Sentences with phrase «period of several days»

Most times, an adjustment period of several days is needed for any Foster Lab - after all, the Lab has probably been through some emotional or even physical trauma.
For gauging price momentum in the very short - term (a period of several days), we have found the 5 and 10 - day moving averages work very well.
If over a period of several days or weeks we were to read the Gospels through as many times as we could, consistent with sensible rest and relaxation, that alone would enable us to see Jesus with a clarity that can make the full transition into discipleship possible.
This performance went on over a period of several days, and Paul got tired of it.
I made it last year for my birthday and frankly ate the entire cake (over the period of several days... don't judge) since no one else really likes it here at our home.
Because it is a closed system, it produces a safer and cleaner product over a period of several days.
As noted above, these symptoms may be mild or severe and life threatening; they could appear immediately or over a period of several days; and they may vary in response based on mild, moderate, and large quantities of milk intake.
To prevent full blown allergic reactions to citrus fruits, you should introduce them gradually in the diet with small amounts given over a period of several days.
The Kuggie Vallee Distinguished Lecturer will give a public lecture about her own science and, over a period of several days, will meet more informally or in workshops with other faculty at the host institute to talk about women in science and career building.
Kefir does get strong both in taste as well as therapeutic value over a period of several days.
Summary: Nine male and three female competitive runners (VO2 max 68.7 + / -5.8 mLO2 / kg / min) ran four 10 km time trials on a track over a period of several days.
Turmeric Extract: A turmeric supplement made with an extraction process using alcohol over a period of several days is also called a tincture.
Bones and marrow — not to mention skin, feet, ligaments, and tendons — that could not be directly eaten were boiled and simmered over a period of several days.
The initial amount, 20 ml per day, was increased over a period of several days to a maximum of 100 ml per day.
Continue the activity above by using the wind scale to measure wind speed over a period of several days or weeks.
When doing a Kindle Countdown, you can discount your book to $ 0.99 or $ 1.99 (or other price point depending on your regular price) for the entire 7 days, or you can set the price to gradually go back up over a period of several days.
The new way to get visibility is to grow your sales over a period of several days by promoting them across many places and outlets, spreading out the impact of high traffic and large sales.
There is no numerically specific definition of a stock market crash but the term commonly applies to steep double - digit percentage losses in a stock market index over a period of several days.
When introducing a new food, gradually add it to the hamster's regular food over a period of several days.
Getting every homemade puppy food recipe perfectly balanced is difficult but you can overcome this by creating a few different meals and rotating them over a period of several days.
Over a period of several days, slowly move the preferred scratching surfaces to their more aesthetically pleasing locations in your home.
Because prescription diets designed for dogs with cancer have a high fat content, you should introduce the food gradually over a period of several days, rather than just change your dog's food.
Food changes should always be carried out gradually over a period of several days.
One such technique is to soak the pads each day in a 50 percent propylene - glycol solution over a period of several days.
Don't let this task daunt you, it isn't that hard, just do a little at a time, over a period of several days, until you have the effect you desire.
If seizures are recurring over a period of several days, anticonvulsants might be prescribed for a period of 1 to 2 weeks after the initial seizure.
Changing cat food should be done over a period of several days.
We are willing to work with you over a period of several days or weeks to get them into the clinic for sterilization.
If you want to switch foods, do it gradually over a period of several days by mixing a larger proportion of the new food into the old each day.
Over a period of several days if no vomiting is evidenced, your dog should be able to return to his regular diet without any ill effects.
Antibiotics are often prescribed and sometimes may need to be instilled into the sacs over a period of several days.
I wanted to mention that on Wikipedia, there was a recommendation to drain these swellings or place a drain tube and allow them to continuously drain over a period of several days to weeks.
Choosing to fly into Wellington, Queenstown or Christchurch and then travel to Auckland over a period of several days from Sydney allows for more adventure for the same or less spent on airfare for the hop over.
The most dedicated mileage junkies will take long flights from the airport to the airport over a period of several days.
Both programs are highly intensive with the participants staying on site for a period of several days.
Continuous surveillance evidence over a period of several days can greatly assist defence counsel to either build its case, or justify early settlement.
You can opt to complete the course in one sitting or choose to spread it out over a period of several days.
Some users finish the course all in one shot, while others divide it over a period of several days.
Even though the course can be taken over a period of several days, we always caution users to complete the course by their traffic court due date.
Most of our users divide the time up over a period of several days.
You can opt to finish the course in one sitting or stretch it out over a period of several days.
Some finish in one sitting, while others opt to take the course over a period of several days.
You can also choose to complete the course in one day or over a period of several days.
Many of our clients finish the test in one sitting of eight hours, and others opt to complete it at their own pace over a period of several days.
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