Sentences with phrase «perhaps even the students»

Be prepared to watch some of their students struggle — perhaps even the students who typically do best academically.

Not exact matches

So it is not surprising that the UK Labour Party proposal in the 2017 election to remove future student debt loads, and even perhaps to cancel prior student debts, was so popular, above all with the young.
And so in terms of financial repression, perhaps the one key sector that we need to look at is student loan debt because so many millennials are carrying student loan debt, and you know a small student loan debt is like $ 25,000 - $ 30,000 if someone can escape with a bachelor's diploma and only have $ 30,000 in debt they're considered to have done quite well, but when you think about it that's a pretty large debt for somebody who doesn't even have a full - time job yet.
All the hoopla about online chat aside, there might be some opportunities for enlivening discourse among seminary students and faculty, within congregations, across denominations and perhaps even between different Christian groups around the world, Here's a cosmic thesis: the most interactive technologies, and the most dialogic uses of technologies, offer the greatest potential for both evangelism and community.
More basically, I have learned since 1965, often from my own students, that we can no longer read the Bible without recognizing that it comes to us already severely tampered with, expurgated, and perhaps even edited with an eye to perpetuating the authority of men.
There are serious students of Whitehead who are persuaded that the closing sections on God in Process and Reality are inconsistent with his previous writing and thinking, and surely no one, perhaps not even Whitehead himself, could have foreseen on the basis of his previous work the doctrine of God which here emerges.
When they lower the giant segments of the Maryland flag over top of the student section at games it is not done to hide the students from public view, or to separate them (perhaps even segregate or secede them) from the other patrons in attendance.
The eventual goal, says Gulley, is to use student feedback to refine the program so that it can be used more widely — perhaps even through computer software for teachers and students.
There was a time, perhaps even a decade ago, when student participation at conferences, national meetings, and workshops was rare.
The journal is designed to provide students from grades 7 to 12 with an opportunity to communicate their school - based science and technology experiences with other students across the province of Ontario and perhaps even the country, as well as an opportunity to test their writing skills and their artwork.
Older graduate students can tell you what your wild card has (allegedly) done in previous exams and perhaps even pass on some of your Joker's favorite questions.
«What's important is that we figure out how lower - income Chinese students have avoided nearsightedness so we can use those same strategies to prevent more childhood myopia cases across Asia and perhaps even the world.»
Sure, positive selection is the cool kid on the block, but I think it would be very instructive, and perhaps even more convincing to also introduce purifying selection (because, hey, there are a lot of sequence / functions / features conserved across any chosen clade), and the awesomeness that is neutral evolution (because otherwise we're training students to look for zebras see function everywhere they look).
Although the word «Rextravaganza» may conjure images of an east coast music festival, or perhaps even a conference for dinosaur enthusiasts, the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) Rextravaganza series is actually an open forum for undergraduate and graduate students to practice scientific presentations at the CSNE and gain some exposure for their research in a supportive environment.
Through a regular yoga practice and this continued awareness, yoga students with scoliosis might find that it gradually becomes natural for them to stand taller, and perhaps even notice that they are breathing easier and moving with less pain.
Hannah's journey from graduate student to substitute grade - school teacher is laughable; Marnie's awkward partnership with new boyfriend Desi (Ebon Moss - Bachrach) is even more groan - worthy than her past relationships; Jessa is still a complete waste of space; and Shoshanna (perhaps the most realistic of the group) is vastly underutilized.
This unit is designed for students aged 11 - 14, but could be used with older or perhaps even younger students.
... But elements of the flipped classroom, where you're just identifying things in your teaching and learning practices in the classroom... perhaps maths is a great example even in primary school, where a lot of students just require a particular maths example to be explained over and over and over, using different examples.
Most online students start out feeling overwhelmed — perhaps even in week one of your course.
I thought that if my classroom even hinted that some students were off task, I would never be a successful teacher, and perhaps told to leave the teaching profession.
Thus, disparate impact doctrine, which is supposed to help minority groups, will, once again, inflict punishment on minority students, who will be forced to learn from teachers who demonstrate lower levels of literacy or who perhaps even lack basic knowledge — just one more reason the Supreme Court should have sent disparate impact to the dustbin of legal history.
This is a perfect time for cognitive psychologists, educators, and perhaps even game and software developers to join forces in rapid - cycle experimentation to explore whether and how schools can broadly and permanently raise students» fluid cognitive skills.
But perhaps in order to make some big initiatives yield bigger benefits, educators need to look more often at simple ideas that have proven to help, even if for just one student or one school at any given time.
Perhaps this will continue into the future, in which case typing will continue to be an important skill for students to develop even if their own everyday recreational writing takes place mainly through dictation.
But perhaps more important, most students will not leave their school even if there is another school that is presumably better, by NCLB's definition, and that is accessible.
Students can collaborate on how to best present their information, what to include, and perhaps even a target audience.
