Sentences with phrase «perhaps in a state of shock»

Not exact matches

The arrests ordered by Connecticut authorities are likely to be merely the first of a number that will send shock waves through Florida, Rhode Island and Nevada, where betting on jai alai is also legal, and perhaps put a fatal crimp in the sport's plans to invade Delaware, Louisiana, Maryland and about a dozen other states and two Canadian provinces.
This in itself perhaps isn't massively shocking given the state of Assassin's Creed: Unity at launch, but what is surprising is what the revamp aims to do: «The game is going for a Witcher feel, with player progression, freeform combat system.
With all the proposed and actual US budget cuts aimed at gutting the EPA and NOAA's efforts to monitor the state of our climate, it's worth pointing out even if it's perhaps obvious that the record (and growing) levels of income inequality in the United States, as well as the fact that a shocking number of huge corporations pay lower taxes than actual people, that both of these are more than social and economic issues.
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