Sentences with phrase «period of record»

This was the smallest spring snow cover extent in the 49 - year period of record.
After an extended period of record advances and low volatility, global stock markets encountered their share of challenges in early 2018.
That's the longest drought in our reliable period of records, dating back to 1850.
Ingest of Reanalysis - 2 data at NCEI stopped with a complete, fixed period of record of 01Jan1979 through 30Sep2005.
panel cautions that trends in such short periods of record with arbitrary start and end points are not necessarily representative of how the atmosphere is changing in response to long - term human - induced changes in atmospheric composition.
In addition, for the Yellowstone at Billings, when recent years (1980 - 2015) are compared to the entire period of record (1929 - 2015), the relationship between high spring temperatures and low August flows (not pictured in Figure 3 - 22) is strengthened, a finding consistent with literature suggesting that recent warming is exacerbating low summer flows (Hay et al. 2011; Leppi et al. 2012; Huntington and Niswonger 2012).
Incorporated in Table A are the average daily maximums for Death Valley region stations for the hot periods investigated and graphed in Part 4 (Historic Heat Waves), during the Greenland Ranch period of record from 1911 to 1960.
They say the Fed's easy - money policies, including huge bond purchases and a seven - year period of record low rates, had diminishing effect over time and subjected the nation to side effects that could lead to serious problems in the future.
The release should specifically identify the medical provider, the medical conditions of issue, and the time period of records sought, otherwise the insurance adjuster can use the Release to get any of your medical records, even those that are not related to your injuries.
Hurricane Harvey racked up total damage costs of $ 125 billion, second only to Hurricane Katrina in the 38 - year period of record keeping for billion - dollar disasters.
David Jones, an author of several books on the Fed, is among analysts who say the Fed may actually be pleased that the stock market has retreated after a prolonged period of record highs that had raised fears of a dangerous asset bubble that could burst and derail the economy.
There were 34 total fatalities, but before the December outbreak was on track to beat the 15 deaths that were reported in 1986 to become the lowest annual tornado - related fatality count in the 1950 - present period of record.
Although station coverage varies spatially and temporally, there are adequate stations with decadal and century periods of record at local, regional, and global scales.
A source hierarchy has been established which prioritizes datasets that have better data provenance, extensive metadata, and long, consistent periods of record.
Before this season, the latest 1 - inch (3 cm) snowfall occurred on January 27, 1944 (period of record 1885 - 2015).
And in recent years, Alaska has experienced periods of record warm temperatures, owing in part to reduced sea ice.
The departures are based against averages for the stations» period of record through 1930, if available.
Despite the increasing number of record highs, there will still be occasional periods of record cold, Meehl notes.
In the popular press, reports have spanned the range from a recovery from the recent period of record minimum extents, to predictions of a new record minimum this summer.
In addition, I compared the yearly temperatures averaged across three different periods of record (PORs): 1895 - 1980, 1981 - 2010, and 2011 - 2016.
Woodland Hills Pierce College, California: Period of record monthly climate summary.
This was the second warmest year in the 121 - year period of record for the CONUS.
«Twenty eight years is a pretty short period of record, and yet we are seeing statistically significant trends in different wildfire variables — it is striking,» said Max Moritz, a co-author of the study and a fire specialist at the University of California - Berkeley Cooperative Extension.
While some places were cooler this year than in recent summers, they may have still been above average over the entire period of record, as warming trends in recent decades may make what is an above average year seem like a relatively cool summer.
«Our comparison of «raw» modeled and observed trends (Figure 6F) does not involve removal of ENSO and volcanic effects from observations alone, and is not restricted to a single period of record.
After an extended period of record - low interest rates, the Bank of Canada should reverse some monetary stimulus and begin raising interest rates, according to economist Paul Masson.
Hence, the data sparseness during the early period of record is the major source of underlying uncertainty in the surface temperature estimates.
The leading SLP EOF shows some variation in pattern and amplitude across the individual ensemble members, even though the statistics are based on such a long period of record (1920 — 2012).
The Dow Jones industrial average briefly plunged nearly 1,600 points Monday as two days of steep losses for U.S. stocks brought an end to a period of record - setting calm in the market.
And much of 2014 was spent in a period of record calm for forex, further entreating traders to look elsewhere.
After an extended period of record - high stock prices and record - low volatility, the current dip offers an opportunity to:
It is in every industry, every level of every government, every religion, and in every period of recorded history!
Two days of steep losses have erased the market's gains from the start of this year and ended a period of record - setting calm for stocks.
NEW YORK (WBEN / AP)-- The Dow Jones industrial average briefly plunged nearly 1,600 points Monday as two days of steep losses for U.S. stocks brought an end to a period of record - setting calm in the market.
«We rely on the period of record.
In that period of record, you're going to find drought periods and wet periods,» LaBonde said.
The June 2013 globally - averaged temperature across ocean surfaces was the 10th highest in the 134 - year period of record, at 0.48 °C (0.86 °F) above the 20th century average.
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