Not surprisingly, perhaps, board members who are or were educators (27 percent of the total surveyed) believe that funding is a barrier and that the focus on student achievement is misplaced; these beliefs were held «regardless of the actual level of funding in the district,» «regardless of the actual teacher salaries» in the district, and «even after controlling for the type of student population that the district serves and the actual rigor of academic standards» in the district.
Students (well, those whose schools were fortunate enough to have computer labs) would learn simple computer languages like BASIC and PASCAL, and perhaps even begin to understand concepts like Boolean logic.
Let parents and students know where to find the podcast online, perhaps linking to your podcast from your school's site or even just posting it there.
Students are told to solve either the even or the odd problems, or perhaps some other combination.
A betting man might wager a considerable sum that this group of students will be tired, unresponsive, and perhaps even resentful; that the teacher will succumb to their attitudes and the great stress in her own life; that the class will be a bomb.
Thus, perhaps the greatest concern is not even the new Snapshots» favoring qualitative measures over student achievement, but Tweed's capacity to gather meaningful, high - quality data even on the things it prizes.
Lee says Aim High became data driven in part to help show impact to be able to raise the millions of dollars it takes each year to provide free services for students, but perhaps even more importantly to help drive improvement.
Monday Chant Tuesday Chant Wednesday Chant Thursday Chant Friday Chant Gum Chant Happy Chant No Homework Chant All Here Chant Absent Student Chant Elegantly Dressed student chant Before A Test Chant After An Absence Late to Class Chant Good for wall decorations, bulletin boards, students» notebooks (perhaps shrunk down), signs, or even enlarged for pStudent Chant Elegantly Dressed student chant Before A Test Chant After An Absence Late to Class Chant Good for wall decorations, bulletin boards, students» notebooks (perhaps shrunk down), signs, or even enlarged for pstudent chant Before A Test Chant After An Absence Late to Class Chant Good for wall decorations, bulletin boards, students» notebooks (perhaps shrunk down), signs, or even enlarged for posters.
The sayings (chants) include: Monday Chant Tuesday Chant Wednesday Chant Thursday Chant Friday Chant Gum Chant Alegría Chant Homework Chant All Here Chant Absent Student Chant Elegantly Dressed student chant Before A Test Chant After An Absence Late to Class Chant Speak Spanish in class chant (for after English speaking offense) Good for wall decorations, bulletin boards, students» notebook (perhaps shrunk down), signs, or even enlarged for pStudent Chant Elegantly Dressed student chant Before A Test Chant After An Absence Late to Class Chant Speak Spanish in class chant (for after English speaking offense) Good for wall decorations, bulletin boards, students» notebook (perhaps shrunk down), signs, or even enlarged for pstudent chant Before A Test Chant After An Absence Late to Class Chant Speak Spanish in class chant (for after English speaking offense) Good for wall decorations, bulletin boards, students» notebook (perhaps shrunk down), signs, or even enlarged for posters.
Perhaps even now, in this industry, it is more important to choose the proper solution which will be adopted by teachers / instructors and students / employees.
Perhaps even more important than the impact of social networking on the classroom, however is the impact that the classroom can have on social networking, by teaching students how to be responsible «digital citizens» online.
Schools and universities have an even greater challenge to ensure that the facilities available are robust enough to withstand perhaps boisterous usage by hundreds of students every day.
We hope to surprise students, and perhaps even teachers, with new ideas about the play as well as explore the range of interpretive possibilities it offers.»
But it is not hard to see that such a right, were it extended to private schools, could provide a constitutional excuse for the decision to exclude certain teachers or perhaps even certain students.
Often, we create these ideas such as «critical thinker» and «ethical global citizen,» perhaps even in the form of a transfer goal, but we have no way of knowing if our students are making progress towards these goals.
In the Fall issue of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, a scholar argues that the level of teacher collaboration in a school — what she refers to as a school's «social capital» — can be a powerful factor in boosting student achievement, perhaps even more powerful than individual teachers» abilities.
So even in the most extraordinary academic environments, disadvantaged students may need many years to draw even with their peers (and perhaps longer to meet a high college - ready bar).
Holding schools accountable for student performance is complicated technically and, perhaps even more so, politically.
Perhaps even more common (particularly for White teachers in poorer, often urban areas) is treating our students as inspiration or poverty porn when talking to other White people.
In this situation, it seems likely that there are fundamental social, resource, and perhaps leadership issues affecting student engagement and performance in schools, such that significant improvement without changes in those fundamental conditions is unlikely, even through curricular and instructional improvements informed by detailed analyses of assessment data.
It should not come as surprise that even after the extraordinarily ambitious school finance reform legislation is fully implemented, in some — and perhaps even in many — districts the quality of a student's education will still be dependent on where a child is born, and on the wealth of his or her parents.
Literacy Footprints has opened the door to literacy for many in Gembu, but perhaps even greater, is the impact it has had on the self - esteem of the students.
«Specialist units that help schools to strongly challenge bullying around LGBT issues and support teachers with supporting students are a great idea... perhaps even a few centres where some vulnerable students can spend some of their curriculum time, on a temporary basis, to support them back in to mainstream school.
So which is better, a great teacher who explains things clearly, perhaps even with wit and humor, or a legendary teacher who takes a more Socratic approach and masterfully guides students to their own conclusions?
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