Sentences with phrase «permafrost areas»

"Permafrost areas" refers to regions of the Earth's surface where the ground remains permanently frozen, even during warmer seasons. Full definition
So are you claiming that you know of some proxy data that indicates that local temperatures specifically over major permafrost areas were higher some time in the past than they are today?
Larry Hinzman, a permafrost hydrologist at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks and director of the International Arctic Research Center, says that such craters could become more common in permafrost areas as the region heats up.
Experiments with warmed permafrost areas have so far been lacking, but now the true situation can be calculated.
A high percentage of the world's peat mosses are found in northern permafrost areas, where only the top ground layer thaws in summer, if at all.
Kohnert: «Therefore permafrost areas vulnerable to thawing warrant much more attention.»
They took peat cores from formerly permafrost areas and conducted radiocarbon studies.
Wang W, Rinke A, Moore JC, Cui X, Ji D, Li Q, Zhang N, Wang C, Zhang S, Lawrence DM, McGuire AD, Zhang W, Delire C, Koven C, Saito K, MacDougall A, Burke E, Decharme B (2016a) Diagnostic and model dependent uncertainty of simulated Tibetan permafrost area.
About 25 % of the land mass of the Northern Hemisphere is underlain by permafrost, including large regions of Canada, China, Russia and Alaska, with smaller permafrost areas in mountain chains of many other countries in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere (Brown et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 1999).
A 2007 paper published by the University of Colorado at Boulder's Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research indicated that the more delicate, warm permafrost areas are more affected by the climate warming because their natural balance has been upset by the construction's disturbance of the land.
Multi-resistant genes have actually been found in 30,000 - year - old DNA samples taken in permafrost areas.
And the news would seem to get worse: UNEP says the permafrost area surrounding the nearby Qinghai — Tibet Highway decreased some 36 percent in size in the 20 years leading up to 1995, the period for which data were recorded.
This is actually the first time that domes such as these have been found outside of the permafrost areas.
The study suggests that permafrost is more susceptible to global warming that previously thought, as stabilising the climate at 2ºC above pre-industrial levels would lead to thawing of more than 40 % of today's permafrost areas.
This corresponds to over 40 % of today's permafrost area, leaving just over 8m square kilometres intact.
According to the study, permafrost appears to be more susceptible to global warming than previously thought, as stabilising the climate at 2ºC above pre-industrial levels would lead to the thawing of more than 40 % of today's permafrost areas.
«One major concern about wildfires becoming more frequent in permafrost areas is the potential to put the vast amounts of carbon stored there at increased risk of being emitted and further amplify warming,» said Todd Sanford, a climate scientist at Climate Central and lead author of the group's newly released report on Alaskan wildfires, by e-mail.
About 20 % of all permafrost areas on earth are peat - based, but when a peat area thaws, bacterial go to work, and it releases five times as much carbon into the air as mineral - based soils.
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