics to be used, it can also perform other functions.
Nevertheless, one might argue that eventually a computer will be constructed that does perform other functions besides arithmetic ones.
Volunteers can perform other functions including selling tickets, greeting guests and helping with crafts.
This does not mean that those staff may not perform other functions at other times.
They also perform other functions that contribute to the growth of a company as may be required by management.
It shall perform other functions necessary or delegated to it to promote prompt and efficient administration of justice.
Analytical and highly reliable with significant background in conducting analyses, evaluating risks, and performing other functions related to the provision of insurance coverage.
The reason for this is because if you don't have enough energy (calories) your body will need to use the energy to perform other functions throughout your body which take a higher priority to building muscle.
LearnPlatform performs other functions too, including measuring the impact of ed tech tools on student outcomes.
These devices are intended to assist passengers with a disability to hear, see, communicate, maneuver, or perform other functions of daily life.
Buick's IntelliLink infotainment system is enhanced to include text - message support, which can read text messages aloud and perform other functions for customers with compatible smartphones.
Specifically, California Constitution Article VI, § 6 (d), which provides the authority of the Judicial Council to promulgate the Rules of Court, states that the «council shall... adopt rules for court administration, practice and procedure, and perform other functions prescribed by statute.
Similar to the iPhone 5s, the Galaxy S5 features a fingerprint sensor that can be used to unlock the handset and perform other functions on the device.
The Kroger courtesy clerk is also expected to perform other functions asides the traditional tasks of a bagger mentioned above.
The pharm tech performs other functions such as recording all pharmacy transactions and keeping cash registers up - to - date (see References 1 and 3).
Regulations can be made to allow PBCs to charge a fee for costs they incur when performing other functions.
Additionally, users can perform other functions such as toggling silent and vibrate, taking a screenshot or turning off the screen.
to perform any other function relating to native title rights and interests as directed by the common law holders;
Perform other functions as requested by the Research Pharmacist...
The versatile ointment also performs other functions, such as healing drool rash, dry or chapped hands, and minor cuts and scrapes.
Too much exposure over a short time can damage the body enough to limit its ability to fix itself, fight infection, and perform other functions, leading to a dangerous condition called acute radiation sickness or syndrome.
As these examples of typical ideas of the ministry all indicate, a clear - cut conception always includes not only an understanding of what the most important work of the ministry is but also the recognition that it must perform other functions.
The subcommittees will not examine applicants at the department head level or perform any other functions.
Hyunhyub Ko and colleagues explain that electronic skins are flexible, film - like devices designed to detect pressure, read brain activity, monitor heart rate or perform other functions.
Sugars, and the lectins that attach to them, seem to play a key role in how cells «talk» to one another, call for help, and perform other functions.
Delts — Abbreviation for deltoids, the large triangular muscles of the shoulder that raise the arm away from the body and perform other functions.
When the immune system is running smoothly, it digests food, supports mental clarity, promotes nutrient absorption, balances hormones, and performs other functions.
We have natural narcotics (opioids) in our bodies called endorphins which also regulate pain and perform other functions.
While L - glutamine is used to make proteins and perform other functions, D - glutamine appears to be relatively unimportant in living organisms (3, 4).
The NAV is OK to use, the voice activation commands work best for making bluetooth phone calls but using it to NAV or perform other functions is mediocre.
Along the right, is the menu button which takes you to the main menu of the e-book reader and allows you to perform other functions.
Apparently the device will be able to take calls, sms» and will show weather and perform other functions.
Free, or low cost, apps (applications) are usually available from the «app store» associated with each particular phone or tablet computer, and from the internet for desktop and laptop computers, which will enable you to read our TEXT files and HTML files, while at the same time allowing you to bookmark pages, change the font size of the words and perform other functions to enhance the reading experience.
They also order appraisals, take your application, and perform other functions.
It goes into the development of various tissues, as well as performing other functions.
Section 176 criminalizes assaulting, threatening or obstructing a «clergyman or minister» from «celebrating divine service or performing any other function in connection with his calling».
They also monitor legal updates and perform other functions.
That section defines the term «computer system» as «a device that, or a group of interconnected or related devices one or more of which, (a) contains computer programs or other data, and (b) pursuant to computer programs (i) performs logic and control, and (ii) may perform any other function
In being able to get to their policy information via the Internet, consumers can make payments, view their premium information, see their policy details, update their mailing address and other contact information, as well as perform other functions.
In response to all of this, various software developers have built workarounds that effectively allow the Galaxy S8's Bixby button to open other apps and perform other functions.
Although the key is dedicated to music and can be used for accessing and playing music directly, one can customise it to launch different apps and perform other functions, too.
For a while, there were a few apps floating around that allowed users to remap the Bixby button to open Google Assistant or perform other functions, which seemed like a great temporary fix for users wanting that extra button to be a little more functional.
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