Sentences with phrase «performing decile»

Some bosses might emulate executives like Jack Welch — whose infamous policy of regularly firing the lowest - performing decile of his workforce had workers scrambling — but others might not even realize they're doing it.
The problem with the approach is that the lowest price - to - book value deciles — that is, the cheapest and therefore best performed deciles — are uninvestable.
A market capitalization of $ 2 million — the cheapest and best - performed decile — is uninvestable.
The best performed decile is Decile 1, which had a maximum market capitalization of $ 2 million in 2005 (and is likely to be of a similar size now).
I guess to tie it all together, based on this and some of your prior posts, what is the market cap range of the best performing deciles on a price / book basis?

Not exact matches

We tested the decile approach and the joint approach in Quantitative Value, substituting better performing value metrics and found different results.
Manuel, would a high - performing district have almost half its schools in the lower API deciles?
If all of these roadblocks are there, how can the top decile perform so well — if all of there students scored so well in the first place, they wouldn't have had the ability to raise their scores so much.
But it was a different story in the well - regarded Unionville - Chadds Ford School District, which took heat from top - performing students and their parents when it eliminated its decile ranking system — in which seniors are grouped in the 10th, 20th, 30th, etc., percentiles, — starting this year.
They found that low price - to - book value stocks out perform, and in rank order (the cheapest decile outperforms the next cheapest decile and so on).
Calculating BMDEV for the 3500 or so existing funds during that period, ranking them by decile within peer group, and then assessing subsequent bear market performance provides an encouraging result... funds with the lowest bear market deviation (BMDEV) well out - performed funds with the highest bear market deviation, as depicted below.
We tested the decile approach and the joint approach in Quantitative Value, substituting better performing value metrics and found different results.
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