Sentences with phrase «period of the contract»

However, if a withdrawal is taken during the surrender period of the contract, a surrender charge is applied.
After a two - year period of contract negotiations with both Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil, Arsene Wenger has finally admitted that Alexis will NOT be extending his contract with Arsenal, although he still believes that Ozil could sign on the dotted line before the end of the season.
The consulting contract entitles authors or publishers to conference calls (phone or Skype), emails, etc., answering whatever questions you have; whatever advice you require, full marketing and / or business plans, etc — in short, you get one of the creators of the electronic publishing market «on staff», to pick his brain, as much as you want, specific to your needs, for the entire period of the contract.
Despite this, the judgment certainly provides an incentive to parties who are in dispute to re-examine their contracts for any suspensive conditions which may have been triggered, or which have the potential to be triggered, before the expiry of the original period of the contract.
Incidentally, under most «Pay or Play provisions, the employer retains the right to resume using the employee's services at a future date during the agreed period of the contract, if it again needs those services.
The contract is exclusive and the translated work (s) can not be distributed in print or audio during the 5 - year period of the contract, even though those formats are not currently offered by Babelcube.
This contract must be for a minimum of three months and include specific clauses on social security, income tax and the period of the contract.
During the period of my contract I have to achieve a number of objectives.
The union didn't recoup the 4 percent raise that had been rescinded the year before; instead it won raises of 2 to 3 percent per year (or an average of a 17.6 percent pay raise over the period of the contract) on top of the traditional «step - and - lane» raises for experience and degrees.
The settling publishers can also negotiate one - year contracts that «prevent e-book retailers from cumulatively selling that Settling Defendant's e-books at a loss over the period of the contract
If the insured dies during the «contestability» period of the contract, usually the first two years of the contract's life, payment may be delayed as the insurance company checks the application to make sure there were no inaccuracies, whether intentional or inadvertent.
The gallery sold 40 works by Mehretu during the period of the contract, and only one was offered first to Lehmann.
However, it should be noted that whether the non-availability of the employee amounts to a frustrating event or not depends on numerous factors, including the period of the contract overall, the period of absence and the position of the employee.
As in any contract, customer and insurer have their share of obligations to fulfil during the period of contract.
I clearly explained to the buyers that the agreement meant they could not work with another REALTOR ® during the period of the contract, and they agreed.
I strongly advocate with my people that they get a contract, even if it's only for three days, because the contract says that if you buy during the period of the contract, you have to make sure my office gets paid.
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