Sentences with phrase «perhaps time for a rethink»

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I have been (as the old blues lyric goes) «fixin'to die» now for more than two years... and perhaps have had too much time on my hands to think and rethink the whole thing.»
Perhaps it is time to rethink the «Rushdie Affair» beyond the hysterics that still define it for irate Muslims as much as outraged liberals.
College awareness services, for example, may need to be redefined when student counts drop, perhaps by rethinking delivery, or relying on part - time staff, but the program doesn't go away.
Perhaps it is time to rethink our paradigm for supporting poor families.
Certainly we are gaining commitments and financial support from many different stakeholders (including the cruise lines) to this process but perhaps the most profound effect of this project is getting everyone to rethink business as usual and instead consider what it is that they can do to change certain aspects of their own business to create a better experience for the tourist, the local host community and at the same time help protect some of the World's most special places.
Perhaps it is time for legislators to rethink this situation and acknowledge the grim reality that exists for some accused persons: while the vast majority of Crown prosecutors are honourable and fair - minded in the exercise of their quasi-judicial discretion, sometimes, albeit very rarely, Crowns do go rogue.
If that's not your immediate thought when you think about your pals in conjunction with your job search, perhaps it's time for a rethink.
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