Sentences with phrase «period chosen»

So we have new funds that, in effect, guarantee the exhaustion of your assets in whatever time period you choose.
It is normally purchased with a level premium for the entire term period chosen by the applicant.
They can guarantee that your death benefit and the premium will remain level for whatever period you choose.
The longer the guaranteed level term period you choose the more expensive the policy.
However, there are options available for paying down mortgage debt more quickly than the original amortization period chosen.
Please, bear in mind that you'll pay the full amount for the entire period you choose immediately — there is no free trial in prepaid plan promotions.
In a word, the longer the validity period you choose, the more price privileges you will get.
We spent one whole class period choosing a science project and collecting the supplies and materials we needed for it.
Of course, this will mean a benefit for you depending on the repayment period you choose.
A loans calculator is usually an online tool which quickly calculates how much you'll pay in total depending on the interest rate and loan period you choose.
The problem with the impression method is it really only gives you an idea based on the time period you choose and the percentage of how popular the keyword might be.
Term policies pay out a death benefit only if you die within the term period you choose — typically five to 30 years.
The time period chosen for a dependency analysis must reflect the facts of the case: Oxford Mutual, at para. 26.
Under Immediate Annuity Plans, a lump sum is paid by the policyholder and the annuity payments start immediately from the next period chosen.
The full amount payable for the subscription period chosen is charged upon acquisition of the Premium Membership.
My 2 books are for 3.99 and during promotions period I choose the gradual system of.99 1.99 2.99 during a week time.Do you think that extending this promotion scheme to longer time - 2 weeks of even a month would be beneficial?
A simple and powerful protection solution, Brighthouse Guaranteed Level Term was designed to provide predictability, with level premiums and coverage amounts guaranteed to stay the same for the level premium period you choose — 10, 15, 20, or 301 years.
The lock period you choose will depend on how long the loan process is anticipated to take and the desired closing date you discuss with your Mortgage Loan Originator.
What rebalance period you choose and the when can have a huge impact on your results.
got creative and sent out an e-solicitation with links to the camera, had a «guess the number of puppies» contest, and let the highest donors in a one - week period choose their names.
If you're quick to catch this deal, you could pay only $ 60 for your first three years (for example) and then, only $ 66 for the next contract period you choose up to twenty more years!
Why was that time period chosen as a focus for the fortieth anniversary?
This is the time period chosen when the 2 datasets overlap and when the temperature can be calibrated against tree ring growth.
Fiscal Year: A repeating twelve - month period chosen by a business for accounting purposes.
Coverage for multi-trip travel insurance is basically huge, as you are paying more and the policy will cover you for all the trips you do, within the time period you choose while buying the plan.
c) Period of premium payment — single, limited period or regular period Choosing the period of premium payment completely depends on the individual's capacity and commitment to pay for that period.
The insured's premiums remain level throughout the term period you choose, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.
The ratio of SWE to precipitation for various time periods (Figure 3 and Figure 4) illustrates that regardless of time period chosen or stations utilized the ratio is declining.
The fun thing is that you will learn which days get the most traffic over any time period you choose.
Several of the biggest performers during the period they chose were «Zero Dark Thirty», «Fifty Shades of Grey», three Twilight movies, «Alice in Wonderland», a Sherlock Holmes movie... all directed or written or both by women.
More than that, adult non-fiction sales are rising faster or falling slower — depending on the time period chosen.
I wanted to take a historical event and turn it into a legend, in the sense of making something iconic and resonant, and when I discovered that the NYPD was founded in 1845, my time period chose itself.
I slogged through, but the more I learn about the history of the period he chose for his diversion, the worse the books fall apart.
The Returns Calculator gives you an answer by calculating fund returns for the period chosen by you.
Technicians differ on the time periods they choose to analyze but as a simple exercise, let's take a look at the chart below which portrays the 20 day moving average of the S&P 500 during a particular point in time (and which may not at all be reflective of the index today).
So the odds of losing even half of your investment in the stock market (using whatever period you choose to measure) is very low.
The period chosen for comparison is from Sept 20, 2011 to May 30, 2015.
Split can help you pay off the purchase over a time period you choose.
DRB's terms are the standard 5 -, 10 -, 15, and 20 - year plans to extend your payments over the time period you choose, but a 7 - year loan term is also available.
If the retiree dies before the end of the period chosen, the designated beneficiary will receive the same monthly benefit for the rest of the period.
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