Sentences with phrase «period of drought»

Together with floods, long periods of drought lead to significant economic losses in agriculture, transport, energy, water management, health and activity of households.
Background colors represent periods of drought (white), variable to dry conditions (grey), variable to wet conditions (light blue) and wet conditions (blue).
Several surveys have suggested that highly diverse plant communities are more resistant than species - poor ones, changing less from their normal state during periods of drought — and recovering more rapidly afterwards.
It has been forecast that climate change will lead to extended periods of drought stress in this century, especially during summer (Lindner et al. 2010).
A NOAA study published in October 2011 showed that there was strong evidence that the recent prolonged period of drought in the Mediterranean littoral area, including the Middle East, is linked to climate change.
«Even though California historically has periods of dry and wet years, there isn't an analog for climate extremes like the ones we've observed in recent years, such as those record - breaking prolonged periods of drought following by periods of intense precipitation pulses that cause flooding,» Woodburn said.
Extended periods of drought stress can have profound, negative effects on tree vitality and forest productivity (Ciais et al. 2005, Hanewinkel et al. 2013, Williams et al. 2013).
When it rains it pours... nitrogen pollution into rural waterways especially after periods of drought.
Enhanced resilience to future periods of drought stress may also be supported by improvements in present rain - fed farming systems through:
For his PhD, Sil Lanckriet is studying climatic fluctuations in Ethiopia over the past centuries, as well as their impact on periods of drought and processes of soil erosion.
The institute has already started producing routine forecasts that have, for example, successfully predicted periods of drought in East Africa.
There is a clear link between periods of drought in the North Ethiopian Highlands and oceanic phases of El Niño, the Indian Ocean Dipole and the Southwestern Monsoons.
Prior studies on the canyon's environment suggest that water management techniques used by the Ancestral Puebloans during periods of drought eventually resulted in toxic levels of salinity (salt) in the water.
How well tropical trees weather periods of drought depends on the carbohydrates stored, as revealed by a novel experiment conducted by an international team of researchers headed by ecologists from the University of Zurich in contribution to the University Research Priority Program on «Global Change and Biodiversity.»
The lake's stable water level makes it doubly important during periods of drought which reduce levels in other East African lakes.
It is possible that extensive periods of drought severely affected the Mayaís ability to provide enough food for a populace that far exceeds the population of Belize today.
Scientists agree that the effects of climate change will include more sporadic and irregular precipitation, with longer periods of drought separated by more intense rainfall; and increasing average temperatures.
Alessandra Giannini of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University says that historical accounts of how centres of political power moved throughout the region over the millennia are consistent with periodic periods of drought.
However, during extended periods of drought hydrologists assume the low river flow that persists must be largely attributed to supplies from deeper aquifers.
Higher concentrations of the slightly heavier — and therefore harder to evaporate — 18O indicate periods of drought.
Who would have thought that an extremely long and harsh period of drought and crop failures would lead (in part) to civil unrest and war?
Recurrent periods of drought are a common feature of North American climate, often the result of colder than normal sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the eastern tropical Pacific (so - called La Niña conditions).
However, like many regions around the world, the Bolivian highlands are in a multi-year period of drought.
Europe plunged into any icy phase and the Middle East cooled and entered a protracted period of drought — causing Middle Eastern and North African societies to collapse and unleashing a wave of «climate refugees» to Europe and Asia.
Most important, the city will be able to play a significant part in warding off the predicted ravages of climate change: searing heat waves; long periods of drought punctuated by destructive storms; the spread of pests and diseases.
The first one in the mid-1300s was the most sustained period of drought in the region over the last eight centuries.
They tolerate periods of drought, and they are reliably hardy in areas that freeze during winter.
It is expected to trigger more extremes of weather, from higher rainfall to more intense storms and floods and more periods of drought, particularly in the Prairies.
See how or unique habitat and the fascinating wildlife that lives in it, have evolved over many years to withstand long periods of drought and wildfire.
Abatzoglou said prolonged periods of drought and low humidity, the «ingredients» for a wildfire, have become more common in recent years, a trend that is likely to persist.
Enhanced resilience to future periods of drought stress may also be supported by improvements in existing rain - fed farming systems (Rockström, 2003), such as water - harvesting systems to supplement irrigation practices in semi-arid farming systems («more crop per drop» strategies, see Table 9.2).
«Rainfall often affects food availability, and cooperatively breeding mammals appear better able to cope with the uncertainties of food availability during periods of drought,» said Lukas, from Cambridge's Department of Zoology.
These peppers can be grown without difficulty in all hot countries where the soil is moderately rich (silicious clay is the best) and which are not liable to prolonged periods of drought.
During periods of drought, aquatic ecosystems can be severely degraded by algal blooms.
They found that during periods of drought, wetlands held nine times as much water during years when beavers were present than when the animals were absent due to trapping.
Later, when the young seedlings were put back into water, they didn't trust the newfound abundance and behaved as if they were ready for another period of drought: The pores on their leaves remained partially closed, limiting drinking, but also limiting moisture loss in case of another dry spell.
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